Implied Guilt When The ChiComs Refuse a Close Look at the Wuhan Flu


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Same could be said about the stolen election last year. Zero transparency means you’re hiding something.

More reason to think Beijing’s to blame for the pandemic.

“All of which fits with Beijing’s all-out efforts to prevent any independent investigations in Wuhan, including muscling the World Health Organization into repeatedly trying to ‘debunk’ the world’s suspicions without doing any actual investigating. The truth may never come out, but the CCP’s behavior sure makes it look guilty.”
China Government along with the WHO are to blame for not being truthful about how and when the Virus started...

With China Government you should never expect honesty from them but the WHO should be torn down and rebuilt because what they hid for China Government in my opinion is criminal...

As for your stolen election comment tell it to Governor Kemp seeing he disagrees with you!
China Government along with the WHO are to blame for not being truthful about how and when the Virus started...

With China Government you should never expect honesty from them but the WHO should be torn down and rebuilt because what they hid for China Government in my opinion is criminal...

As for your stolen election comment tell it to Governor Kemp seeing he disagrees with you!

The Chinese notified WHO and the CDC the first week in January.
China Government along with the WHO are to blame for not being truthful about how and when the Virus started...

With China Government you should never expect honesty from them but the WHO should be torn down and rebuilt because what they hid for China Government in my opinion is criminal...

As for your stolen election comment tell it to Governor Kemp seeing he disagrees with you!

The Chinese notified WHO and the CDC the first week in January.
China Government along with the WHO are to blame for not being truthful about how and when the Virus started...

With China Government you should never expect honesty from them but the WHO should be torn down and rebuilt because what they hid for China Government in my opinion is criminal...

As for your stolen election comment tell it to Governor Kemp seeing he disagrees with you!

The Chinese notified WHO and the CDC the first week in January.

China knew as of November of 2019 and the WHO knew about it in December, so keep up or shut up!
China Government along with the WHO are to blame for not being truthful about how and when the Virus started...

With China Government you should never expect honesty from them but the WHO should be torn down and rebuilt because what they hid for China Government in my opinion is criminal...

As for your stolen election comment tell it to Governor Kemp seeing he disagrees with you!

The Chinese notified WHO and the CDC the first week in January.

China knew as of November of 2019 and the WHO knew about it in December, so keep up or shut up!

China Government along with the WHO are to blame for not being truthful about how and when the Virus started...

With China Government you should never expect honesty from them but the WHO should be torn down and rebuilt because what they hid for China Government in my opinion is criminal...

As for your stolen election comment tell it to Governor Kemp seeing he disagrees with you!

The Chinese notified WHO and the CDC the first week in January.

China knew as of November of 2019 and the WHO knew about it in December, so keep up or shut up!

I have been following this since December of 2019 and China knew back in November they had a possible Pandemic and the WHO started discussing it in late December, so try to be honest for once!

China Government along with the WHO are to blame for not being truthful about how and when the Virus started...

With China Government you should never expect honesty from them but the WHO should be torn down and rebuilt because what they hid for China Government in my opinion is criminal...

As for your stolen election comment tell it to Governor Kemp seeing he disagrees with you!

The Chinese notified WHO and the CDC the first week in January.

China knew as of November of 2019 and the WHO knew about it in December, so keep up or shut up!

I have been following this since December of 2019 and China knew back in November they had a possible Pandemic and the WHO started discussing it in late December, so try to be honest for once!

Also China has been caught lying about their numbers and CNN did a report on it, so let be clear China knew they had a pandemic on their hands and did little to stop the spread until the World got mad!
China Government along with the WHO are to blame for not being truthful about how and when the Virus started...

With China Government you should never expect honesty from them but the WHO should be torn down and rebuilt because what they hid for China Government in my opinion is criminal...

As for your stolen election comment tell it to Governor Kemp seeing he disagrees with you!

The Chinese notified WHO and the CDC the first week in January.

China knew as of November of 2019 and the WHO knew about it in December, so keep up or shut up!

I have been following this since December of 2019 and China knew back in November they had a possible Pandemic and the WHO started discussing it in late December, so try to be honest for once!

From your link.

The first human cases of COVID-19 were identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China, in December.
China Government along with the WHO are to blame for not being truthful about how and when the Virus started...

With China Government you should never expect honesty from them but the WHO should be torn down and rebuilt because what they hid for China Government in my opinion is criminal...

As for your stolen election comment tell it to Governor Kemp seeing he disagrees with you!

The Chinese notified WHO and the CDC the first week in January.

China knew as of November of 2019 and the WHO knew about it in December, so keep up or shut up!

I have been following this since December of 2019 and China knew back in November they had a possible Pandemic and the WHO started discussing it in late December, so try to be honest for once!

From your link.

The first human cases of COVID-19 were identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China, in December.

I have other links that show it was a concern in November with Doctors in China, so let be clear you told me it was January and the fact is China knew long before January and so did the WHO, so either wise up or shut up!
China Government along with the WHO are to blame for not being truthful about how and when the Virus started...

With China Government you should never expect honesty from them but the WHO should be torn down and rebuilt because what they hid for China Government in my opinion is criminal...

As for your stolen election comment tell it to Governor Kemp seeing he disagrees with you!

The Chinese notified WHO and the CDC the first week in January.

China knew as of November of 2019 and the WHO knew about it in December, so keep up or shut up!

I have been following this since December of 2019 and China knew back in November they had a possible Pandemic and the WHO started discussing it in late December, so try to be honest for once!

From your link.

The first human cases of COVID-19 were identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China, in December.

I have other links that show it was a concern in November with Doctors in China, so let be clear you told me it was January and the fact is China knew long before January and so did the WHO, so either wise up or shut up!

Well, there's your excuse to be hateful.
China Government along with the WHO are to blame for not being truthful about how and when the Virus started...

With China Government you should never expect honesty from them but the WHO should be torn down and rebuilt because what they hid for China Government in my opinion is criminal...

As for your stolen election comment tell it to Governor Kemp seeing he disagrees with you!

The Chinese notified WHO and the CDC the first week in January.

China knew as of November of 2019 and the WHO knew about it in December, so keep up or shut up!

I have been following this since December of 2019 and China knew back in November they had a possible Pandemic and the WHO started discussing it in late December, so try to be honest for once!

From your link.

The first human cases of COVID-19 were identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China, in December.

I have other links that show it was a concern in November with Doctors in China, so let be clear you told me it was January and the fact is China knew long before January and so did the WHO, so either wise up or shut up!

Well, there's your excuse to be hateful.

How is that hateful for pointing out the reality of this shit?

Fact is you are trying to excuse China Government and the WHO by making the false claim they notified us in time when they did not and it took Doctor’s that were arrested to notify the World about the oncoming Pandemic!

China arrested Doctor’s that told the World and had it not been for those courageous Doctor’s China and the WHO would have covered this all up as millions if not billions died from Covid!

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