immigration raids to begin Monday


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2022
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Homan says immigration raids will begin on Monday.

This should be good. Let's see how many of the gang banger fentanyl dealers we can find.
Homan says immigration raids will begin on Monday.

This should be good. Let's see how many of the gang banger fentanyl dealers we can find.
How about Homan raid the homes of the organized crime lords who ship the fentanyl into this country by plane?
Trump said this last time as president also but then did nothing.
Homan says immigration raids will begin on Monday.

This should be good. Let's see how many of the gang banger fentanyl dealers we can find.
Many many fentanyl dealers are native born American citizens.

look it up

Fentanyl Is Smuggled for U.S. Citizens By U.S. Citizens, Not Asylum Seekers​

Here are facts:

  • Fentanyl smuggling is ultimately funded by U.S. consumers who pay for illicit opioids: nearly 99 percent of whom are U.S. citizens.

  • In 2021, U.S. citizens were 86.3 percent of convicted fentanyl drug traffickers—ten times greater than convictions of illegal immigrants for the same offense.

  • Over 90 percent of fentanyl seizures occur at legal crossing points or interior vehicle checkpoints, not on illegal migration routes, so U.S. citizens (who are subject to less scrutiny) when crossing legally are the best smugglers.

  • The location of smuggling makes sense because hard drugs at ports of entry are about 97 percent less likely to be stopped than are people crossing illegally between them.

  • Just 0.02 percent of the people arrested by Border Patrol for crossing illegally possessed any fentanyl whatsoever.

  • The government exacerbated the problem by banning most legal cross border traffic in 2020 and 2021, accelerating a switch to fentanyl (the easiest-to-conceal drug).

  • During the travel restrictions, fentanyl seizures at ports quadrupled from fiscal year 2019 to 2021. Fentanyl went from a third of combined heroin and fentanyl seizures to over 90 percent.

  • Annual deaths from fentanyl nearly doubled from 2019 to 2021 after the government banned most travel (and asylum).
Homan says immigration raids will begin on Monday.

This should be good. Let's see how many of the gang banger fentanyl dealers we can find.
facts are not on your side.

I don't care about the illegals, but I do care about Americans killing Americans
Fentanyl trafficking is primarily done by black and Hispanic citizens.

39.5% were Hispanic, 37.8% were Black, 20.0% were White, and 2.7% were Other races
Homan says immigration raids will begin on Monday.

This should be good. Let's see how many of the gang banger fentanyl dealers we can find.
This will be FANTASTIC.
Is there a Documented # to go with the Promise?

Do it Homan, per trump order.
I'm expecting at least 10,000 on Day 1 or even Day 2 or even the First Week.

You agree?
What’s worse is non-Americans killing Americans.

Disproportionately the “Americans” who are “killing Americans” are minorities.
85% of whites who are murdered are murdered by someone white.

87% of blacks who are murdered are murdered by someone black.

Asians murder Asians.

Hispanics murder Hispanics and so forth and so on.
85% of whites who are murdered are murdered by someone white.

87% of blacks who are murdered are murdered by someone black.

Asians murder Asians.

Hispanics murder Hispanics and so forth and so on.
Yep. But it’s disproportionately minorities murdering each other.
trump can sign an EE but it takes some huge logistics with LE and ICE to just round up illegals.
this is not a warehouse raid but 1000x larger so I would not expect results instantly but it's a start
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