Dale Smith
Platinum Member
No. Just too much schizophrenic nonsense in there. Have you sought therapy?What?Terrible analogy. The majority of Americans don't approve of the job that bed bugs have done.Like bedbugs unless you take the proper precautions......
No, it's pretty much "dead on" because the public doesn't understand or even have a clue as to what type of damage he has done and they will not know for awhile. It's akin to Bill "drop trou" and his legacy. Everyone reflects back to his time not even realizing that he signed off on NAFTA , the machinations started by his cocaine partner GH Bush or how Bill "drop trou" signed off on GATT....or how Bill "drop trou" pushed the precursor for the Patriot Act with the Omnibus Counter Terrorism that gave new and sweeping powers to the executive branch that infringed on our rights due to a "gubermint" false flag event that was the OKC bombing. People don't know how the Clintons opened up the patent office to the Chi-coms in exchange for contributions and gave them a deep sea water port in California and he helped the offshoring of manufacturing jobs to China. The Clintons took a shit on us all but the turds weren't discovered until after they were gone and now stupid fucks like you want a sequel...fucking unreal. BTW, check out this article from the Huffington Post....not exactly a rightwing website...eh?
Bill Clinton's True Legacy: Outsourcer-in-Chief | Huffington Post![]()
Too many multi-syllable words? Use the Google dictionary........
Everything I posted, I can back up....you so desperately want to cling to the leftard clown posse that has even admitted that they want you "unaware and compliant"......you certainly do not disappoint. LOL!