I’m Sure It’s Nothing


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Doctor at hospital in Wuhan dies after treating patients with coronavirus.

“A doctor working at a hospital in Wuhan, China — treating patients stricken with the coronavirus — died Saturday morning. Liang Wudong, 62, died after he was infected with Wuhan coronavirus.”

Good thing we know the Chinese government would never downplay and coverup what’s really going on.
Doctor at hospital in Wuhan dies after treating patients with coronavirus.

“A doctor working at a hospital in Wuhan, China — treating patients stricken with the coronavirus — died Saturday morning. Liang Wudong, 62, died after he was infected with Wuhan coronavirus.”

Good thing we know the Chinese government would never downplay and coverup what’s really going on.
Now if we can just get a few of those illegal Chinese over here in San Fransicko and Martha's Vineyard.
If true, it is remarkable. Surely, that doctor was employing every imaginable preventive measure, but STILL got infected.
I have seen some crazy stuff on Twitter of medical staff having complete meltdowns and they are wearing diapers so they don’t have to take bathroom breaks.
Doctor at hospital in Wuhan dies after treating patients with coronavirus.

“A doctor working at a hospital in Wuhan, China — treating patients stricken with the coronavirus — died Saturday morning. Liang Wudong, 62, died after he was infected with Wuhan coronavirus.”

Good thing we know the Chinese government would never downplay and coverup what’s really going on.
We already know that the Deep State has many of their agents in that country. Most of them has infiltrated their way to high positions in most of these countries. They even has some of them in Russia, and that is why our government is going around pushing this narrative that Putin is a dictator so that if he catches one of these infiltrators. That he will not kill them but send them back home safely in their own country.
This plague just started right after Pres.Trump made a new trade deal with China that isn't forcing China to buy GMO corn feed that was killing their hogs. And so now the Deep State is tainting the food supply in China to make other countries scare to trade with them. That it will bring down their economy.

Doctor at hospital in Wuhan dies after treating patients with coronavirus.

“A doctor working at a hospital in Wuhan, China — treating patients stricken with the coronavirus — died Saturday morning. Liang Wudong, 62, died after he was infected with Wuhan coronavirus.”

Good thing we know the Chinese government would never downplay and coverup what’s really going on.
We already know that the Deep State has many of their agents in that country. Most of them has infiltrated their way to high positions in most of these countries. They even has some of them in Russia, and that is why our government is going around pushing this narrative that Putin is a dictator so that if he catches one of these infiltrators. That he will not kill them but send them back home safely in their own country.
This plague just started right after Pres.Trump made a new trade deal with China that isn't forcing China to buy GMO corn feed that was killing their hogs. And so now the Deep State is tainting the food supply in China to make other countries scare to trade with them. That it will bring down their economy.

Deepstate hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha

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