Illegal immigration and healthcare.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
What does these two have in common? They both has to be dealt with by prevention. Healthcare will not work unless we treat the body before it becomes ill. We know high cholesterol cause heart disease so we have to administer Statins and diet. Illegal immigration begets more illegal immigration and crime unless we deal with it with deportation and border security. Our streets are full of gangs and prisons full of Illegal Aliens criminals due to not dealing with illegal immigration and border security. We treat the body after it gets sick and illegal immigration after it becomes a crime.
I know many hard working Illegal Alien families were there is two or more criminal activity and they don’t hide it anymore because they know if they don’t get caught they will remain here out in the open and not in the shadows. Bringing them out of the “shadows” will only cause more illegal immigration and more crime.
Pick him up and deport him before he commits a crime. Once he get passed border patrols and enter the city streets it’s illegal to arrest him. When he and his family enters on visas and refuse to leave it is impossible to deport them. Have and anchor baby and hit the green card jackpot.
To get control of illegal immigration we have to enforce immigration laws and change some laws.
What does these two have in common? They both has to be dealt with by prevention. Healthcare will not work unless we treat the body before it becomes ill. We know high cholesterol cause heart disease so we have to administer Statins and diet. Illegal immigration begets more illegal immigration and crime unless we deal with it with deportation and border security. Our streets are full of gangs and prisons full of Illegal Aliens criminals due to not dealing with illegal immigration and border security. We treat the body after it gets sick and illegal immigration after it becomes a crime.
I know many hard working Illegal Alien families were there is two or more criminal activity and they don’t hide it anymore because they know if they don’t get caught they will remain here out in the open and not in the shadows. Bringing them out of the “shadows” will only cause more illegal immigration and more crime.
Pick him up and deport him before he commits a crime. Once he get passed border patrols and enter the city streets it’s illegal to arrest him. When he and his family enters on visas and refuse to leave it is impossible to deport them. Have and anchor baby and hit the green card jackpot.
To get control of illegal immigration we have to enforce immigration laws and change some laws.

These are easy things to say. They are not easy to do. We are spending record amounts of money deporting illegals and the best we've done is to reach net 0 illegal immigration. Which means, you toss one out, and one comes back in. Let's go over this again:

The example I often use to try and convey the scale of deportation some are asking for is WWII Germany. When the Germans began killing "undesirables" they quickly learned something about trying to get rid of masses of people they didn't want around: It is terribly expensive. The prospect of sending death squads from place to place, digging mass graves and shooting people 50 - 100 at a time into the grave, COST TOO MUCH. This is why alternatives were explored, why cattle cars and gas chambers were employed. It was about economics. Now, even with the assembly line style slaughter, it took years to MURDER 6 - 8 million people. Not to feed, incarcerate and deport them... this is how long it took to KILL THEM. And the cost to KILL THEM was in no small way responsible for the economic woes of the German war effort. Now... we aren't talking about killing people. We are talking about rounding up and deporting 12 million + people. Now, do you seriously believe that we can, in an acceptable way, round up 12 million people and deport them? A cursory glance at the German exercise in rounding up and killing people tells most reasonable people that it is simply too expensive and poses to much risk to human rights to attempt to send out the kind of force it would take to round up 12 million people. The Germans are the only people who have ever managed to actually pull it off and it meant shipping people hundreds and thousands at a time in crammed into cattle cars. Realistic people know that this is not an option. Even if we did find the money and the means to deport these people there is another consideration many don't make. Most people passionate about this issue will say it's a "flood" of's a "wave" and on and on with the hyperbole. So... considering that this has been a "flood" or a "wave" it has taken 40 YEARS of this flood to reach the level of illegals we have in the country. 40 years of a voluntary "wave" of people coming. Do tell how anyone can believe that we can root them out by force in any less time? This is going to take A LONG TIME if you think they will EVER be removed. It took 40 years of what people describe as a FLOOD for them to get here. Thinking you can deport them any faster is just not the idea of someone who has actually sat down and considered the logistics of the issue. The cries of "send them home NOW!" are frantic pleas of people who either just haven't thought about the situation for more than a moment or they are looking for a political tool because the request is not reasonable. Can't be done, short of resorting to Gestapo tactics similar to Germany WWII and that would BREAK US. We can't afford it. Maybe you have noticed the frantic screams of the "frantics" here on this board regarding our financial situation? And anyone thinks we can mount this kind of effort to forcibly migrate 12 million people? This is not an intelligent or reasonable person's solution.

If you'd like to read up on the Einsatzgruppen, the German death squads in WWII, there is a link below. The cost, the scope and the tactics required to round up people scattered and interspersed in your population is all there. This is what it takes to root out millions of people and get rid of them. All this deportation talk here is DISTURBING because you folks don't stop to THINK what it is you're asking for. Even disregarding the gross human rights violations YOU CAN'T PAY FOR IT.

Now... securing the border? How about some history on walls and militarized borders?

The Berlin Wall was some 90 miles long. It was heavily guarded with shoot to kill orders and they did in fact, kill a couple hundred people trying to cross it. Of course, once you put up a wall and militarize it and kill a couple hundred people it solves the problem, right? WRONG. Despite all this, thousands of people still crossed the Berlin Wall, in both directions. It was a very expensive deterrent that didn't work very well and it was ONLY 90 MILES LONG.

Korea? The most heavily militarized border on the planet. Know what the N. Koreans do? They cross the Mongolian desert, go through China and still end up in S. Korea. IT DOESN'T WORK.

The Great Wall of China? A world class failure visible from space. Anyone who wanted over, under or around it, found a way.

There are 2,000 miles of border with Mexico. This idea of "secure the border" is parlor talk. That's all. It's some of the most remote and inhospitable terrain in the US. To man a moderately effective line over 2,000 miles would require a "deployment". It would take some 40,000 + men to secure every mile of border, 24 hrs a day. Where would they eat? Sleep? Poop? Shop? Do you think we have 40,000 men that will just go sleep in pup tents in the desert? Kill and eat lizards I suppose?

These two ideas, mass deportations and "secure the border" are fantasy land baloney. They are not remotely realistic in practicality or economics. Instead of repeatedly mouthing the words, LAY IT OUT. Give ma a budget, a plan, logistically possible scenario. YOU CAN'T. These things aren't do - able. If they were, it would have already been done. These claims that these things haven't been done for this reason or that reason are political foolishness. They haven't been done because we CAN'T DO IT with any sort of effective and sustained results.

You stop this by addressing the REASON they come here. You take the jobs. That is the FIRST THING you do. That takes care of over 5 million people AND the kids and wives of those 5 million workers. At least 8 million people find their way home, at NO COST TO US if you JUST TAKE THE JOBS.

Is there some reason why we SHOULDN'T take their jobs? That's what I don't get. Is it just that we don't get to rough them up or arrest them or something? What is it about this simple and effective idea that doesn't get through to the "deport and secure" crowd?
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As an illegal, uninsured immigrant,not only with his health, but with navigating the U.S.

and taking our driving test with an interpreter who could possibly help with answers...and no on from the dmv who sits on their lazy arses to verify the test.

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