If whites were shooting whites in Chicago, you can bet Democrats in charge would be doing something


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
If whites were shooting whites in Chicago, you can bet the Democrats in charge of that city would be doing something about it.

But because it's blacks shooting blacks, the Democrats stand idly by.

Democrats are the true racists, you might even call them murderers, because they allow black people to die and do nothing about it.

But you can't expect the party that deliberately murders unborn babies to care about black people.
All the democrats care about is money and votes.
If whites were shooting whites in Chicago, you can bet the Democrats in charge of that city would be doing something about it.

But because it's blacks shooting blacks, the Democrats stand idly by.

Democrats are the true racists, you might even call them murderers, because they allow black people to die and do nothing about it.

But you can't expect the party that deliberately murders unborn babies to care about black people.
Why do Republicans keep worrying about Chicago? What about all the poor in Appalachia? What about white on white crime.


White on White Crime: An Unspoken Tragedy | The Huffington Post
Oh my! The huffingpuffington post again. A bastion of pretend facts and real imbeciles.
If whites were shooting whites in Chicago, you can bet the Democrats in charge of that city would be doing something about it.

But because it's blacks shooting blacks, the Democrats stand idly by.

Democrats are the true racists, you might even call them murderers, because they allow black people to die and do nothing about it.

But you can't expect the party that deliberately murders unborn babies to care about black people.

Dear Blackrook

In Houston, as long as the Mayors were Democrats
then Black or White they were rewarded with political and public support
for funding corporate developer interests in abusing tax money to destroy a national
historic district that -- guess what -- was a landmark to FREED SLAVE and Civil Rights history!

Only DEMOCRATS can get away with that.
Including destroying historic Black churches!

The local business leader yelling about racism is a Black Republican
and FEMALE, so of course, nobody listens to her. Only Black Democrats
and Black MALE church ministers who scream racism if it suits liberal agenda.

No big outcry in the media. Just local protests that can't outweigh
the influence of corporate developers who decide who gets to run and stay in office....
Democrats hate America and by extension, hate white people.
No they wouldn't, killing off the whites kinda fits their agenda.

Dear Trump.Stamped
What I think you are saying
* it's okay for Whites to kill off other Whites
* it's okay for Blacks to kill off other Blacks

but for people who DEFINE "racism" to be SPECIFICALLY about "White/European power dominance and bias over institutions"
then by this DEFINITION, the Whites are the source of the power imbalance, and all the other people are "minority interests" subject to that.
So anything in REACTION to the White Power structure and set up, is blamed on the original imbalance attributed to WHITES being the dominant class.
(so any oppression of Whites on Blacks, Natives, Latinos is blamed on Whites as racist; but anything in response such as attacking hating or blaming Whites is called reaction to racism -- BY PEOPLE WHO DEFINE RACISM TO BE BASED ON WHITES AS THE DEFAULT POWER BASE.)

The equivalent in the spiritual lineage of Jews Christians and Muslims is that the JEWS hold the position of ELDERS or leaders by "God's design",
and everyone else is subject to that. So people blame the Jews for usurping and exerting "all the control" and dominating the other tribes.

NOTE: What I find really striking, is how ASIANS are viewed with mixed reactions.
Because SOME people group ASIANS in with the WHITE POWER CLASS, so they don't
see ASIAN slaves as oppressed victims to the degree that Black slaves were, where the resentment between the Blacks and Whites is more pronounced because of that history of Black slavery in the founding of America. And with Asian racism, that is not viewed or responded to the same as White oppression. Very interesting how people see these differently!
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Blackrook has moved from posting daily bigoted rants against gay people to posting daily bigoted rants against black people.

Someday, he will find who is really responsible for his miserable lot in life. I hope it's not too late.
Blackrook has moved from posting daily bigoted rants against gay people to posting daily bigoted rants against black people.

Someday, he will find who is really responsible for his miserable lot in life. I hope it's not too late.

It certainly couldn't be his fault that he's a bitter and unemployable misanthrope.
Blackrook has moved from posting daily bigoted rants against gay people to posting daily bigoted rants against black people.

Someday, he will find who is really responsible for his miserable lot in life. I hope it's not too late.

It certainly couldn't be his fault that he's a bitter and unemployable misanthrope.

Well....if you believe him....he's a practicing lawyer.....and has overcome his financial struggles. His miserable life has to do with the fact that his family hates his guts.
No they wouldn't, killing off the whites kinda fits their agenda.

Dear Trump.Stamped
What I think you are saying
* it's okay for Whites to kill off other Whites
* it's okay for Blacks to kill off other Blacks

but for people who DEFINE "racism" to be SPECIFICALLY about "White/European power dominance and bias over institutions"
then by this DEFINITION, the Whites are the source of the power imbalance, and all the other people are "minority interests" subject to that.
So anything in REACTION to the White Power structure and set up, is blamed on the original imbalance attributed to WHITES being the dominant class.
(so any oppression of Whites on Blacks, Natives, Latinos is blamed on Whites as racist; but anything in response such as attacking hating or blaming Whites is called reaction to racism -- BY PEOPLE WHO DEFINE RACISM TO BE BASED ON WHITES AS THE DEFAULT POWER BASE.)

The equivalent in the spiritual lineage of Jews Christians and Muslims is that the JEWS hold the position of ELDERS or leaders by "God's design",
and everyone else is subject to that. So people blame the Jews for usurping and exerting "all the control" and dominating the other tribes.

NOTE: What I find really striking, is how ASIANS are viewed with mixed reactions.
Because SOME people group ASIANS in with the WHITE POWER CLASS, so they don't
see ASIAN slaves as oppressed victims to the degree that Black slaves were, where the resentment between the Blacks and Whites is more pronounced because of that history of Black slavery in the founding of America. And with Asian racism, that is not viewed or responded to the same as White oppression. Very interesting how people see these differently!

Holy shit I think you read into that a little too much....
If whites were shooting whites in Chicago, you can bet the Democrats in charge of that city would be doing something about it.

But because it's blacks shooting blacks, the Democrats stand idly by.

Democrats are the true racists, you might even call them murderers, because they allow black people to die and do nothing about it.

But you can't expect the party that deliberately murders unborn babies to care about black people.

Well, there's whites, and white trash. To which are you referring?
Blacks shooting each other in Chicago aren't innocent victims.

If whites behaved like this, I'd say the same thing I say about these precious Democrat "children."

  1. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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