“I’ve been in courthouses in every part of the world and in China, in Russia, in Ukraine, in Israel. ... I’ve never seen a spectacle like this

No illegality has been proven not even offered in the charges
All some circuitous claptrap and unidentified underlying issues.

Ok. Let’s discuss that.

For decades it has been illegal to make false entries in your business records. This was intended to prevent people writing off personal expenses as business expenses. No new law has been created. And the laws in use have been on the books as long as Trump has been alive.

We have had 22 witnesses plus audio recordings and documentation. The witnesses testified that Trump told them to do what he is accused of doing. The audio recordings have Trump on tape telling the people to do what he is accused of doing. The documents include canceled checks to pay people for doing what he is accused of doing.

But now this is lawfare. A new term created to describe the situation when a man is tried for doing what he is apparently been doing.
Excellent question: They thought Hillary was going to win, so the Russian Collusion hoax ended up being Plan B after Hillary lost. Hillary launched the Russian Collusion investigation to get even with Trump.

So why not go with plan A, release them before the election, and seal a Trump loss?

Oh, maybe because they wanted to preserve the INTELLIGENCE VALUE of the report, root out the Russian influence, and put a stop to it... because they believed the Russians really were trying to influence our elections.

The FBI's actions actually prove they thought the report was real, but didn't want to embarrass Trump or the GOP publicly. This is why after spending years and millions of dollars, Weird Beard Durham came up pretty much empty trying to prove a conspiracy.
So why not go with plan A, release them before the election, and seal a Trump loss?

Oh, maybe because they wanted to preserve the INTELLIGENCE VALUE of the report, root out the Russian influence, and put a stop to it... because they believed the Russians really were trying to influence our elections.

The FBI's actions actually prove they thought the report was real, but didn't want to embarrass Trump or the GOP publicly. This is why after spending years and millions of dollars, Weird Beard Durham came up pretty much empty trying to prove a conspiracy.
If the FBI had thought it was genuine they would have released the story before the election, not after. They would have been able to do something about it. The fact is the story is fake and Mueller knew it the day he started the investigation.

The Mueller investigation served two purposes.:

  1. To look for process crimes to prosecute Trump
  2. To destroy evidence of the FBIs illegal activities
Seems you have a problem thinking logically, so you have to make up excuses for your rotten logic.

Thankfully our corrupt and biased leftist media helps you by providing you all of the fake talking-points you need to re-enforce your false beliefs.
If the FBI had thought it was genuine they would have released the story before the election, not after. They would have been able to do something about it. The fact is the story is fake and Mueller knew it the day he started the investigation.

If they knew it was fake, releasing it before the election as a dirty trick would have been the smarter move. Then they could all deny they were the leaker, and do you think Hillary's DOJ would have appointed someone like Weird-Beard to spend millions trying to find the leaker?

Instead, they held onto it, hoping to prove Russian Collusion and quietly stomp it out. But they got guys like Sessions and Barr in there who frustrated them at every turn.
If they knew it was fake, releasing it before the election as a dirty trick would have been the smarter move. Then they could all deny they were the leaker, and do you think Hillary's DOJ would have appointed someone like Weird-Beard to spend millions trying to find the leaker?

Instead, they held onto it, hoping to prove Russian Collusion and quietly stomp it out. But they got guys like Sessions and Barr in there who frustrated them at every turn.

Sessions was the beginning of the shit-show.

He took office and then immediately recused himself turning over the DOJ to Rod Rosenstein.

Once Trump was able to fire Sessions he hired Barr who turned out to be yet another insider who stabbed Trump in the back and prevented any investigations worth a shit from happening. Barr made sure that Jan 6th wasn't properly investigated, while making sure any investigation into Biden was squashed before they started.
Facts are facts. Not everybody subscribes to your alternative facts, Spanky. :abgg2q.jpg:
Facts are facts, in 2016 it was clinton and the dnc that violated campaign laws and falsified business records to hide their payments to a foreign national to interfere in the election.

Facts are facts, it was Joey Xiden who was caught willfully stealing classified documents and selling them

Facts are facts it was Harris and other leading dems that openly encouraged and funded demafasict brownshirts who terrorized the country in 2020, firebombing court houses, attempting to raid the White House, loot, and murder.

These are the facts, not the alternative facts that all your cult to exist
In the end, that’s really all you’re going to have. Trump fucked Stormy and claims to have morals. Enjoy your consolation prize.
Trump is known to be a germaphobe. If I was a germaphobe, I would avoid having sex with porn stars and prostitutes. It has been pointed out that when you have sex with someone, you have sex with everyone they have had sex with.

Trump is known to be a germaphobe. If I was a germaphobe, I would avoid having sex with porn stars and prostitutes. It has been pointed out that when you have sex with someone, you have sex with everyone they have had sex with.

So Trump is a pig afraid of germs.

In Trump's case you can't put a silk hat on a pig & make it look good.
So Trump is a pig afraid of germs.

In Trump's case you can't put a silk hat on a pig & make it look good.
I actually am more of a DeSantis supporter than a Trump supporter.

Unfortunately at this time it looks as if it will be Trump vs Joe Biden.

There is absolutely no way I in Hell I will vote for Joe Biden.
I noticed how you seem to relish the suffering of others.

You really are a despicable little shit. :iagree:
I haven't notice you calling out 1srelluc for wishing cancer to defeat Jamie Raskin.
If you do that, then you could be taken seriously.
Until then, you are just another deceitful liar.

Sessions was the beginning of the shit-show.

He took office and then immediately recused himself turning over the DOJ to Rod Rosenstein.

Once Trump was able to fire Sessions he hired Barr who turned out to be yet another insider who stabbed Trump in the back and prevented any investigations worth a shit from happening. Barr made sure that Jan 6th wasn't properly investigated, while making sure any investigation into Biden was squashed before they started.

Barr also halted at least 4 big 2020 Election Fraud cases after stalling it out. Transferred to bury it by FBI.
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And it will be immediately tossed on appeal sock boy. Try not to crap your diaper.
Good luck with that one, assbreath. By the time Spanky gets done with appeals he'll be in the slammer for J6, bunking with Bubba.

And you'll be whistling Dixie, thru the tears.
I noticed how you seem to relish the suffering of others.

You really are a despicable little shit. :iagree:
He's a classic lefty....they actually do enjoy the suffering of those that disagree with them. It is definitely a psychosis.
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