Imagine the implications if republicans had their way over the rights of workers in this country


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Maternity leave for women is already an issue. Imagine if we didn't have...

Benefits for full time such as health insurance

Workman's compensation

Over time pay

Paid time off for any job

No minimum wage

That is what we would face if it wasn't for progressivism in this county. Thank a liberal and stop electing republicans.
Imagine the implications if workers could quit if they didn't like their working conditions.

Imagine the implications if workers could voluntarily unionize or not join a union UN-harassed.

Imagine if corporate bosses didn't and couldn't use the power of the state to break up unions.

Imagine if scabs could voluntarily cross picket line unmolested with out threat of personal injury to them, their family or property.

Imagine if the community could then impose economic and social sanctions on scabs to enforce strikes. What a wonderful world we could have to VOLUNTARILY promote workers rights WITHOUT ever having the need of government intervention or violence.

Imagine if the dock workers of this nation REFUSED to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own, imagine where our economy would be now? Hmmmm. . . imagine that?

I'll bet we would still be making clothing, TV's, electronics and radio's. What do you want to bet?

Imagine the implications if workers could quit if they didn't like their working conditions.

Imagine the implications if workers could voluntarily unionize or not join a union UN-harassed.

Imagine if corporate bosses didn't and couldn't use the power of the state to break up unions.

Imagine if scabs could voluntarily cross picket line unmolested with out threat of personal injury to them, their family or property.

Imagine if the community could then impose economic and social sanctions on scabs to enforce strikes. What a wonderful world we could have to VOLUNTARILY promote workers rights WITHOUT ever having the need of government intervention or violence.

Imagine if the dock workers of this nation REFUSED to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own, imagine where our economy would be now? Hmmmm. . . imagine that?

I'll bet we would still be making clothing, TV's, electronics and radio's. What do you want to bet?


I imagine that you are familiar with John Lennon. Imagine that.

But that one about the dock workers, that's an interesting thought.
This thread is just one of the reasons I tell young people not to join the Military.
I love when Statists throw out that angry Canard, "Why hasn't any nation ever TRIED libertarianism or Anarchy if it is so great?"

Well, Statism by definition is the monopoly on the use of force. People have to be willing, ALL people, to use voluntary peaceful action. If a few elites choose to pay people with guns to force others to do their bidding, then of course it will never work.

If young men can be enticed by the promise of free stuff to go kill other young men, there will always be war. As soon as the love of others is more important than material things, then there will be peace.

Here's the line for the new Iphone. I foresee only more war.

Imagine the implications if workers could quit if they didn't like their working conditions.

Imagine the implications if workers could voluntarily unionize or not join a union UN-harassed.

Imagine if corporate bosses didn't and couldn't use the power of the state to break up unions.

Imagine if scabs could voluntarily cross picket line unmolested with out threat of personal injury to them, their family or property.

Imagine if the community could then impose economic and social sanctions on scabs to enforce strikes. What a wonderful world we could have to VOLUNTARILY promote workers rights WITHOUT ever having the need of government intervention or violence.

Imagine if the dock workers of this nation REFUSED to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own, imagine where our economy would be now? Hmmmm. . . imagine that?

I'll bet we would still be making clothing, TV's, electronics and radio's. What do you want to bet?

If republicans had their way, there wouldn't be much of better jobs to go to after quitting....
Imagine the implications if workers could quit if they didn't like their working conditions.

Imagine the implications if workers could voluntarily unionize or not join a union UN-harassed.

Imagine if corporate bosses didn't and couldn't use the power of the state to break up unions.

Imagine if scabs could voluntarily cross picket line unmolested with out threat of personal injury to them, their family or property.

Imagine if the community could then impose economic and social sanctions on scabs to enforce strikes. What a wonderful world we could have to VOLUNTARILY promote workers rights WITHOUT ever having the need of government intervention or violence.

Imagine if the dock workers of this nation REFUSED to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own, imagine where our economy would be now? Hmmmm. . . imagine that?

I'll bet we would still be making clothing, TV's, electronics and radio's. What do you want to bet?

If republicans had their way, there wouldn't be much of better jobs to go to after quitting....

God, you really are obtuse. If you got rid of all the Statists, if the government were completely thrown out of the employer/employee relationship, there would be unlimited jobs. Don't you see that?

Minimum wage KILLS jobs. Didn't you know that?

Regulation strangles creation of job opportunities. Communities are decayed and dying because of it.

Forced schooling limits apprenticeships and opportunities for the young. I can't even begin to explain to you how the Democratic party is even worse than the Republican party.
Imagine the implications if workers could quit if they didn't like their working conditions.

Imagine the implications if workers could voluntarily unionize or not join a union UN-harassed.

Imagine if corporate bosses didn't and couldn't use the power of the state to break up unions.

Imagine if scabs could voluntarily cross picket line unmolested with out threat of personal injury to them, their family or property.

Imagine if the community could then impose economic and social sanctions on scabs to enforce strikes. What a wonderful world we could have to VOLUNTARILY promote workers rights WITHOUT ever having the need of government intervention or violence.

Imagine if the dock workers of this nation REFUSED to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own, imagine where our economy would be now? Hmmmm. . . imagine that?

I'll bet we would still be making clothing, TV's, electronics and radio's. What do you want to bet?

If republicans had their way, there wouldn't be much of better jobs to go to after quitting....

God, you really are obtuse. If you got rid of all the Statists, if the government were completely thrown out of the employer/employee relationship, there would be unlimited jobs. Don't you see that?

Minimum wage KILLS jobs. Didn't you know that?

Regulation strangles creation of job opportunities. Communities are decayed and dying because of it.

Forced schooling limits apprenticeships and opportunities for the young. I can't even begin to explain to you how the Democratic party is even worse than the Republican party.
Minimum wage only kills jobs initially. Over time the increase in consumer spending from higher wages creates jobs.

Regulations are necessary and in reality do very little to hinder job growth. Wouldn't you prefer laws that limit how much lead goes in paint? How about laws protecting drinking water?
Imagine the implications if workers could quit if they didn't like their working conditions.

Imagine the implications if workers could voluntarily unionize or not join a union UN-harassed.

Imagine if corporate bosses didn't and couldn't use the power of the state to break up unions.

Imagine if scabs could voluntarily cross picket line unmolested with out threat of personal injury to them, their family or property.

Imagine if the community could then impose economic and social sanctions on scabs to enforce strikes. What a wonderful world we could have to VOLUNTARILY promote workers rights WITHOUT ever having the need of government intervention or violence.

Imagine if the dock workers of this nation REFUSED to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own, imagine where our economy would be now? Hmmmm. . . imagine that?

I'll bet we would still be making clothing, TV's, electronics and radio's. What do you want to bet?

If republicans had their way, there wouldn't be much of better jobs to go to after quitting....

They've gone a long way toward accomplishing just that.
Imagine the implications if workers could quit if they didn't like their working conditions.

Imagine the implications if workers could voluntarily unionize or not join a union UN-harassed.

Imagine if corporate bosses didn't and couldn't use the power of the state to break up unions.

Imagine if scabs could voluntarily cross picket line unmolested with out threat of personal injury to them, their family or property.

Imagine if the community could then impose economic and social sanctions on scabs to enforce strikes. What a wonderful world we could have to VOLUNTARILY promote workers rights WITHOUT ever having the need of government intervention or violence.

Imagine if the dock workers of this nation REFUSED to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own, imagine where our economy would be now? Hmmmm. . . imagine that?

I'll bet we would still be making clothing, TV's, electronics and radio's. What do you want to bet?


Imagine if the dock workers of this nation REFUSED to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own, imagine where our economy would be now?

Pretty much in the same place, with a bunch of unemployed, asshole, ex-dock workers whining on their couch.
Benefits for full time such as health insurance

Just a correction ...

Health insurance for full-time employees was initially a tool the automotive and manufacturing companies introduced to circumvent wage caps instituted by President Roosevelt.

The only thing Progressive Liberalism did to establish health insurance as a standard form of compensation ... Is limit salaries and cause businesses to find additional ways the compete for quality workers.

Imagine the implications if workers could quit if they didn't like their working conditions.

Imagine the implications if workers could voluntarily unionize or not join a union UN-harassed.

Imagine if corporate bosses didn't and couldn't use the power of the state to break up unions.

Imagine if scabs could voluntarily cross picket line unmolested with out threat of personal injury to them, their family or property.

Imagine if the community could then impose economic and social sanctions on scabs to enforce strikes. What a wonderful world we could have to VOLUNTARILY promote workers rights WITHOUT ever having the need of government intervention or violence.

Imagine if the dock workers of this nation REFUSED to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own, imagine where our economy would be now? Hmmmm. . . imagine that?

I'll bet we would still be making clothing, TV's, electronics and radio's. What do you want to bet?

If republicans had their way, there wouldn't be much of better jobs to go to after quitting....

God, you really are obtuse. If you got rid of all the Statists, if the government were completely thrown out of the employer/employee relationship, there would be unlimited jobs. Don't you see that?

Minimum wage KILLS jobs. Didn't you know that?

Regulation strangles creation of job opportunities. Communities are decayed and dying because of it.

Forced schooling limits apprenticeships and opportunities for the young. I can't even begin to explain to you how the Democratic party is even worse than the Republican party.
Minimum wage only kills jobs initially. Over time the increase in consumer spending from higher wages creates jobs.

Regulations are necessary and in reality do very little to hinder job growth. Wouldn't you prefer laws that limit how much lead goes in paint? How about laws protecting drinking water?

Minimum wage only kills jobs initially. Over time the increase in consumer spending from higher wages creates jobs.

No. Reduced production will keep employment lower, permanently.
Imagine the implications if workers could quit if they didn't like their working conditions.

Imagine the implications if workers could voluntarily unionize or not join a union UN-harassed.

Imagine if corporate bosses didn't and couldn't use the power of the state to break up unions.

Imagine if scabs could voluntarily cross picket line unmolested with out threat of personal injury to them, their family or property.

Imagine if the community could then impose economic and social sanctions on scabs to enforce strikes. What a wonderful world we could have to VOLUNTARILY promote workers rights WITHOUT ever having the need of government intervention or violence.

Imagine if the dock workers of this nation REFUSED to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own, imagine where our economy would be now? Hmmmm. . . imagine that?

I'll bet we would still be making clothing, TV's, electronics and radio's. What do you want to bet?

If republicans had their way, there wouldn't be much of better jobs to go to after quitting....

God, you really are obtuse. If you got rid of all the Statists, if the government were completely thrown out of the employer/employee relationship, there would be unlimited jobs. Don't you see that?

Minimum wage KILLS jobs. Didn't you know that?

Regulation strangles creation of job opportunities. Communities are decayed and dying because of it.

Forced schooling limits apprenticeships and opportunities for the young. I can't even begin to explain to you how the Democratic party is even worse than the Republican party.
Minimum wage only kills jobs initially. Over time the increase in consumer spending from higher wages creates jobs.

Regulations are necessary and in reality do very little to hinder job growth. Wouldn't you prefer laws that limit how much lead goes in paint? How about laws protecting drinking water?

You really are a victim of forced schooling. The first thing that needs to be done, is to do away with government forced schooling.

I can't even have a conversation with someone like you, because your epistemology, what you think you know is completely wrong. Your facts are what? They are "according to" the established order.

You can not even imagine any other way to order society. How on Earth could we ever relate?

Regulations ARE NOT necessary, they hinder growth, and benefit established economic interests. IF we had a free press, a free scientific establishment, these things would come out better. What regulation did we have in 1776? How about in 1820? And in 1840? What about 1870? The US grew at an astonishing pace. It grew at such an unimaginable rate, it SCARED the rest of the world.

I'll grant you, much of that was due to slavery, but even after Slavery was abolished, between the end of the civil war, and the turn of the Century, the growth rate of the US has been unparallelled in human history. Do you know why? Lack of government regulation or oversight. Especially in the newly settled territories.

It was never the government that exposed the dangers of lead in paint, you DO KNOW THAT don't you? It was free researching scientists and consumer advocates.

If you admit that minimum wage initially kills jobs, then you must also admit, that if you got rid of minimum wage, it would create jobs, it is only common sense. PLEASE, what is wrong with you?

Consumer spending does not increase with higher wages. There is no evidence of that. What happens, is prices rise across the board. It is simple economics. If you are paying everyone more for their services, then the cost of everything goes up.
The government KILLS people with what it does to the water. I don't drink the water, do you? Over ten years of drinking the water you lose about five to ten IQ points. What, you didn't know?

Added to that, you increase you chances of getting cancer.

Read the back of your toothpaste. The part where it says, "Do not ingest. If accidental ingestion occurs, call poison control." Yeah, that part. Well, one glass of tap water contains the same amount of fluoride as the amount of toothpaste you are supposed to brush with. There is a reason the government didn't let the EPA testify and the FDA hearing on fluoridation of the water.

So much for your theory on having the government regulate the water. Yikes.

Imagine the implications if workers could quit if they didn't like their working conditions.

Imagine the implications if workers could voluntarily unionize or not join a union UN-harassed.

Imagine if corporate bosses didn't and couldn't use the power of the state to break up unions.

Imagine if scabs could voluntarily cross picket line unmolested with out threat of personal injury to them, their family or property.

Imagine if the community could then impose economic and social sanctions on scabs to enforce strikes. What a wonderful world we could have to VOLUNTARILY promote workers rights WITHOUT ever having the need of government intervention or violence.

Imagine if the dock workers of this nation REFUSED to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own, imagine where our economy would be now? Hmmmm. . . imagine that?

I'll bet we would still be making clothing, TV's, electronics and radio's. What do you want to bet?


Imagine if the dock workers of this nation REFUSED to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own, imagine where our economy would be now?

Pretty much in the same place, with a bunch of unemployed, asshole, ex-dock workers whining on their couch.

Why are they assholes?
Maternity leave for women is already an issue. Imagine if we didn't have...

Benefits for full time such as health insurance

Workman's compensation

Over time pay

Paid time off for any job

No minimum wage

That is what we would face if it wasn't for progressivism in this county. Thank a liberal and stop electing republicans.

Praise on high oh holy government. All blessings come from you!

What a moron.
Imagine the implications if workers could quit if they didn't like their working conditions.

Imagine the implications if workers could voluntarily unionize or not join a union UN-harassed.

Imagine if corporate bosses didn't and couldn't use the power of the state to break up unions.

Imagine if scabs could voluntarily cross picket line unmolested with out threat of personal injury to them, their family or property.

Imagine if the community could then impose economic and social sanctions on scabs to enforce strikes. What a wonderful world we could have to VOLUNTARILY promote workers rights WITHOUT ever having the need of government intervention or violence.

Imagine if the dock workers of this nation REFUSED to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own, imagine where our economy would be now? Hmmmm. . . imagine that?

I'll bet we would still be making clothing, TV's, electronics and radio's. What do you want to bet?


Imagine if the dock workers of this nation REFUSED to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own, imagine where our economy would be now?

Pretty much in the same place, with a bunch of unemployed, asshole, ex-dock workers whining on their couch.

Why are they assholes?

Assholes who decide not "to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own" deserve to be unemployed assholes.
Imagine the implications if workers could quit if they didn't like their working conditions.

Imagine the implications if workers could voluntarily unionize or not join a union UN-harassed.

Imagine if corporate bosses didn't and couldn't use the power of the state to break up unions.

Imagine if scabs could voluntarily cross picket line unmolested with out threat of personal injury to them, their family or property.

Imagine if the community could then impose economic and social sanctions on scabs to enforce strikes. What a wonderful world we could have to VOLUNTARILY promote workers rights WITHOUT ever having the need of government intervention or violence.

Imagine if the dock workers of this nation REFUSED to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own, imagine where our economy would be now? Hmmmm. . . imagine that?

I'll bet we would still be making clothing, TV's, electronics and radio's. What do you want to bet?


Imagine if the dock workers of this nation REFUSED to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own, imagine where our economy would be now?

Pretty much in the same place, with a bunch of unemployed, asshole, ex-dock workers whining on their couch.

Why are they assholes?

Assholes who decide not "to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own" deserve to be unemployed assholes.

Why do you think they are assholes if they are fighting for the rights of workers?
Imagine the implications if workers could quit if they didn't like their working conditions.

Imagine the implications if workers could voluntarily unionize or not join a union UN-harassed.

Imagine if corporate bosses didn't and couldn't use the power of the state to break up unions.

Imagine if scabs could voluntarily cross picket line unmolested with out threat of personal injury to them, their family or property.

Imagine if the community could then impose economic and social sanctions on scabs to enforce strikes. What a wonderful world we could have to VOLUNTARILY promote workers rights WITHOUT ever having the need of government intervention or violence.

Imagine if the dock workers of this nation REFUSED to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own, imagine where our economy would be now? Hmmmm. . . imagine that?

I'll bet we would still be making clothing, TV's, electronics and radio's. What do you want to bet?


Imagine if the dock workers of this nation REFUSED to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own, imagine where our economy would be now?

Pretty much in the same place, with a bunch of unemployed, asshole, ex-dock workers whining on their couch.

Why are they assholes?

Assholes who decide not "to let ships dock from nations that didn't give their workers the same rights as our own" deserve to be unemployed assholes.

Why do you think they are assholes if they are fighting for the rights of workers?

Don't want to unload ships, go sit on your couch, asshole.

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