Iman Speaking in Orlando Said Gays Must Be Killed Out of 'Compassion'

Islam considers homosexuality vile and punishable by death.

The punishment is beheading, hanging, stoning and throwing off buildings in Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Islamic State where is a normal occurrence and a spectator sport, where everybody turns out to watch.

No wonder that the current massacre occurred in Orlando encouraged by the rulings of this Iman, the Orlando murderer would have believed he was a perfect Muslim and would now go straight to Paradise.
So what exactly is the difference between Iman calling for the death of gays and some of the Christians posters here calling for the death of gays. We now even have posters here calling for the death of innocent children. I'm still waiting for answer to my first post.

Or...a Christian Pastor calling for killing gays.

The difference is that most Christians consider such "pastor's" psychotic lunatics, who really ought to be hauled off the street and put into secure Institutions.

The message from most people on the Right is, when the SHTF, even though we might disagree with their lifestyle, we'll PROTECT and DEFEND ANY gays that are in our communities.
Islam considers homosexuality vile and punishable by death.

The punishment is beheading, hanging, stoning and throwing off buildings in Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Islamic State where is a normal occurrence and a spectator sport, where everybody turns out to watch.

No wonder that the current massacre occurred in Orlando encouraged by the rulings of this Iman, the Orlando murderer would have believed he was a perfect Muslim and would now go straight to Paradise.
So what exactly is the difference between Iman calling for the death of gays and some of the Christians posters here calling for the death of gays. We now even have posters here calling for the death of innocent children. I'm still waiting for answer to my first post.
Innocents die in war all the time. We are still in the War on Terrorism.

You can't declare war on a tactic.
We declared war on their terroristic ideology and that includes defeating their tactics.
Islam considers homosexuality vile and punishable by death.

The punishment is beheading, hanging, stoning and throwing off buildings in Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Islamic State where is a normal occurrence and a spectator sport, where everybody turns out to watch.

No wonder that the current massacre occurred in Orlando encouraged by the rulings of this Iman, the Orlando murderer would have believed he was a perfect Muslim and would now go straight to Paradise.
So what exactly is the difference between Iman calling for the death of gays and some of the Christians posters here calling for the death of gays. We now even have posters here calling for the death of innocent children. I'm still waiting for answer to my first post.

Or...a Christian Pastor calling for killing gays.

The difference is that most Christians consider such "pastor's" psychotic lunatics, who really ought to be hauled off the street and put into secure Institutions.

The message from most people on the Right is, when the SHTF, even though we might disagree with their lifestyle, we'll PROTECT and DEFEND ANY gays that are in our communities.

There's a surprising amount of support for what that pastor expressed, you'd be surprised.

The feeling on the left is - we will PROTECT and DEFEND ANY of the people who are in our communities, including Muslims in our communities.
Islam considers homosexuality vile and punishable by death.

The punishment is beheading, hanging, stoning and throwing off buildings in Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Islamic State where is a normal occurrence and a spectator sport, where everybody turns out to watch.

No wonder that the current massacre occurred in Orlando encouraged by the rulings of this Iman, the Orlando murderer would have believed he was a perfect Muslim and would now go straight to Paradise.
So what exactly is the difference between Iman calling for the death of gays and some of the Christians posters here calling for the death of gays. We now even have posters here calling for the death of innocent children. I'm still waiting for answer to my first post.
Innocents die in war all the time. We are still in the War on Terrorism.

You can't declare war on a tactic.
We declared war on their terroristic ideology and that includes defeating their tactics.
Islam considers homosexuality vile and punishable by death.

The punishment is beheading, hanging, stoning and throwing off buildings in Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Islamic State where is a normal occurrence and a spectator sport, where everybody turns out to watch.

No wonder that the current massacre occurred in Orlando encouraged by the rulings of this Iman, the Orlando murderer would have believed he was a perfect Muslim and would now go straight to Paradise.
So what exactly is the difference between Iman calling for the death of gays and some of the Christians posters here calling for the death of gays. We now even have posters here calling for the death of innocent children. I'm still waiting for answer to my first post.
Innocents die in war all the time. We are still in the War on Terrorism.

You can't declare war on a tactic.
We declared war on their terroristic ideology and that includes defeating their tactics.

There is no "terrorist ideology" - terrorism is a tactic used around the world in support of a wide variety of ideologies. How exactly do you declare war on it?
Islam considers homosexuality vile and punishable by death.

The punishment is beheading, hanging, stoning and throwing off buildings in Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Islamic State where is a normal occurrence and a spectator sport, where everybody turns out to watch.

No wonder that the current massacre occurred in Orlando encouraged by the rulings of this Iman, the Orlando murderer would have believed he was a perfect Muslim and would now go straight to Paradise.
So what exactly is the difference between Iman calling for the death of gays and some of the Christians posters here calling for the death of gays. We now even have posters here calling for the death of innocent children. I'm still waiting for answer to my first post.

Or...a Christian Pastor calling for killing gays.

The difference is that most Christians consider such "pastor's" psychotic lunatics, who really ought to be hauled off the street and put into secure Institutions.

The message from most people on the Right is, when the SHTF, even though we might disagree with their lifestyle, we'll PROTECT and DEFEND ANY gays that are in our communities.

There's a surprising amount of support for what that pastor expressed, you'd be surprised.

The feeling on the left is - we will PROTECT and DEFEND ANY of the people who are in our communities, including Muslims in our communities.

You can take the Muslims, we'll take the gays.

I myself personally welcome any gays to my bunker, however, I want NO ABBA or Village People stuff played in my bunker, that's my one rule and I'll enforce it in the strictest fashion :smoke:
Islam considers homosexuality vile and punishable by death.

The punishment is beheading, hanging, stoning and throwing off buildings in Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Islamic State where is a normal occurrence and a spectator sport, where everybody turns out to watch.

No wonder that the current massacre occurred in Orlando encouraged by the rulings of this Iman, the Orlando murderer would have believed he was a perfect Muslim and would now go straight to Paradise.
So what exactly is the difference between Iman calling for the death of gays and some of the Christians posters here calling for the death of gays. We now even have posters here calling for the death of innocent children. I'm still waiting for answer to my first post.
Innocents die in war all the time. We are still in the War on Terrorism.

You can't declare war on a tactic.
We declared war on their terroristic ideology and that includes defeating their tactics.

There is no "terrorist ideology" - terrorism is a tactic used around the world in support of a wide variety of ideologies. How exactly do you declare war on it?

Islam IS an ideology in itself.
According to these Islamic psychopaths, MURDERING people in cold blood is "compassion"

Because we know Islam is big on "compassion" right? :rolleyes-41:


The West should have some "compassion" for Islam in kind, this sort of "compassion"



Khilafah means Caliphate. This is what they're doing, they're creating their Islamic Caliphate using Immigration, both legal and illegal and they're being aided and abetted by Traitor's within ie. Fifth Columns, made from politicians that range from Leftist to Cuckservative to a variety of Leftist NGOs within our nations.

Not forgetting the Coordinating Force, The UN, an evil organisation that needs to be dismantled.

When the above Traitor's and their ilk call people "racist" and "bigot" for being anti-Islam, remember Islam is not a religion or a race.


You're talking about nuking innocent muslims? Seriously?

Pretty much yes, listen it's going to come to this within a few years, it's going to come to Western Civilisation's survival and to ensure that A-Bomb's will have to be used.

And who exactly would you bomb? How many millions of innocent people - children even, would be killing? You do realize what those bombs do to people? Hiroshima?

To hell with their children. They become indoctrinated into terrorism at an early age anyway. Collateral damage with innocents is acceptable.

You people are friggin unbelievable. Heil Hitler your slogan now?
Every single time there are slaughters conducted on innocent people in Europe and the US you are straight into that thread, making freaking excuses left right and centre, and even making the case for people becoming even more vulnerable by taking away their guns - their only protection. You don't seem to genuinely give a flying fig for the victims - ever - you even once said you didn't understand why beheading people with rusty swords was a worse way to die than any other, and made jokes in the thread about Isis killing people in vats of acid. You always immediately suggest the Islamic terrorist slaughterers are ill and it's got nothing to do with Islam, you don't even have a problem with their anti women sharia shite. You and your agenda are a freaking disgrace, IMHO. And now I'm back to ignoring and laughing at your stupid pro Islamist posts.
So what exactly is the difference between Iman calling for the death of gays and some of the Christians posters here calling for the death of gays. We now even have posters here calling for the death of innocent children. I'm still waiting for answer to my first post.
Innocents die in war all the time. We are still in the War on Terrorism.

You can't declare war on a tactic.
We declared war on their terroristic ideology and that includes defeating their tactics.

There is no "terrorist ideology" - terrorism is a tactic used around the world in support of a wide variety of ideologies. How exactly do you declare war on it?

Islam IS an ideology in itself.

Islam is a religion that incorporates in it's belief structure a wide variety of tenents - from peace to violence.
Islam considers homosexuality vile and punishable by death.

The punishment is beheading, hanging, stoning and throwing off buildings in Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Islamic State where is a normal occurrence and a spectator sport, where everybody turns out to watch.

No wonder that the current massacre occurred in Orlando encouraged by the rulings of this Iman, the Orlando murderer would have believed he was a perfect Muslim and would now go straight to Paradise.
So what exactly is the difference between Iman calling for the death of gays and some of the Christians posters here calling for the death of gays. We now even have posters here calling for the death of innocent children. I'm still waiting for answer to my first post.

Or...a Christian Pastor calling for killing gays.

The difference is that most Christians consider such "pastor's" psychotic lunatics, who really ought to be hauled off the street and put into secure Institutions.

The message from most people on the Right is, when the SHTF, even though we might disagree with their lifestyle, we'll PROTECT and DEFEND ANY gays that are in our communities.

There's a surprising amount of support for what that pastor expressed, you'd be surprised.

The feeling on the left is - we will PROTECT and DEFEND ANY of the people who are in our communities, including Muslims in our communities.

Not so Subtle difference between the Pastor quoting Romans 1:32 saying that GOD will punish them. And the Iman saying that WE must punish them.. Let that sink in a bit...

Maybe explains why the world is not on fire with Radical Baptist Terrorists.
Imam Speaking in Orlando Said Gays Must Be Killed Out of 'Compassion'

An imam speaking in Orlando in April said that killing gays according to Islamic law should be done "out of compassion"

The Orlando terrorist on Saturday night bar was only following Islam instructions.

So there, that's the brutal truth ,Democrooks.

And I have the feeling this is only the beginning.

According to these Islamic psychopaths, MURDERING people in cold blood is "compassion"

Because we know Islam is big on "compassion" right? :rolleyes-41:


The West should have some "compassion" for Islam in kind, this sort of "compassion"



Khilafah means Caliphate. This is what they're doing, they're creating their Islamic Caliphate using Immigration, both legal and illegal and they're being aided and abetted by Traitor's within ie. Fifth Columns, made from politicians that range from Leftist to Cuckservative to a variety of Leftist NGOs within our nations.

Not forgetting the Coordinating Force, The UN, an evil organisation that needs to be dismantled.

When the above Traitor's and their ilk call people "racist" and "bigot" for being anti-Islam, remember Islam is not a religion or a race.


You're talking about nuking innocent muslims? Seriously?

Pretty much yes, listen it's going to come to this within a few years, it's going to come to Western Civilisation's survival and to ensure that A-Bomb's will have to be used.

And who exactly would you bomb? How many millions of innocent people - children even, would be killing? You do realize what those bombs do to people? Hiroshima?


The children and the women are also to be considered dangerous, they have female suicide bombers and children as young as five years-old are brainwashed, they give them Teddy Bears and a knife and get them to chop the heads off the Teddy Bears, teaching them for when they're a bit older to then chop the heads off human beings.

Islam is a cancer, it requires like all cancers, surgically dealing with, to save the body you have to cut the cancer out.

The body in this instance is Western Civilisation.






After the teddies, they get to practice on goats.
You're talking about nuking innocent muslims? Seriously?

Pretty much yes, listen it's going to come to this within a few years, it's going to come to Western Civilisation's survival and to ensure that A-Bomb's will have to be used.

And who exactly would you bomb? How many millions of innocent people - children even, would be killing? You do realize what those bombs do to people? Hiroshima?

To hell with their children. They become indoctrinated into terrorism at an early age anyway. Collateral damage with innocents is acceptable.

You people are friggin unbelievable. Heil Hitler your slogan now?
Every single time there are slaughters conducted on innocent people in Europe and the US you are straight into that thread, making freaking excuses left right and centre, and even making the case for people becoming even more vulnerable by taking away their guns - their only protection. You don't seem to genuinely give a flying fig for the victims - ever - you even once said you didn't understand why beheading people with rusty swords was a worse way to die than any other, and made jokes in the thread about Isis killing people in vats of acid. You always immediately suggest the Islamic terrorist slaughterers are ill and it's got nothing to do with Islam, you don't even have a problem with their anti women sharia shite. You and your agenda are a freaking disgrace, IMHO.

Oh cry me a river.

I didn't suggest it - I posted a link.

With you, it's all Islam, you support killing even little children, just because they are muslim. You don't make jokes - you agree! That is frigging sick.
Innocents die in war all the time. We are still in the War on Terrorism.

You can't declare war on a tactic.
We declared war on their terroristic ideology and that includes defeating their tactics.

There is no "terrorist ideology" - terrorism is a tactic used around the world in support of a wide variety of ideologies. How exactly do you declare war on it?

Islam IS an ideology in itself.

Islam is a religion that incorporates in it's belief structure a wide variety of tenents - from peace to violence.

Islam considers homosexuality vile and punishable by death.

The punishment is beheading, hanging, stoning and throwing off buildings in Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Islamic State where is a normal occurrence and a spectator sport, where everybody turns out to watch.

No wonder that the current massacre occurred in Orlando encouraged by the rulings of this Iman, the Orlando murderer would have believed he was a perfect Muslim and would now go straight to Paradise.
So what exactly is the difference between Iman calling for the death of gays and some of the Christians posters here calling for the death of gays. We now even have posters here calling for the death of innocent children. I'm still waiting for answer to my first post.

Or...a Christian Pastor calling for killing gays.

The difference is that most Christians consider such "pastor's" psychotic lunatics, who really ought to be hauled off the street and put into secure Institutions.

The message from most people on the Right is, when the SHTF, even though we might disagree with their lifestyle, we'll PROTECT and DEFEND ANY gays that are in our communities.

There's a surprising amount of support for what that pastor expressed, you'd be surprised.

The feeling on the left is - we will PROTECT and DEFEND ANY of the people who are in our communities, including Muslims in our communities.

Not so Subtle difference between the Pastor quoting Romans 1:32 saying that GOD will punish them. And the Iman saying that WE must punish them.. Let that sink in a bit...

Maybe explains why the world is not on fire with Radical Baptist Terrorists.

Not much difference.

Why Is the Media Ignoring Ted Cruz's Embrace of 'Kill the Gays' Pastor?
Last weekend Senator Ted Cruz, along with fellow GOP presidential candidates Mike Huckabee and Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, spoke at a conference in Des Moines headed up by a man who advocates the execution of gay people — per his interpretation of the bible — and who made his call for mass extermination once again, onstage at the event, the National Religious Liberties Conference. Pastor Kevin Swanson has said in the past that Christians should attend gay weddings and hold up signs telling the newly married gay and lesbian couples that they “should be put to death.” He was an advocate of Uganda’s infamous “Kill the Gays” bill, which he saw as a model.
According to these Islamic psychopaths, MURDERING people in cold blood is "compassion"

Because we know Islam is big on "compassion" right? :rolleyes-41:


The West should have some "compassion" for Islam in kind, this sort of "compassion"



Khilafah means Caliphate. This is what they're doing, they're creating their Islamic Caliphate using Immigration, both legal and illegal and they're being aided and abetted by Traitor's within ie. Fifth Columns, made from politicians that range from Leftist to Cuckservative to a variety of Leftist NGOs within our nations.

Not forgetting the Coordinating Force, The UN, an evil organisation that needs to be dismantled.

When the above Traitor's and their ilk call people "racist" and "bigot" for being anti-Islam, remember Islam is not a religion or a race.


You're talking about nuking innocent muslims? Seriously?

Pretty much yes, listen it's going to come to this within a few years, it's going to come to Western Civilisation's survival and to ensure that A-Bomb's will have to be used.

And who exactly would you bomb? How many millions of innocent people - children even, would be killing? You do realize what those bombs do to people? Hiroshima?


The children and the women are also to be considered dangerous, they have female suicide bombers and children as young as five years-old are brainwashed, they give them Teddy Bears and a knife and get them to chop the heads off the Teddy Bears, teaching them for when they're a bit older to then chop the heads off human beings.

Islam is a cancer, it requires like all cancers, surgically dealing with, to save the body you have to cut the cancer out.

The body in this instance is Western Civilisation.






After the teddies, they get to practice on goats.

The goats are with us though, we'll protect ALL gays AND ALL goats.



Goats will also get their revenge of these filthy savages from the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult.

Pretty much yes, listen it's going to come to this within a few years, it's going to come to Western Civilisation's survival and to ensure that A-Bomb's will have to be used.

And who exactly would you bomb? How many millions of innocent people - children even, would be killing? You do realize what those bombs do to people? Hiroshima?

To hell with their children. They become indoctrinated into terrorism at an early age anyway. Collateral damage with innocents is acceptable.

You people are friggin unbelievable. Heil Hitler your slogan now?
Every single time there are slaughters conducted on innocent people in Europe and the US you are straight into that thread, making freaking excuses left right and centre, and even making the case for people becoming even more vulnerable by taking away their guns - their only protection. You don't seem to genuinely give a flying fig for the victims - ever - you even once said you didn't understand why beheading people with rusty swords was a worse way to die than any other, and made jokes in the thread about Isis killing people in vats of acid. You always immediately suggest the Islamic terrorist slaughterers are ill and it's got nothing to do with Islam, you don't even have a problem with their anti women sharia shite. You and your agenda are a freaking disgrace, IMHO.

Oh cry me a river.

I didn't suggest it - I posted a link.

With you, it's all Islam, you support killing even little children, just because they are muslim. You don't make jokes - you agree! That is frigging sick.
You posted a link to a woman who said he beat her and he was taking steroids at the time. Guess what, many Islamic men beat their wives! She said he was bipolar - she's not a doctor and he was taking steroids and she was with him for months - and hasn't seen him for 8 years. You presented that as a diagnosis of mental illness! Oh, and where do I say I support killing little children? That's right, nowhere, lying Islamist supporter. Lol.

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