If you could ask John Boehner a few questions, what would they be???


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
I have no reservations in saying so, John Boehner is not a real man, he is a pathetic coward. He has turned the logo of the elephant which represents the Republican party, to the cowardly lion. Let me be clear, I absolutely HATE Nazi Pelosi, but I do respect her in the fact that she was relentless in pushing her America-hating agenda through. I look at John Boehner and see nothing but an spineless coward who only takes one position, which is bending over and letting Democrats repeatedly kick him the ass as hard as they can. So that leads me to this, if you could ask Boehner a few questions, what would they be? Here would be my questions for John Boehner, the most pathetic excuse ever for speaker of the house:

John, you have such a masculine, big booming, commanding voice, can you please explain to me how it is possible for you to have this kind of voice considering you have no balls?

John, how hard is it for you to sit down given the fact that you repeatedly bend over and let Democrats repeaatedly kick you in the ass as hard as they can?

These would be the two questions I would ask the cowardly lion, aka, Crybaby Boehner.

Just one, actually:

John, how hard is it for you to sit down given the fact that you repeatedly bend over and let TPM nitwits and radical rightwing loons repeatedly kick you in the ass as hard as they can?
Speaker Boehner if there were no Senate which/what three legislative issues would you mobilize?
I think Representative Boehner is one of the best human beings on this planet, and he's up against the quite determined Hillary Clinton corruption team.

They feed nonsense to the press, give passes to criminal legislators as if they hadn't been convicted of bribery crimes (Alcee Hastings) and sully the name of Republicans.

I've been a Republican since 1971. It doesn't matter who represents us, the Press is determined to scorch the earth for Republicans, rewrite history, and confuse good people on this issue.

They are not going to confuse me. I've got quite a notebook of their calumnies that pan out to be false charges 7 years later when the liberal court agrees to hear it, long after the innocent victim has been maligned. What stays is the history of lying and bullshit.

This is just one more outrage of someone hating a good guy, and I'm putting its author on ignore..
I would ask him if he values his job. If he does, he will continue to obstruct obama's policies. After all, obama wasn't the only one reelected. So was John Boehner.
Can you make a deal with the President and deliver your caucus this time? If not, have you considered resigning?
I think Representative Boehner is one of the best human beings on this planet, and he's up against the quite determined Hillary Clinton corruption team.

They feed nonsense to the press, give passes to criminal legislators as if they hadn't been convicted of bribery crimes (Alcee Hastings) and sully the name of Republicans.

I've been a Republican since 1971. It doesn't matter who represents us, the Press is determined to scorch the earth for Republicans, rewrite history, and confuse good people on this issue.

They are not going to confuse me. I've got quite a notebook of their calumnies that pan out to be false charges 7 years later when the liberal court agrees to hear it, long after the innocent victim has been maligned. What stays is the history of lying and bullshit.

This is just one more outrage of someone hating a good guy, and I'm putting its author on ignore..

The "liberal press" took pretty good care of Reagan's reputation. This was after over 130 felony convictions in his administration. Also the press forgets or forgives Iran Contra , the facilitation of weapons to Iran. If the press was so liberal they would be hammering on this to this day. Did Reagan know what was going on? "I can't remember", he said. I believe he never knew too much about anything that was going on when he was president. but he's a legacy now.. Even Obama refers to Reagan positively a whole lot for someone that the kooks think is a Marxist.
And on the Obama subject, how many times can the kooks that call him a Marxist or socialist come up with the times Obama has quoted LBJ or FDR?
So you've been a Republican since 1971. No problems with Watergate, Iran Contra, and Bush and company not finding WMD's which led to a costly, unneeded war in which hundreds of thousands have died?

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