
Aug 2, 2009
Although I am not giving up on the opinion of a Landslide Victory of Perry/Rubio against the MONUMENTAL MARXIST RACIST FRAUD, The Loser Sambo Obambo ......... I feel that there is another ticket that will annihilate the Semi-Black Charlatan: The Gingrich/Bachmann Ticket.

At the present time, I actually prefer the Gingrich/Bachmann Ticket.

Gingrich doesn't have an equal in his knowledge of the inner workings of the Government, and his skill as a DEBATER will simply ANNIHILATE the MONUMENTAL MARXIST RACIST FRAUD & LOSER Sambo Obambo.

Bachmann will cinch the Tea Party & the Christian Religious Vote .....plus the important Feminine vote.

Waddaya think ?
Although I am not giving up on the opinion of a Landslide Victory of Perry/Rubio against the MONUMENTAL MARXIST RACIST FRAUD, The Loser Sambo Obambo ......... I feel that there is another ticket that will annihilate the Semi-Black Charlatan: The Gingrich/Bachmann Ticket.

At the present time, I actually prefer the Gingrich/Bachmann Ticket.

Gingrich doesn't have an equal in his knowledge of the inner workings of the Government, and his skill as a DEBATER will simply ANNIHILATE the MONUMENTAL MARXIST RACIST FRAUD & LOSER Sambo Obambo.

Bachmann will cinch the Tea Party & the Christian Religious Vote .....plus the important Feminine vote.

Waddaya think ?

Ill pass

Although I am not giving up on the opinion of a Landslide Victory of Perry/Rubio against the MONUMENTAL MARXIST RACIST FRAUD, The Loser Sambo Obambo ......... I feel that there is another ticket that will annihilate the Semi-Black Charlatan: The Gingrich/Bachmann Ticket.

At the present time, I actually prefer the Gingrich/Bachmann Ticket.

Gingrich doesn't have an equal in his knowledge of the inner workings of the Government, and his skill as a DEBATER will simply ANNIHILATE the MONUMENTAL MARXIST RACIST FRAUD & LOSER Sambo Obambo.

Bachmann will cinch the Tea Party & the Christian Religious Vote .....plus the important Feminine vote.

Waddaya think ?

Sambo? God, I hate racist!

Last night, Ron Paul made the rest of the pack look like what they are, political amateurs who will say anything to get elected. There isn't one candidate among the GOP wannabes, who deserves to be on the same stage as Ron Paul.
Also, I'd like to comment on the alleged Big Time Christians running for prez. God's Word repeatedly tells us to help the poor and the helpless, it also tells us to take care of God's Earth. Yet every one of these fake Christians, is all for taking away programs the help the poor & helpless and they are all for taking away regulations that protect God's Earth.
At least Ron Paul isn't a full blown hypocrite by trying to see who's the Biggest Christian. I respect that more than any the convenient Christians who want to defy God's Word..
Rubio is not going to run with Perry.

If he does..he's a fool.
Although I am not giving up on the opinion of a Landslide Victory of Perry/Rubio against the MONUMENTAL MARXIST RACIST FRAUD, The Loser Sambo Obambo ......... I feel that there is another ticket that will annihilate the Semi-Black Charlatan: The Gingrich/Bachmann Ticket.

At the present time, I actually prefer the Gingrich/Bachmann Ticket.

Gingrich doesn't have an equal in his knowledge of the inner workings of the Government, and his skill as a DEBATER will simply ANNIHILATE the MONUMENTAL MARXIST RACIST FRAUD & LOSER Sambo Obambo.

Bachmann will cinch the Tea Party & the Christian Religious Vote .....plus the important Feminine vote.

Waddaya think ?

Actually we could do a lot worse. But I think Gingrich is too much of a neocon for he and Bachmann, a true conservative, to work well together. And she is not one to compromise a principle she believes in just to win an election.

She is promoting the principles that we will have to do to turn the country around. I don't know if she can stand up under the leftwing political and media bashing that will be levied against her as, for them, a strong, principled, conservative woman must be destroyed. And I agree that among all the candidates running, he brings the most experience, the superior intellect, and the vision, but he also brings a wagonload of baggage that I don't know if he can overcome.

Actually any one of the candidates in last night's debate would do a tremendous job compared to what we have at the helm now. My two least favorite at this time are Pawlenty and Paul, but I would vote for either of them in a heartbeat before I would allow the current Administration to continue us down the road to certain bankruptcy.
OBAMADINEJAD is a semi-EXPOSED MONUMENTAL FRAUD. Obamadinejad is a stone cold Black Racist MARXIST, Alinsky-trained "UNO" COMMUNITY ORGANIZER, Muslim PC Protector, Palestinian Guardian, Supporter of known and semi-known Terrorists and their organizations, getting them into Home Security jobs, setting up workshops for them, and even sending them as our representatives to the Mid East. Such as the main supporter of the Victory Mosque Imam Rauf and, allowing this perfidious Imam Rauf, on our taxpayers money, as our representative, to go to the Mid East KNOWING that in all probability that POS will drum up money for that Victory Mosque. Obamadinejad supports Illegal Immigration, and is the Mexican Drug Cartels' Pussy. It's One Big Ass Mistake America !!!

Wow, you got almost every single Fox talking point in there but you forgot about the marauding bands of liberals aborting babies in the dead of night.
Although at this moment in time I am strongly supportive of Newt, and I do like Bachmann too, I don't think there is a really strong candidate that has stepped forward yet. Each of the candidates have said things that I can support BUT nobody has said enough yet for me to get happy about any of the chances. Newt, in my opinion, has the best chance because he truly does know how Washington really works and I think he could get some things done and maybe end all the gridlock but even with that said, he is just another career politician and I find them distasteful these days. All of them are career politicians and I suppose you have to be one of those to run for President so it might be a mute point. I don't know about Perry. I like the young gun Rubio but he lacks experience. As I have said before nobody is really ringing my bells yet and I'm supporting Newt right now because there doesn't seem to be anything better.
Although I am not giving up on the opinion of a Landslide Victory of Perry/Rubio against the MONUMENTAL MARXIST RACIST FRAUD, The Loser Sambo Obambo ......... I feel that there is another ticket that will annihilate the Semi-Black Charlatan: The Gingrich/Bachmann Ticket.

At the present time, I actually prefer the Gingrich/Bachmann Ticket.

Gingrich doesn't have an equal in his knowledge of the inner workings of the Government, and his skill as a DEBATER will simply ANNIHILATE the MONUMENTAL MARXIST RACIST FRAUD & LOSER Sambo Obambo.

Bachmann will cinch the Tea Party & the Christian Religious Vote .....plus the important Feminine vote.

Waddaya think ?

Sambo? God, I hate racist!

Last night, Ron Paul made the rest of the pack look like what they are, political amateurs who will say anything to get elected. There isn't one candidate among the GOP wannabes, who deserves to be on the same stage as Ron Paul.
Also, I'd like to comment on the alleged Big Time Christians running for prez. God's Word repeatedly tells us to help the poor and the helpless, it also tells us to take care of God's Earth. Yet every one of these fake Christians, is all for taking away programs the help the poor & helpless and they are all for taking away regulations that protect God's Earth.
At least Ron Paul isn't a full blown hypocrite by trying to see who's the Biggest Christian. I respect that more than any the convenient Christians who want to defy God's Word..


From what you stated you are a Moderate Independent (your avatar) like the Pope is an Atheist.

Ron Paul did get a substantial straw vote.

However, if America followed his advice, The Baghdad Psycho would have the nukes .... in addition to the Iranian Freak Ahmadinejad. And, the Taliban's Al Queda would probably be still blowing up additional 9/11 type structures.
Although I am not giving up on the opinion of a Landslide Victory of Perry/Rubio against the MONUMENTAL MARXIST RACIST FRAUD, The Loser Sambo Obambo ......... I feel that there is another ticket that will annihilate the Semi-Black Charlatan: The Gingrich/Bachmann Ticket.

At the present time, I actually prefer the Gingrich/Bachmann Ticket.

Gingrich doesn't have an equal in his knowledge of the inner workings of the Government, and his skill as a DEBATER will simply ANNIHILATE the MONUMENTAL MARXIST RACIST FRAUD & LOSER Sambo Obambo.

Bachmann will cinch the Tea Party & the Christian Religious Vote .....plus the important Feminine vote.

Waddaya think ?

Sambo? God, I hate racist!

Last night, Ron Paul made the rest of the pack look like what they are, political amateurs who will say anything to get elected. There isn't one candidate among the GOP wannabes, who deserves to be on the same stage as Ron Paul.
Also, I'd like to comment on the alleged Big Time Christians running for prez. God's Word repeatedly tells us to help the poor and the helpless, it also tells us to take care of God's Earth. Yet every one of these fake Christians, is all for taking away programs the help the poor & helpless and they are all for taking away regulations that protect God's Earth.
At least Ron Paul isn't a full blown hypocrite by trying to see who's the Biggest Christian. I respect that more than any the convenient Christians who want to defy God's Word..


From what you stated you are a Moderate Independent (your avatar) like the Pope is an Atheist.

Ron Paul did get a substantial straw vote.

However, if America followed his advice, The Baghdad Psycho would have the nukes .... in addition to the Iranian Freak Ahmadinejad. And, the Taliban's Al Queda would probably be still blowing up additional 9/11 type structures.

Is that all the neo-cons have? Fear and tax breaks for the wealthy?
Sambo? God, I hate racist!

Last night, Ron Paul made the rest of the pack look like what they are, political amateurs who will say anything to get elected. There isn't one candidate among the GOP wannabes, who deserves to be on the same stage as Ron Paul.
Also, I'd like to comment on the alleged Big Time Christians running for prez. God's Word repeatedly tells us to help the poor and the helpless, it also tells us to take care of God's Earth. Yet every one of these fake Christians, is all for taking away programs the help the poor & helpless and they are all for taking away regulations that protect God's Earth.
At least Ron Paul isn't a full blown hypocrite by trying to see who's the Biggest Christian. I respect that more than any the convenient Christians who want to defy God's Word..


From what you stated you are a Moderate Independent (your avatar) like the Pope is an Atheist.

Ron Paul did get a substantial straw vote.

However, if America followed his advice, The Baghdad Psycho would have the nukes .... in addition to the Iranian Freak Ahmadinejad. And, the Taliban's Al Queda would probably be still blowing up additional 9/11 type structures.

Is that all the neo-cons have? Fear and tax breaks for the wealthy?

I don't know who is or isn't a neo-con on this thread. But the others are doing their damndest to discuss the candidates and why we prefer or don't prefer them. Among the issues every Presidential candidate, except Barack Obama, will have to address is the economy, jobs, and foreign policy including our Iranian policy. Ron Paul is right that foreign policy in the past has produced many unintended negative consequences. In my opinion he is wrong that what Iran does now should be none of our business or concern.

How about forcusing on those things instead of throwing out radical leftwing slurs and talking points re conservatives or rightwingers.
Although I am not giving up on the opinion of a Landslide Victory of Perry/Rubio against the MONUMENTAL MARXIST RACIST FRAUD, The Loser Sambo Obambo ......... I feel that there is another ticket that will annihilate the Semi-Black Charlatan: The Gingrich/Bachmann Ticket.

At the present time, I actually prefer the Gingrich/Bachmann Ticket.

Gingrich doesn't have an equal in his knowledge of the inner workings of the Government, and his skill as a DEBATER will simply ANNIHILATE the MONUMENTAL MARXIST RACIST FRAUD & LOSER Sambo Obambo.

Bachmann will cinch the Tea Party & the Christian Religious Vote .....plus the important Feminine vote.

Waddaya think ?

I think you're an idiot. Hope that helps.
I'm impressed with Newt, and I think the man is very intelligent, and could chew up the kenyan in a debate like an old wad of bubble gum. But he does have baggage, the Pelosi thing, and his wife. Rumor has it his wife has a lot of influence over him and his decisions. Well I don't want to elect his wife. He's also a little to lenient on illegal immigration for me too.

I keep coming back to Bachman, because the woman says what she believes and then STANDS BY IT, and to me, that is really important. Someone that doesn't tell me one thing and then do another.

I am waiting to hear from Perry though and find out more about him. I think I could support him too.

Palin... just no. No matter how good of a person she may be, the circus that's already surrounded her and her quitting in Alaska has just soured any support for her.
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Another Obama thread by gaytama? surprise surprise.

Just another opportunity for the TROLL to insult the POTUS in the most vile racist way he can, I expect.

He's got to vent his anger someplace, I suppose.
Another Obama thread by gaytama? surprise surprise.

Just another opportunity for the TROLL to insult the POTUS in the most vile racist way he can, I expect.

He's got to vent his anger someplace, I suppose.

Yup cause we all know this coward is too much of a chicken shit to say this stuff out loud in front of anyone.

The usual vacuous bullshit from the Intellectual Equal of his Colleagues: TruthDoesn'tMatter & Boopity Poop (from whom Low Gravity gets the expected thanks).

BTW, this shining example of RACIST IMPARTIALITY has a NEW Intellectual Partner LILolPOS ...... can't wait to hear these two in a concert !!!

Just another opportunity for the TROLL to insult the POTUS in the most vile racist way he can, I expect.

He's got to vent his anger someplace, I suppose.

Yup cause we all know this coward is too much of a chicken shit to say this stuff out loud in front of anyone.

The usual vacuous bullshit from the Intellectual Equal of his Colleagues: TruthDoesn'tMatter & Boopity Poop (from whom Low Gravity gets the expected thanks).

BTW, this shining example of RACIST IMPARTIALITY has a NEW Intellectual Partner LILolPOS ...... can't wait to hear these two in a concert !!!


Although I am not giving up on the opinion of a Landslide Victory of Perry/Rubio against the MONUMENTAL MARXIST RACIST FRAUD, The Loser Sambo Obambo ......... I feel that there is another ticket that will annihilate the Semi-Black Charlatan: The Gingrich/Bachmann Ticket.

At the present time, I actually prefer the Gingrich/Bachmann Ticket.

Gingrich doesn't have an equal in his knowledge of the inner workings of the Government, and his skill as a DEBATER will simply ANNIHILATE the MONUMENTAL MARXIST RACIST FRAUD & LOSER Sambo Obambo.

Bachmann will cinch the Tea Party & the Christian Religious Vote .....plus the important Feminine vote.

Waddaya think ?

I think you're an idiot. Hope that helps.

Any opinion from a self-avowed bitch will get the commensurate credibility ..... you fucking shitty crunt.

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