If True, There Are Some Seriously Disoriented Folk Running This Country


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[Banning the WWII Vets from viewing their memorials is kid stuff compared to this and apparently par for the course for this traitorous, treasonous Administration. There are some seriously sick M'F'ers running this government.

If true, the guys who promulgated these rules of engagement deserve to be hung from the same gallows the Lincoln Assassination plotters were hung from.]

"If the fact that the Obama Administration has blocked aging veterans from visiting the World War II memorial and denied death gratuity benefits for fallen warriors doesn’t seem to indicate contempt for our military, how about this most recent story?

Army First Lieutenant Clint Lorance, a 28-year-old combat leader in the 82d Airborne Division from Celeste, Texas was recently found guilty of two counts of murder in Afghanistan and sentenced to 20 years in Ft. Leavenworth.

The story of First Lieutenant Lorance has not been covered by a single major media source.

In July 2012, Lorance was ordered to take command of a platoon in the southern Afghanistan province of Kandahar, a region where I also spent two and a half years training and advising the Afghan National Army. The platoon Lorance now commanded had lost its previous leader to enemy attack.

During a patrol in enemy territory, Lorance ordered a marksman to engage two unarmed Taliban fighters on a motorcycle operating as scout spotters."

OUTRAGEOUS! U.S. Army Lieutenant Sentenced To 20 Years In Ft. Leavenworth For Killing Taliban Scouts Helping To Set Up Ambush of His Platoon? | Weasel Zippers
[But perhaps this is deliberate, creating an army that will inevitably fail to defend the country against foreign enemies but is still capable of subduing the populace at home keeping in mind that once Adolph Hitler got the German Army to swear allegiance to him personally rather than to the German State, as before, WWII and the Holocaust were inevitable].

"Let's start with a hypothetical. Let's say you were a hard-left-wing commander in chief who wanted the military firmly in your corner. You'd certainly note that our armed forces have been a bastion of conservatism and Christian faith, and you'd know that its members generally weren't very fond of you. So how would you go about changing this?

Some years ago I met a very young, all-American looking white fellow who had just exited the military. His reason was that he hadn't been advanced the way he believed he should have been, and he wasn't going to remain in the armed forces if it provided no future. Now, one interpretation here is that he was a millennial with an inflated opinion of himself (he didn't strike me that way, though). Yet there is another interpretation.

The Obama administration has given affirmative action in the military a dose of steroids, promoting minorities and women -- and, I believe, homosexuals and lesbians -- at the expense of white men. By the way, is this yet another reason why Obama wanted homosexuals to be able to serve openly? After all, you can't target them for special treatment if you don't know who they are.

But the point is this: if I were that hypothetical hard-left-wing leader, I'd know that one way to change the military's political climate is the same way you do it in the nation at large.

Demographic manipulation.

White men generally vote Republican, white military men even more so, and white military men who are practicing Christians, well, that's a recipe for a left-behind left. Minorities, women, atheists and the LGBT* crowd, however, are reliable liberal constituencies. So what would I do if I were that hard leftist?

I'd create a military climate friendly toward groups that are my constituencies and hostile toward those that aren't."

Articles: Is Obama Creating a Martial-law-ready Military?
The people who shut it down, the TeaPs, don't get to bitch about it being closed.
He violated the law, and 2 innocent civilians were killed due to his orders.

There is no evidence they were "Taliban scouts".

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