If You're Not A Racist Why Do You Have a Problem With People Calling it Out?


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Mar 11, 2015
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"We're mad because you call us racists after we made racist comments and supported a racist for President." "That's why Democrats lost because you called us racists for supporting a racist." "If you just be quiet about it and let us express our racism then we will be OK." "Americans felt alienated by Democrats calling them racists, but Americans don't feel alienated by the racist comments made by politicians, pundits, and individuals." This is the logic we are reading in places like this. We are to somehow cater to or change the way we react or respond to racism to make those with racist opinions or who support racist politicians comfortable. This is the solution people are proposing to end the racial divide in America.

"We're mad because you call us racists after we made racist comments and supported a racist for President." "That's why Democrats lost because you called us racists for supporting a racist." "If you just be quiet about it and let us express our racism then we will be OK." "Americans felt alienated by Democrats calling them racists, but Americans don't feel alienated by the racist comments made by politicians, pundits, and individuals." This is the logic we are reading in places like this. We are to somehow cater to or change the way we react or respond to racism to make those with racist opinions or who support racist politicians comfortable. This is the solution people are proposing to end the racial divide in America.

Maybe white people just get tired of racism being blamed for everything.

Hey, you know, they have these Asian people, who aren't white.

They don't whine about racism.
They don't have 72% of their kids out of wedlock.
They don't tolerate crime in their communities.
They don't whine about bad stuff that happened 60 or 150 years ago.

They come here, they work hard, and usually within a generation, they are outperforming white people economically! Imagine that.
"We're mad because you call us racists after we made racist comments and supported a racist for President." "That's why Democrats lost because you called us racists for supporting a racist." "If you just be quiet about it and let us express our racism then we will be OK." "Americans felt alienated by Democrats calling them racists, but Americans don't feel alienated by the racist comments made by politicians, pundits, and individuals." This is the logic we are reading in places like this. We are to somehow cater to or change the way we react or respond to racism to make those with racist opinions or who support racist politicians comfortable. This is the solution people are proposing to end the racial divide in America.

Another load of drivel from our low quality thinker and what we call a Fifth Rate Barrack Room Lawyer .

A totally unqualified person who is a pompous ass but has absolutely zero expertise to support his pontifical rants.

Just saying .

Repeated from a separate thread due to popular demand
The obvious answer here is that the word has been so over-used that it not means pretty much anything. Or nothing.

I've been called a racist, more than once, for saying that I didn't think much of Obamacare. People are constantly called out like that.

The only thing that tactic accomplishes is to increase animosity and resentment. Day after day, month after month, year after year, it just doesn't stop. And the resentment keeps growing.

And then what happens? Those people, when in the privacy of a voting both, give you their response.

So here we are. How's' that working out?
The obvious answer here is that the word has been so over-used that it not means pretty much anything. Or nothing.

I've been called a racist, more than once, for saying that I didn't think much of Obamacare. People are constantly called out like that.

The only thing that tactic accomplishes is to increase animosity and resentment. Day after day, month after month, year after year, it just doesn't stop. And the resentment keeps growing.

And then what happens? Those people, when in the privacy of a voting both, give you their response.

So here we are. How's' that working out?

Surprised that you have chosen to be so overtly racist .
Just like a Nazi .

Is it really necessary ?
The obvious answer here is that the word has been so over-used that it not means pretty much anything. Or nothing.

I've been called a racist, more than once, for saying that I didn't think much of Obamacare. People are constantly called out like that.

The only thing that tactic accomplishes is to increase animosity and resentment. Day after day, month after month, year after year, it just doesn't stop. And the resentment keeps growing.

And then what happens? Those people, when in the privacy of a voting both, give you their response.

So here we are. How's' that working out?
Not true.

White Americans never considered the selves racists even during the height of racist slavery and Jim Crow days.

To these people, being called racist is worse than actual racism.

That hasn't changed.
Maybe white people just get tired of racism being blamed for everything.

Hey, you know, they have these Asian people, who aren't white.

They don't whine about racism.
They don't have 72% of their kids out of wedlock.
They don't tolerate crime in their communities.
They don't whine about bad stuff that happened 60 or 150 years ago.

They come here, they work hard, and usually within a generation, they are outperforming white people economically! Imagine that.
Sounds like a model minority, doesn't it?
Not true.

White Americans never considered the selves racists even during the height of racist slavery and Jim Crow days.

To these people, being called racist is worse than actual racism.
Not any more. It just makes them more angry.

They say it all the time. This is not a secret.
Not true.

White Americans never considered the selves racists even during the height of racist slavery and Jim Crow days.

And what about white Americans today who were not born or lived through the height of racist slavery and Jim Crow days?
To these people, being called racist is worse than actual racism.

That hasn't changed.
But something has changed; we're no longer living through "...the height of racist slavery and Jim Crow days". Does that not count for something?

I would argue that one being called racist when one is not is just as bad as actual racism.
"We're mad because you call us racists after we made racist comments and supported a racist for President." "That's why Democrats lost because you called us racists for supporting a racist." "If you just be quiet about it and let us express our racism then we will be OK." "Americans felt alienated by Democrats calling them racists, but Americans don't feel alienated by the racist comments made by politicians, pundits, and individuals." This is the logic we are reading in places like this. We are to somehow cater to or change the way we react or respond to racism to make those with racist opinions or who support racist politicians comfortable. This is the solution people are proposing to end the racial divide in America.

You're always mad when we call you output for your racism
The obvious answer here is that the word has been so over-used that it not means pretty much anything. Or nothing.

I've been called a racist, more than once, for saying that I didn't think much of Obamacare. People are constantly called out like that.

The only thing that tactic accomplishes is to increase animosity and resentment. Day after day, month after month, year after year, it just doesn't stop. And the resentment keeps growing.

And then what happens? Those people, when in the privacy of a voting both, give you their response.

So here we are. How's' that working out?

Overused has caused the tool to be too dull to hold an edge any more.

Lack of maintenance ruins tools.

Sounds like a model minority, doesn't it?

Not sure what you mean by that.

Perhaps the problem is that immigrants appreciate what they have here. Not just Asians, but Hispanics, while trailing whites and Asians, outperform Blacks and Native Americans.

It should be pointed out that while Trump did about the same with whites and blacks, he greatly improved with Asians and Hispanics this time out, and that is probably what put him over the top.
As expected, you missed the POINT.

BTW, what's not anymore?
Being called a racist only fuels them. It doesn't scare them any more. It doesn't intimidate them any more. It doesn't put them on the defensive any more.

If you're happy with where we've gotten, if you're happy with where we are, keep doing what you're doing. No problem.
Being called a racist only fuels them. It doesn't scare them any more. It doesn't intimidate them any more. It doesn't put them on the defensive any more.

If you're happy with where we've gotten, if you're happy with where we are, keep doing what you're doing. No problem.

It entertains us.

"We're mad because you call us racists after we made racist comments and supported a racist for President." "That's why Democrats lost because you called us racists for supporting a racist." "If you just be quiet about it and let us express our racism then we will be OK." "Americans felt alienated by Democrats calling them racists, but Americans don't feel alienated by the racist comments made by politicians, pundits, and individuals." This is the logic we are reading in places like this. We are to somehow cater to or change the way we react or respond to racism to make those with racist opinions or who support racist politicians comfortable. This is the solution people are proposing to end the racial divide in America.

you white women retards call everyone racist
No one cares

Are you ready for Black History month
Throughout our history, black Americans have been among our country’s most consequential leaders, shaping the cultural and political destiny of our Nation in profound ways. American heroes such as Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, Thomas Sowell, Justice Clarence Thomas, and countless others represent what is best in America and her citizens. Their achievements, which have monumentally advanced the tradition of equality under the law in our great country, continue to serve as an inspiration for all Americans. We will also never forget the achievements of American greats like Tiger Woods, who have pushed the boundaries of excellence in their respective fields, paving the way for others to follow.

This National Black History Month, as America prepares to enter a historic Golden Age, I want to extend my tremendous gratitude to black Americans for all they have done to bring us to this moment, and for the many future contributions they will make as we advance into a future of limitless possibility under my Administration.

It's Christmas everydayIt's Christmas everyday he
"We're mad because you call us racists after we made racist comments and supported a racist for President." "That's why Democrats lost because you called us racists for supporting a racist." "If you just be quiet about it and let us express our racism then we will be OK." "Americans felt alienated by Democrats calling them racists, but Americans don't feel alienated by the racist comments made by politicians, pundits, and individuals." This is the logic we are reading in places like this. We are to somehow cater to or change the way we react or respond to racism to make those with racist opinions or who support racist politicians comfortable. This is the solution people are proposing to end the racial divide in America.

Why the 'problem' with calling it out?

Because you (collectively) push it too far.

White Folk are sick-and-tired of White Shaming and White Guilt and are now (apparently) shrugging that off after decades.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenough already... Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ... we're done with that... we're out.

Which translates into: "Sorry... we just don't want to hear that $hit anymore... and we've got the muscle to enforce our will."

That doesn't mean that the country returns to an ante bellum oppressive state...

It just means that we as a country are now transition to
Equality... not Equity... and you're simply going to have to adapt.

Your post-1964 Leg-Up has just folded... you've had sixty years of that... time's up... time to stand-up on your own now.

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