I'm a Republican in Nevada -- who should I vote for?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
A Sanders guy came by tonight looking for my son, who is 20 but a registered Republican. He told me my son could vote as a Democrat, and that lots of conservatives in the East voted for Bernie. I can believe that, since I believe a vote for Sanders is a vote to sabotage the Democrats. Should me and my family switch parties and vote for Sanders? Or should we vote Republican? And if we vote Republican who do we vote for?

This is not a ruse. I still haven't decided what to do.
I'm watching this show on Showtime and it looks like young people are really enthusiastic about Bernie. He's 74-years-old, which means that it's a long shot that he would even survive his first term. But I think his promise of free college and forgiven student loans have really motivated them. Not to mention all the jobs we will have in Bernie's socialist economy. Like in Cuba.
Bill is so hoarse he can barely talk. It's obviously the effect of some venereal disease.
I'm watching this show on Showtime and it looks like young people are really enthusiastic about Bernie. He's 74-years-old, which means that it's a long shot that he would even survive his first term. But I think his promise of free college and forgiven student loans have really motivated them. Not to mention all the jobs we will have in Bernie's socialist economy. Like in Cuba.
I'm trying to find out where Comrade Bernie is going to get all the money for the freebies he's going to hand out..
I think we're fucked any way you look at it. Obama has spent the last seven years dismantling this once great nation.
I'm watching this show on Showtime and it looks like young people are really enthusiastic about Bernie. He's 74-years-old, which means that it's a long shot that he would even survive his first term. But I think his promise of free college and forgiven student loans have really motivated them. Not to mention all the jobs we will have in Bernie's socialist economy. Like in Cuba.
I'm trying to find out where Comrade Bernie is going to get all the money for the freebies he's going to hand out..

HIm and Trump both
This show is like deja vu. Christie went after Rubio because he was competing for top establishment cabinet. The attack worked, but it didn't help Christie.
A Sanders guy came by tonight looking for my son, who is 20 but a registered Republican. He told me my son could vote as a Democrat, and that lots of conservatives in the East voted for Bernie. I can believe that, since I believe a vote for Sanders is a vote to sabotage the Democrats. Should me and my family switch parties and vote for Sanders? Or should we vote Republican? And if we vote Republican who do we vote for?

This is not a ruse. I still haven't decided what to do.
Get all your relatives and break them into two groups. Half vote for Bernie and half vote for Trump.
Bernie seems like a very nice man, and his wife doesn't look at all like a politician's wife. I can see why people like him. Too bad he's a Commie.
I am still amused at the result of years of anti communist propaganda. It's like a jack in the box. Say 'alternate economic system' and watch people spring up and wave their arms around.
Vote for Trump. Like him or not, he's the only real deal, the only one who wants to do right by the country. He doesn't need to worry about his financial future or paying back donors with favors, he can concentrate on making America great again.
A Sanders guy came by tonight looking for my son, who is 20 but a registered Republican. He told me my son could vote as a Democrat, and that lots of conservatives in the East voted for Bernie. I can believe that, since I believe a vote for Sanders is a vote to sabotage the Democrats. Should me and my family switch parties and vote for Sanders? Or should we vote Republican? And if we vote Republican who do we vote for?

This is not a ruse. I still haven't decided what to do.

Do you have a conscience? Then vote your conscience. If you're just looking for ways to game the system, there are plenty of posters here who'll "help" you.

Rumor has it - I can't prove it - that a lot of California Republicans switched parties during the '08 primary and voted for Hillary because "no black man's gonna be the boss of me."

Obama lost the California primary, but went on to win the election.

You want to think about that.
I too live in Nevada and am registered Republican (because Independent means nothing here)

I plan on going to to the caucus to do more than just vote for a candidate for president. I plan on paying very close attention to who the delegates are as I'm wondering if the party hacks are going to try to stack the decks.

If so, I just may make it known I'd like to be a delegate to the county caucuses later on.

In any case, as someone else pointed out, my vote goes to Trump. I wasn't happy with his debate performance last night but he's still the best Anti-Establishment candidate and I'm sick and tired of the professional politicians who think of nothing but keeping their own power.
Supporting Hillary may be the best strategy for Republicans. Bernie's support is so loyal among young Democrats, a Hillary nomination would lead to huge voter apathy. I don't see the "vote for me because I'm a woman, because it's my turn, because you'll go to hell, because I'm like your Abuela" bullshit is going to inspire them. They'll just stay home.
Supporting Hillary may be the best strategy for Republicans. Bernie's support is so loyal among young Democrats, a Hillary nomination would lead to huge voter apathy. I don't see the "vote for me because I'm a woman, because it's my turn, because you'll go to hell, because I'm like your Abuela" bullshit is going to inspire them. They'll just stay home.
I think it was John Sununu who recently said "I used to be afraid Hillary would would get the nomination but now I'm afraid she WON'T".

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