Europe, more than Putin, must shoulder the blame for the energy crisis

I know what potential energy means. I'll just wait for you to post evidence for your claim.
You've only been running away for three months. You'll post it soon. LOL!

You were the one who hysterically use the word ā€œcollapsedā€ into the sun and earth because of gravity.

Hysterically? You're projecting again.

You don't think the solar system was formed by the collapse of a cloud of gas and dust?
How was it formed? Feel free to post your theory.
Keep talking. Youā€™re doing fine sounding like an idiot.
I know what potential energy means. I'll just wait for you to post evidence for your claim.
You've only been running away for three months. You'll post it soon. LOL!

You were the one who hysterically use the word ā€œcollapsedā€ into the sun and earth because of gravity.

Hysterically? You're projecting again.

You don't think the solar system was formed by the collapse of a cloud of gas and dust?
How was it formed? Feel free to post your theory.
And it was magic that caused all this ā€œ collapseā€....that what youā€™re telling us ?
whatever. europe is not evil. putin is evil. i blame putin for everything
Mama cat abandons kittens
It is Putin's dirty mittens!

No erection in my bolt
Obviously, Putin's fault!

Not my fault, that I'm a dolt
Blame the anti Putin's cult
Magic? Like "The potential energy from uranium came from the gravitational energy of the sun"?

Thatā€™s what you said...gravity causes the ā€œcollapseā€ what ever that means. Just because you donā€™t know what potential energy is, doesnā€™t qualify you to make any judgement on any statement that contains the phrase. Youā€™re an idiot to keep trying.
If renewables are cheaper, why do they pay triple?
Is it because you're stupid?
Youā€™re the stupid one. You canā€™t even look up why the cost of energy is that much greater. Biden must be doing a great job. Are you arguing that Germany should go back to coal and continue buying nat gad from Russia ?
Thatā€™s what you said...gravity causes the ā€œcollapseā€ what ever that means. Just because you donā€™t know what potential energy is, doesnā€™t qualify you to make any judgement on any statement that contains the phrase. Youā€™re an idiot to keep trying.

Thatā€™s what you said...gravity causes the ā€œcollapseā€ what ever that means.

Gravity causes what collapse?
Youā€™re the stupid one. You canā€™t even look up why the cost of energy is that much greater. Biden must be doing a great job. Are you arguing that Germany should go back to coal and continue buying nat gad from Russia ?

Why is German energy triple what ours cost the last few years?

It must be all the cheap German renewables.

Yes, Germany should burn more coal and reopen their nuke plants.
Then they'd be less reliant on Russia. They should have listened to Trump.
Why is German energy triple what ours cost the last few years?

It must be all the cheap German renewables.

Yes, Germany should burn more coal and reopen their nuke plants.
Then they'd be less reliant on Russia. They should have listened to Trump.
Listen to Trump ? You mean the guy who thinks we didnā€™t need a vaccine for covid and should look into ingesting industrial cleaner and radiating our insides ? How about suggesting we nuke hurricanes ?
Trump and you have lots of insane ideas. Heā€™s responsible for covid.....right ?
How is his idiocy making things more expensive? Fuckin' look around. Moron.
You keep saying weā€™re three times less expensive then Germany. I didnā€™t know that Biden was president of the world.
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