‘Im going to close the border’ is no longer good enough. Trump/DeSantis what are you going to do about the tens of millions running around amongst us?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Joe Biden has released another several million and we haven’t heard of a viable plan to find, arrest and deport the trespassers. Shouldn’t we demand to hear about a real plan? Isn’t it time that we expand upon ‘closing the border’?
When we have a rodent infestation in our home we don’t just seal up the point of intrusion on the outside and leave the rats that made in alone do we?
Joe Biden has released another several million and we haven’t heard of a viable plan to find, arrest and deport the trespassers. Shouldn’t we demand to hear about a real plan? Isn’t it time that we expand upon ‘closing the border’?
When we have a rodent infestation in our home we don’t just seal up the point of intrusion on the outside and leave the rats that made in alone do we?

1st. Close Border
2nd. Engage new courts to get through the backlog of "asylum seekers" deny the economic migrants, and ship em back. Hell give them $500 american each, that will last them months where they come from.
Federalize the police (as it pertains to immigration) to have the power to arrest all illegals.

The dems wanted to do that with the covid mandates so they should take no issue with it.....Right? ;)
Chinas Intelligence agencies, while working with Russia in some sharing I'm sure (for their own purposes); accomplished more in the last 25 years for their nations success than any other intel agency in modern history.

Look at what they convinced European leaders to do to themselves, often in the name of "(fake) Globalization". Along with U.S corporations, higher education, media and multiple U.S politicians.

They came within a whisker of Hillary winning which would have torpedoed China to the top in short order and greatly diminished the public confronting of China we are seeing by some today.

There is a new Cold era now. Except America and the West is not as strong as during the last one, nor as patriotic and their adversary is much stronger, patriotic and they are influencing all the Wests power structures and most allies.

Remarkable work by Chinas MSS. Canada is long gone, our Security Industrial Complex sunk us long ago, ensuring a domestic kakistocracy and generational nepotism.

Hopefully some in your country have been paying attention..
Joe Biden has released another several million and we haven’t heard of a viable plan to find, arrest and deport the trespassers. Shouldn’t we demand to hear about a real plan? Isn’t it time that we expand upon ‘closing the border’?
When we have a rodent infestation in our home we don’t just seal up the point of intrusion on the outside and leave the rats that made in alone do we?
Its a start.
Round up anyone who looks Mexican
Memo to the underinformed... its not Mexicans that are crossing our border... Its Iranians Chinese South Americans Africans Russians Asians and all sorts of 3rd world migrants... good luck with that.... ever heard of the bubonic plague?...
Close the border and kick out pretty much anyone that isn't a US citizen already. Even work visas, green cards, whatever you want to call it. Sure it's going to suck for some but this isn't your average scenario we're in, a few are going to have to suffer for the greater good of the many.

And from now one the only ones allowed to become citizens should have to pay a minimum of 10,000 dollars, wait 18 months, demonstrate they fluently speak and write English, can only have one citizenship, can't vote for 5 years and can't have employment gaps longer than 2 weeks for 5 years.

Federalize the police (as it pertains to immigration) to have the power to arrest all illegals.

The dems wanted to do that with the covid mandates so they should take no issue with it.....Right? ;)

I'd be ok with that. Would be an efficient way of rapidly getting rid of the problem.

I'd also fine and call into court companies employing people that even so much as have a fake ID. You'll see a lot of companies really cracking down on verifying employees. Most don't even really check that much and have employees working through a family members id or a stolen one.

This going to require setting the brush on fire to chase out the rats. It won't be fun for a lot of people, but it's gone too far and drastic times call for drastic measures.
Round them up and ship them back.

Ten million at 100 per bus is only 100,000 bus loads.

Better get busy, this might take a while.
One Loud Noise Will Cause Whole Herds to Stampede

Give them reason to run for their lives. They'll all be gone quickly. Feralphiles running Mexico and Canada will be glad to grant them asylum from THOSE HORRIBLE WHITE PEOPLE.

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