If you followed Republican logic, would sex predators who never did the deed go free?

In other words, no link. Got it.
I suppose I could post a link, but I won't be able to make you sentient.
Or more obvious. You don't have one.
What exactly, do you want me to link to, Dweeb? The fact that there is a dossier full of unsubstantiated bullshit is common knowledge.
Holy Tardation Batman. If it's so common, let's have a link.

How about Wikipedia. Donald Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia
Oh wow. This is the best part:

The dossier was produced as part of opposition research during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The research was initially funded by Republicans who did not want Trump to be the Republican Party nominee for president.

To the question posed in the thread's title, is someone who never sexually assaults anyone a sex predator? Think that one over a bit.
Actually, that's not it at all.

The person actually set up the act but were stopped. Not because they stopped themselves. Get it?
I suppose I could post a link, but I won't be able to make you sentient.
Or more obvious. You don't have one.
What exactly, do you want me to link to, Dweeb? The fact that there is a dossier full of unsubstantiated bullshit is common knowledge.
Holy Tardation Batman. If it's so common, let's have a link.

How about Wikipedia. Donald Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia
Oh wow. This is the best part:

The dossier was produced as part of opposition research during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The research was initially funded by Republicans who did not want Trump to be the Republican Party nominee for president.


So keep reading it. The Republicans stopped funding it when Trump won the Nomination and Democrats took over the funding. Then the British Spy was hired. Then the British Spy did it pro bono. Read it all. Truth is close, and yours to grab.
I suppose I could post a link, but I won't be able to make you sentient.
Or more obvious. You don't have one.
What exactly, do you want me to link to, Dweeb? The fact that there is a dossier full of unsubstantiated bullshit is common knowledge.
Holy Tardation Batman. If it's so common, let's have a link.

How about Wikipedia. Donald Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia
Oh wow. This is the best part:

The dossier was produced as part of opposition research during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The research was initially funded by Republicans who did not want Trump to be the Republican Party nominee for president.

And the dossier was completed and released while later being funded by Democrats. Conveniently forgot that part, didn't you? I really shouldn't expect intellectual honesty from a man without intellect.
salon.com featured an article symathetic to a supposedly non offending pedophile. last I checked neither theeir staff or their readership are majority repub.
Or more obvious. You don't have one.
What exactly, do you want me to link to, Dweeb? The fact that there is a dossier full of unsubstantiated bullshit is common knowledge.
Holy Tardation Batman. If it's so common, let's have a link.

How about Wikipedia. Donald Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia
Oh wow. This is the best part:

The dossier was produced as part of opposition research during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The research was initially funded by Republicans who did not want Trump to be the Republican Party nominee for president.

And the dossier was completed and released while later being funded by Democrats. Conveniently forgot that part, didn't you? I really shouldn't expect intellectual honesty from a man without intellect.
Lyin' again. Who are you? Lyin' Ted.

Not DemocratSSSSS. But an unnamed and unknown Democrat CLIENT. In other words,probably a misleading Republican. They do that.
To the question posed in the thread's title, is someone who never sexually assaults anyone a sex predator? Think that one over a bit.
Someone who fantasizes about having sex with minors but never makes the attempt because he controls his urges through fantasy and doesn't act on them.
Exactly. Is such a person a sexual predator? I say no, thus the thread title is meaningless.
To the question posed in the thread's title, is someone who never sexually assaults anyone a sex predator? Think that one over a bit.
Actually, that's not it at all.

The person actually set up the act but were stopped. Not because they stopped themselves. Get it?
The title specified that the person never did the deed. I say someone who never actually does anything is not a predator. We're not talking about a Bubba Clinton here, we're talking about someone who recognizes that certain things they may want to do are not acceptable and thus do not do them.
To the question posed in the thread's title, is someone who never sexually assaults anyone a sex predator? Think that one over a bit.
Actually, that's not it at all.

The person actually set up the act but were stopped. Not because they stopped themselves. Get it?
The title specified that the person never did the deed. I say someone who never actually does anything is not a predator. We're not talking about a Bubba Clinton here, we're talking about someone who recognizes that certain things they may want to do are not acceptable and thus do not do them.
Think of it this way. Trump tries to grab a pu$$y but the woman slaps his hand away and didn't connect. So because he was stopped, it didn't count? Is that really your argument? He tried, but since he failed, it didn't count?

Remember, there used to be a show where men would try to hook up with underage girls or boys and when the predator showed up, they would be arrested?

How is that different than setting up a meeting trying to commit conspiracy with the Russians to attack the foundation of our political system?

Obviously, it's not sex. But it is a conspiracy to do something illegal. Well, something Democrats feel is illegal.
It's not clear to me whether Republicans feel any of this is illegal.
Conspiracy to commit what crime?
To the question posed in the thread's title, is someone who never sexually assaults anyone a sex predator? Think that one over a bit.
Actually, that's not it at all.

The person actually set up the act but were stopped. Not because they stopped themselves. Get it?
The title specified that the person never did the deed. I say someone who never actually does anything is not a predator. We're not talking about a Bubba Clinton here, we're talking about someone who recognizes that certain things they may want to do are not acceptable and thus do not do them.
Think of it this way. Trump tries to grab a pu$$y but the woman slaps his hand away and didn't connect. So because he was stopped, it didn't count? Is that really your argument? He tried, but since he failed, it didn't count?
At what point does it become incitement? We've been hearing that voices on the radio and vague pictures are too blame for liberal violence. If someone has never been a predator, are not those who enable and encourage them also responsible?
To the question posed in the thread's title, is someone who never sexually assaults anyone a sex predator? Think that one over a bit.
Actually, that's not it at all.

The person actually set up the act but were stopped. Not because they stopped themselves. Get it?
The title specified that the person never did the deed. I say someone who never actually does anything is not a predator. We're not talking about a Bubba Clinton here, we're talking about someone who recognizes that certain things they may want to do are not acceptable and thus do not do them.
Think of it this way. Trump tries to grab a pu$$y but the woman slaps his hand away and didn't connect. So because he was stopped, it didn't count? Is that really your argument? He tried, but since he failed, it didn't count?
At what point does it become incitement? We've been hearing that voices on the radio and vague pictures are too blame for liberal violence. If someone has never been a predator, are not those who enable and encourage them also responsible?
What about what the Imam's preach, isn't that incitement?
To the question posed in the thread's title, is someone who never sexually assaults anyone a sex predator? Think that one over a bit.
Actually, that's not it at all.

The person actually set up the act but were stopped. Not because they stopped themselves. Get it?
The title specified that the person never did the deed. I say someone who never actually does anything is not a predator. We're not talking about a Bubba Clinton here, we're talking about someone who recognizes that certain things they may want to do are not acceptable and thus do not do them.
Think of it this way. Trump tries to grab a pu$$y but the woman slaps his hand away and didn't connect. So because he was stopped, it didn't count? Is that really your argument? He tried, but since he failed, it didn't count?
At what point does it become incitement? We've been hearing that voices on the radio and vague pictures are too blame for liberal violence. If someone has never been a predator, are not those who enable and encourage them also responsible?
Liberal violence?

It wasn't a liberal who went into a church and shot 9 blacks.

It wasn't a liberal who blew up a post office killing hundreds.

Liberals don't do Nazi salutes to Trump effigies.

It wasn't liberals who tricked us into Iraq.

It wasn't liberals who gave us the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts.

It's not liberals who want to take away healthcare for 30 million Americans.

It's not liberals who cut food stamps for veterans poor children.

It's not liberals who, well, you get the picture.

Republicans cheer, Americans suffer.
To the question posed in the thread's title, is someone who never sexually assaults anyone a sex predator? Think that one over a bit.
Actually, that's not it at all.

The person actually set up the act but were stopped. Not because they stopped themselves. Get it?
The title specified that the person never did the deed. I say someone who never actually does anything is not a predator. We're not talking about a Bubba Clinton here, we're talking about someone who recognizes that certain things they may want to do are not acceptable and thus do not do them.
Think of it this way. Trump tries to grab a pu$$y but the woman slaps his hand away and didn't connect. So because he was stopped, it didn't count? Is that really your argument? He tried, but since he failed, it didn't count?
At what point does it become incitement? We've been hearing that voices on the radio and vague pictures are too blame for liberal violence. If someone has never been a predator, are not those who enable and encourage them also responsible?
Liberal violence?

It wasn't a liberal who went into a church and shot 9 blacks.

It wasn't a liberal who blew up a post office killing hundreds.

Liberals don't do Nazi salutes to Trump effigies.

It wasn't liberals who tricked us into Iraq.

It wasn't liberals who gave us the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts.

It's not liberals who want to take away healthcare for 30 million Americans.

It's not liberals who cut food stamps for veterans poor children.

It's not liberals who, well, you get the picture.

Republicans cheer, Americans suffer.

Yes, liberal violence. If you think there hasn't been any, you're not paying attention.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Actually, that's not it at all.

The person actually set up the act but were stopped. Not because they stopped themselves. Get it?
The title specified that the person never did the deed. I say someone who never actually does anything is not a predator. We're not talking about a Bubba Clinton here, we're talking about someone who recognizes that certain things they may want to do are not acceptable and thus do not do them.
Think of it this way. Trump tries to grab a pu$$y but the woman slaps his hand away and didn't connect. So because he was stopped, it didn't count? Is that really your argument? He tried, but since he failed, it didn't count?
At what point does it become incitement? We've been hearing that voices on the radio and vague pictures are too blame for liberal violence. If someone has never been a predator, are not those who enable and encourage them also responsible?
Liberal violence?

It wasn't a liberal who went into a church and shot 9 blacks.

It wasn't a liberal who blew up a post office killing hundreds.

Liberals don't do Nazi salutes to Trump effigies.

It wasn't liberals who tricked us into Iraq.

It wasn't liberals who gave us the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts.

It's not liberals who want to take away healthcare for 30 million Americans.

It's not liberals who cut food stamps for veterans poor children.

It's not liberals who, well, you get the picture.

Republicans cheer, Americans suffer.

Yes, liberal violence. If you think there hasn't been any, you're not paying attention.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There have been some. Just a fraction of what comes from the White Wing.
To the question posed in the thread's title, is someone who never sexually assaults anyone a sex predator? Think that one over a bit.
Actually, that's not it at all.

The person actually set up the act but were stopped. Not because they stopped themselves. Get it?
The title specified that the person never did the deed. I say someone who never actually does anything is not a predator. We're not talking about a Bubba Clinton here, we're talking about someone who recognizes that certain things they may want to do are not acceptable and thus do not do them.
Think of it this way. Trump tries to grab a pu$$y but the woman slaps his hand away and didn't connect. So because he was stopped, it didn't count? Is that really your argument? He tried, but since he failed, it didn't count?
At what point does it become incitement? We've been hearing that voices on the radio and vague pictures are too blame for liberal violence. If someone has never been a predator, are not those who enable and encourage them also responsible?
Liberal violence?

It wasn't a liberal who went into a church and shot 9 blacks.

It wasn't a liberal who blew up a post office killing hundreds.

Liberals don't do Nazi salutes to Trump effigies.

It wasn't liberals who tricked us into Iraq.

It wasn't liberals who gave us the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts.

It's not liberals who want to take away healthcare for 30 million Americans.

It's not liberals who cut food stamps for veterans poor children.

It's not liberals who, well, you get the picture.

Republicans cheer, Americans suffer.

Actually, Liberals hold a large lead in the bombings thing.
1969, a Year of Bombings

Some three hundred bombings in less than one year during Vietnam.

Liberals went along willingly with Iraq. Don't pretend otherwise.

My friend. You need to take a long hard look at who you are holding up as some sort of wonderful examples. Liberals do the same damned insider trading that the Conservatives do. Liberals do the same favoritism, the same political shenanigans. They are the same coin, just the other side. I know, I voted Democrat for a very long time, and walked away when they handed the nomination to Hillary.
The title specified that the person never did the deed. I say someone who never actually does anything is not a predator. We're not talking about a Bubba Clinton here, we're talking about someone who recognizes that certain things they may want to do are not acceptable and thus do not do them.
Think of it this way. Trump tries to grab a pu$$y but the woman slaps his hand away and didn't connect. So because he was stopped, it didn't count? Is that really your argument? He tried, but since he failed, it didn't count?
At what point does it become incitement? We've been hearing that voices on the radio and vague pictures are too blame for liberal violence. If someone has never been a predator, are not those who enable and encourage them also responsible?
Liberal violence?

It wasn't a liberal who went into a church and shot 9 blacks.

It wasn't a liberal who blew up a post office killing hundreds.

Liberals don't do Nazi salutes to Trump effigies.

It wasn't liberals who tricked us into Iraq.

It wasn't liberals who gave us the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts.

It's not liberals who want to take away healthcare for 30 million Americans.

It's not liberals who cut food stamps for veterans poor children.

It's not liberals who, well, you get the picture.

Republicans cheer, Americans suffer.

Yes, liberal violence. If you think there hasn't been any, you're not paying attention.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There have been some. Just a fraction of what comes from the White Wing.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Remember, there used to be a show where men would try to hook up with underage girls or boys and when the predator showed up, they would be arrested?

How is that different than setting up a meeting trying to commit conspiracy with the Russians to attack the foundation of our political system?

Obviously, it's not sex. But it is a conspiracy to do something illegal. Well, something Democrats feel is illegal.
It's not clear to me whether Republicans feel any of this is illegal.

Your logic is flawed beyond repair. You are trying to do a partisan attack by connecting Republicans to willfully imprisoning innocent men. However there is no connection and your pea brain is working on overtime.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Remember, there used to be a show where men would try to hook up with underage girls or boys and when the predator showed up, they would be arrested?

How is that different than setting up a meeting trying to commit conspiracy with the Russians to attack the foundation of our political system?

Obviously, it's not sex. But it is a conspiracy to do something illegal. Well, something Democrats feel is illegal.
It's not clear to me whether Republicans feel any of this is illegal.

Your logic is flawed beyond repair. You are trying to do a partisan attack by connecting Republicans to willfully imprisoning innocent men. However there is no connection and your pea brain is working on overtime.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Silly, we just saw Trump standing in front of the police telling them to attack those they arrest. What did the police do? Applaud and cheer. Don't tell me those are liberals. We both know better, don't we?

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