Illinois 8th District


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Much to my horror and surprise, I found that I am now in the 8th Congressional district in IL instead of the 6th Congressional district as I've been for the last 11 years.

Now, normally, I vote Republican, even though they keep giving me less and less reason to, but the current congressman, Joe Walsh, is a jerkwad Tea Party type who seems to think that stiffing his wife for child support is "family values".

Running against him is Tammy Duckworth. Now, lots about Duckworth that is admirable. She served in the Illinois National Guard and was injured in Iraq. But my complaint with her when she ran in the 6th district in 2006 (besides the fact she didn't even live in that district) was that I wasn't even sure what she stood for. The issues section on her website had a lot of platitudes like "We need to change course in Iraq" without going into any detail of HOW we should change course in Iraq.

I really haven't seen anything that indicates that she's gained all that much depth on policy. So elect her, we'll get someone who will call Pelosi in the morning to see how she's voting that day.
Joe Walsh is a sharp, energetic go-getter. I've met him, I like him.
Odd that you're concerned about Duckworth regarding "issues" and Walsh regarding "child support".

I'm also in a different District, with Shimkus as our Rep. He's a good'n. :thup:
Much to my horror and surprise, I found that I am now in the 8th Congressional district in IL instead of the 6th Congressional district as I've been for the last 11 years.

Now, normally, I vote Republican, even though they keep giving me less and less reason to, but the current congressman, Joe Walsh, is a jerkwad Tea Party type who seems to think that stiffing his wife for child support is "family values".

Running against him is Tammy Duckworth. Now, lots about Duckworth that is admirable. She served in the Illinois National Guard and was injured in Iraq. But my complaint with her when she ran in the 6th district in 2006 (besides the fact she didn't even live in that district) was that I wasn't even sure what she stood for. The issues section on her website had a lot of platitudes like "We need to change course in Iraq" without going into any detail of HOW we should change course in Iraq.

I really haven't seen anything that indicates that she's gained all that much depth on policy. So elect her, we'll get someone who will call Pelosi in the morning to see how she's voting that day.

Walsh represented my district in the last election. I voted for him, but the whole dead beat dad thing pisses me off. But he is less about social values as he is about fiscal responsibility. I would feel fine voting for him over the Chicago Democrat. Maybe a Democrat in another state would be an option, but Chicago Democrats lean SO left it's hard to find common-ground with them!
Joe Walsh is a sharp, energetic go-getter. I've met him, I like him.
Odd that you're concerned about Duckworth regarding "issues" and Walsh regarding "child support".

I'm also in a different District, with Shimkus as our Rep. He's a good'n. :thup:

I usually try to not do that. I realize that family relationships are more complicated than people let on. I'm even willing to give Newt a pass.

Again, I'm probalby smarter than 90% of the people in Congress, but I could never get elected. I'd piss more people off than would want to vote for me.

I guess I have a problem on the integrity thing. Tammy served, she paid an awful price, and even if she's a bit shallow, she deserves a bit of respect. Walsh, not so sure of. Admittably, haven't paid a lot of attention to him until the redistricting.
Yeah joe, we (yawn) believe you always vote republican. We can tell by the use of the phrase "jerkwad tea party type". That sounds pretty unbiased.
Yeah joe, we (yawn) believe you always vote republican. We can tell by the use of the phrase "jerkwad tea party type". That sounds pretty unbiased.

Well, if you were the one hundred thirty first Joe Biden...what would your goal in life be?
Yeah joe, we (yawn) believe you always vote republican. We can tell by the use of the phrase "jerkwad tea party type". That sounds pretty unbiased.

Well, I didn't call him a Tea Bagger, although in his case, the word might fit.

I refer to the Tea Party as the "misdirected anger party". Might be a better fit.

But honestly, to paraphrase Reagan, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me when it let itself get bought out by multi-national corporations.

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