Judge Merchan is ‘Outrageous, Unethical, Unlawful And Petty,’ According to Top Lawyer Who Was in The Court.

No he did not, you're just pissed that your Mango Moron was found guilty.
No. If he committed crimes that weren’t minor and had precedent he’d have dug his grave.

However, we know a ton:

1. Stormy Daniels admitted that no affair occurred and there was no hush money
2. Michael Cohen, a proven liar, claimed to have received money through his salary, but his salary was unchanged for the past years previous. He made the same amount the previous few years as he did that year. So how can he have received some huge hush money bonus if his salary didn't increase?

Neither of the prosecution's star witnesses made any convincing case to outsiders, but that didn't matter because Merchand was out of line for a judge throughout the trial, and his orders to the jury weren't normal or ethically acceptable.

We also know:
  • Bragg is a radical Democrat, and ran his campaign on getting Trump.
  • Bragg is known for knocking down felonies to misdemeanors at high rates, yet, he does the opposite here.
  • A high level Biden DOJ official took a massive demotion and pay cut to get on Bragg's roster right before the prosecution began. Biden/Garland were likely coordinating this.
  • Merchand and his daughter give tons of money to Biden, and the daughter is involved in Democrat SuperPAC's.
  • The initial "crime" was supposed misdemeanor state crime from 2016-2017, beyond its statute of limitations
  • Bragg brought those "charges" to a felony without even providing any reason as to which other crime was committed, which was necessary.
  • Merchand didn't laugh this pathetic attempt out of court.
All of this happened. 1+1+1 = it's shady AF. Nobody should pretend this is normal. Maybe if only one of them were true, you'd have a way to explain it away. But all of this should absolutely be met with skepticism by anyone who isn't just focused on hating/getting Trump.

It appears to be100% political. If this wasn't Donald Trump, Bragg wouldn't have bothered to even attempt this, and the Judge would have rejected it because the charges lacked the requirements necessary. Most of those outside of the "Get Trump by any means necessary" leftist/Democrat bubble see this for what it is.

You are making Trump a martyr. Bragg and Merchand made Trump a martyr. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out, but the Democrats probably blew their load too early and didn't think about the long game here.
No. If he committed crimes that weren’t minor and had precedent he’d have dug his grave.

However, we know a ton:

1. Stormy Daniels admitted that no affair occurred and there was no hush money
2. Michael Cohen, a proven liar, claimed to have received money through his salary, but his salary was unchanged for the past years previous. He made the same amount the previous few years as he did that year. So how can he have received some huge hush money bonus if his salary didn't increase?

Neither of the prosecution's star witnesses made any convincing case to outsiders, but that didn't matter because Merchand was out of line for a judge throughout the trial, and his orders to the jury weren't normal or ethically acceptable.

We also know:
  • Bragg is a radical Democrat, and ran his campaign on getting Trump.
  • Bragg is known for knocking down felonies to misdemeanors at high rates, yet, he does the opposite here.
  • A high level Biden DOJ official took a massive demotion and pay cut to get on Bragg's roster right before the prosecution began. Biden/Garland were likely coordinating this.
  • Merchand and his daughter give tons of money to Biden, and the daughter is involved in Democrat SuperPAC's.
  • The initial "crime" was supposed misdemeanor state crime from 2016-2017, beyond its statute of limitations
  • Bragg brought those "charges" to a felony without even providing any reason as to which other crime was committed, which was necessary.
  • Merchand didn't laugh this pathetic attempt out of court.
All of this happened. 1+1+1 = it's shady AF. Nobody should pretend this is normal. Maybe if only one of them were true, you'd have a way to explain it away. But all of this should absolutely be met with skepticism by anyone who isn't just focused on hating/getting Trump.

It appears to be100% political. If this wasn't Donald Trump, Bragg wouldn't have bothered to even attempt this, and the Judge would have rejected it because the charges lacked the requirements necessary. Most of those outside of the "Get Trump by any means necessary" leftist/Democrat bubble see this for what it is.

You are making Trump a martyr. Bragg and Merchand made Trump a martyr. It'll be interesting to see how this plays out, but the Democrats probably blew their load too early and didn't think about the long game here.

Traanslates to You cannot prove a single solitary word of anything you wrote, but hot shit and holy fucking is dam a sure fire MAGA MAGGOT Conspiracy.

Judge Merchan did NOT give any such instructions, but need to believe that anyway.

Here is something for you to while chewing your cud. All of P01135809 prior bad acts can used his sentencing. Like 10-of his violations of the Gag Rule place on him by Judge Merhan. His being found liable for the rape of E. Jean Carroll can be used in his sentencing as well.

The Orange Shit Gibbon has never once his miserable con man existence ever had to suffer the consequences of his illegal actions. That is about to change.

His P.O. is an African-American Woman, he will have to, under penalty of perjury answer all the qestions she gives him. She can order him to piss in cup, if he has his drug of choice Adderal in his system, she order him to jail for using an illegal substance while on parole.

The DOJ had nothing to do with New State Trial, no jurdiction, but adds on your stupid shit conspiracy theory..

Traanslates to You cannot prove a single solitary word of anything you wrote, but hot shit and holy fucking shit is sure fire MAGA MAGGOT Conspiracy.
I can, but it's common knowledge to those outside of the "Get Trump by any means necessary" leftist bubble.
Judge Merchan did NOT give any such instructions, but need to believe that anyway.

Here is something for you to while chewing your cud. All of P01135809 prior bad acts can used his sentencing. Like 10-of his violations of the Gag Rule place on him by Judge Merhan.
There was no need for the gag rule.
His being found liable for the rape of E. Jean Carroll can be used in his sentencing as well.
He wasn't found liable of rape.
The Orange Shit Gibbon has never once his miserable con man existence ever had to suffer the consequences of his illegal actions. That is about to change.
Well, you sound like someone who enjoys rational discourse. Good bye.
It wasn’t anonymous. He literally had his name there
Good luck with your mistrial

a Facebook user also named Michael Anderson whose profile picture appears to be the same used in the original post, suggested the post was made ironically, calling himself a “professional s**tposter,” multiple outlets reported. That user also belongs to a Facebook group of Trump supporters, The Washington Post reported.

Good luck with your mistrial

a Facebook user also named Michael Anderson whose profile picture appears to be the same used in the original post, suggested the post was made ironically, calling himself a “professional s**tposter,” multiple outlets reported. That user also belongs to a Facebook group of Trump supporters, The Washington Post reported.

A professional poster? Never heard of such a thing.

The issue here though is what his cousin told him
It’s loaded with error

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