If You Want To Know Who Helped Ramos Get Those Guns Just Look At Who Benefited The Most From This Mass-Shooting

and so the usual idiots start barking in unison.......and the sheeple shall all wear masks.....so they will be known as followers unto the people.

It's too crazy to think that the same person that is murdering dozens of witnesses.....would be so evil to make sure that a mass-shooting in a school, killing 19 children would conveniently happen at the same time as a trial that has in fact implicated Hillary Clinton as the source of Russian Collusion.

That's a pretty big pill to swallow.....but that's what we're dealing with. This is the kind of evil we are most likely dealing with folks.

The ends justify the means is an old socialist slogan. These people are capable of anything. They will not let anything or anyone stop them from turning America in to a socialist Hellhole.

All they had to do was pick the right town to do it in and make sure the right idiot had the weapons to carry it out. The Sheriff in charge of the first responders was a Beto O'Rourke donor.

I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking....something smells to high Hell in Uvalde.

Rational people are wondering how a kid who made minimum-wage could afford to buy $10-20k worth in tactical gear and weapons. Somebody had to have given it to him. They aren't even trying to find out where he got them from, or where this Salvador Ramos even came from. They just have his picture (a mugshot no less) plastered everywhere and that's all you need to know. The skeptic in me is once again rearing it's head..... because it looks to me like yet another setup. And I think it's designed to look that way.

They aren't telling us who the "Teacher" was that propped open the back door to let him in so he could kill kids. Even after he spent several minutes shooting at a funeral home across the street, and shooting thru windows at the school....some "teacher" found the wisdom to prop open a back door open ushering him inside to do his killing.

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The perp could get in in a matter of minutes but for some reason nobody could find the key to let the inept local cops into the room that he was butchering children in. The sheriff (a Beto O'Rourke donor) refused to send his deputies in to shoot it out with an 18 year old kid because of God only knows what reason. It's just like Sandyhook. An inept Democrat supporting cop was in charge. What a perfect setup for another mass-shooting. Once again the only thing the left wants to do is take our guns. They're going to continue to stand in the way of actually doing something to end the threat. No extra security. No guns. Just create new laws and that will solve everything, right?

But this is too crazy to believe it was a setup. That's the first thing the left will say. Nobody could be this evil.....to want to murder a bunch of school children to further their cause. You're crazy to think that way. But it's starting to get more and more believable.

It was inevitable that our border towns would become war zones as long as Biden refuses to secure the borders.....but what better way to pull it off than turning a nutcase loose on a school. That makes it look legit. It doesn't look like us....against them. It looks like something that the gun-grabbers could get behind and start screaming over.

Democrats made sure that COVID was brought into the US and prevented us from finding out where it originally came from....why not shoot up a school so they can start screaming about taking our guns again. That's right, just look at who benefits from this and who is taking advantage of it. There's the culprit.


What a giant load this OP is. And I've seen some pretty bad ones.

The Democrat party can never be allowed to forget how hard it has worked to expel police officers from schools.
At the state and local level, Democrats have and continue to push and push and push to remove police and leave schoolchildren defenseless.
Why? Why would Democrats demand police be removed from schools and be replaced with gay porn and transsexual propaganda?
I’ll answer that below… But first, never forget this

And guess who was fully on board?

Why would Democrats and powerful school unions want to leave children defenseless to any maniac who wants CNN to make him famous?
Why would teachers’ unions want to leave their own people defenseless. Aren’t unions supposed to look after the people they represent?
I’ll answer that below.
Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., a leading voice in the Senate for gun control, speaks to a reporter outside the chamber at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, June 23, 2021. President Joe Biden announced new efforts Wednesday to stem a rising national tide of violent crime. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) speaks to a reporter in Washington, Wednesday, June 23, 2021. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
Never forget this:

Never forget this:

Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) on August 24, 2020 on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. (Tom Williams/Getty Images)
Never forget this:

Never forget this:

I could go on all day.
Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., respond to remarks by President Donald Trump after his call for the four Democratic congresswomen to go back to their broken countries, during a news conference at the Capitol in Washington, Monday, July 15, 2019. All are American citizens and three of the four were born in the U.S. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) at the Capitol in Washington, Monday, July 15, 2019. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
Here’s what we know for a fact…
We know Evil is going to shoot up schools.
We know the corporate media will never stop incentivizing shooting up schools. Thanks to our pro-school shooting media, every school shooter knows that shooting up a school will give him exactly what he wants: the power to shake up the country.
We know the only thing that will stop a maniac with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
We know all this, and yet Democrats still want to remove cops from schools.
So the question is why?
And the answer is simple.
There is no greater propaganda tool to push to disarm the American people than school shootings.
Police in schools stop and discourage school shootings.
If school shootings stop, Democrats lose their best propaganda tool.
The less security in schools, the more school shootings, the more propaganda.
We could protect our schools.
As I wrote earlier, we know how to protect our schools.
But Democrats and the school unions that own Democrats and the left-wing media do not want to protect schools.
Here it is…
Because Democrats and their unions and their media believe disarming the public is a higher priority than your child’s life.
Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.
From the link,
"If we are going to begin to tackle systemic racism in this country, we must start by addressing the racial inequities in our education system, and getting police out of classrooms is a necessary first step.”

Do these jerks actually believe the police were in the classrooms?
From the link,
"If we are going to begin to tackle systemic racism in this country, we must start by addressing the racial inequities in our education system, and getting police out of classrooms is a necessary first step.”

Do these jerks actually believe the police were in the classrooms?
They think if you show a picture of a gun or a cop in class, then the police are in the classroom.
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and the sheeple shall all wear masks.....so they will be known as followers unto the people.
You do realize that the SHEEP and the FOLLOWERS are members of the trump CULT.

Apparently NOT.

Answer this.......... trump has been considered a POS LYING SOB his whole entire life.
What draws you to this clown, who was a (D), but his people told him to target the right wing idiot RWI.
And you got CONNED.
So, what draws you to this con man?
You do realize that the SHEEP and the FOLLOWERS are members of the trump CULT.

Apparently NOT.

Answer this.......... trump has been considered a POS LYING SOB his whole entire life.
What draws you to this clown, who was a (D), but his people told him to target the right wing idiot RWI.
And you got CONNED.
So, what draws you to this con man?
I've known about Trump for 35 years.....and he never became a problem till he started running for office as a Republican.
I've known about Trump for 35 years.....and he never became a problem till he started running for office as a Republican.
So dismiss all those claims about trump stiffing contractors.
Do I need to post the link?
I will if requested. But you know it will damage trump. So go ahead, ask me to post it.
So dismiss all those claims about trump stiffing contractors.
Do I need to post the link?
I will if requested. But you know it will damage trump. So go ahead, ask me to post it.
I have to dismiss everything that has been said about Trump because so far it has all turned out to be lies created by a corrupt media and a corrupt FBI.
I have to dismiss everything that has been said about Trump because so far it has all turned out to be lies created by a corrupt media and a corrupt FBI.
Clarify Please.

1). Are you dismissing LIES?
2). Are you dismissing claims of POS trump claiming "I know more about ......" Really
3). TRUMP was a (D), now you LOVE him.......

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