A prosecution so crooked it would make Joseph Stalin blush! ALAN DERSHOWITZ reveals the exact courtroom moment he knew Trump was doomed ...

Exactly right!

I have to say, the reaction of sycophants like you tonight is deeply satisfying. You people are feebs. All of you.
Trump had a trial where he was allowed to put on a defense and was judged by a jury of his peers. Not disappeared like he would have been in the old Soviet Union.
And still you bitch...why? Again, what is it about this man that you feel places him above the law?
No, you have it wrong, as usual.

Trump was indicted for expired misdemeanors, that had NO predicate, at the state level. Was purposely not told what actual crimes were being tried, until the last moment, when he had NO chance to defend himself, by a paid for stooge of a county DA, making up shit as he went along…

And that brings me to the judge. A biased hack, whose daughter who consults for the Brennan center, and has been fund raising over this, and who donated to the Biden campaign. A man who did everything possible to aid the shitbird Bragg’s case, and stifle Trump. This man violated the honor of being a judge…

I don’t blame the jury really. As utterly liberal as we all know they were. They were all but told the standards were non existent, then sent off to go back there and find him guilty, and make it snappy. If there a hold out or 2, they were probably scared to death to vote to aquit…

But, stay tuned you stupid S.O.B, witness what’s happening after the verdict? $53 million in 24 hrs donated to Trump, NOT BIDEN….Thats not a good sign for you guys and your stupid, stupid, stunt here…

You people are so scared of running against Trump, you’ve tarnished the court system, among other institutions purposely, with not as much as thought, about how your precedents are going to bite you in the ass later. You let your hatred rule whatever brain cells are firing in that pinhead lookin noggin of yours, all both of em, and acted like 8 year old bullies. Americans hate bullies…you fucked up, and don’t even know it yet.

Now fuck off.
I have to say, the reaction of sycophants like you tonight is deeply satisfying. You people are feebs. All of you.
Trump had a trial where he was allowed to put on a defense and was judged by a jury of his peers. Not disappeared like he would have been in the old Soviet Union.
And still you bitch...why? Again, what is it about this man that you feel places him above the law?

Well...no, he wasn't. You lament the fact he (and probably his wife, children, supporters, etc.) COULDN'T simply be quietly killed.

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