If Trump Becomes President - What Will Bernie Say?

Don't fuck it up, Bernie. So far it sounds like one of your stump speeches.
bernie is a fucking hypocrite....for 6 months the guy has been telling everyone what a bought off not trustworthy piece of shit hillary is and she should not be trusted to be the President.....now she is ok.....i guess some how she has changed.....i hope his "people" riot like they are at a Grand Funk Railroad Concert back in the day.....he probably can relate to that...
Where are all the Bernie disciples today?
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OP doesn't realize that his candidate is SERIOUSLY flawed

1. It isn't my fault.

2. I shouldn't have trashed Hillary so harshly during the Primary.

3. I should have lined up behind Hillary sooner and been more aggressive in getting my supporters to do likewise.

4. I should have been a better "Democrat" instead of a "Socialist".

5. I shouldn't have run as a Democrat.

6. I shouldn't have run at all.

7. I should have been smart enough to know that America isn't ready for such a heavy dose of socialism.

8. I'm sorry.

9. I fucked up.

10. I was an old socialist asshole looking for 15 minutes of fame.

11. All the above.

What socialist legislation has Bernie ever got passed - in Vermont or the U.S. Senate?

:lmao: So, you actually believe it was Bernie's fault? Yep; Hillary likes to blame everyone but herself also.
Bernie would say: All you people looking for "free education", already got one from Donald Trump.

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