In Britain, man executed, with gun in front of mums with children...

Criminals have always had access to firearms

Then why is it so wrong for non-criminals to have firearms with which to defend themselves?

I never said it was wrong as such, just that most people here in the UK aren't victims of "gun crime", we're generally not inclined to reach for a gun to resolve our differences, it's a sign of civilisation, you know.
--------------------------------------------- not inclined . as i said the handguns were confiscated weren't they . Well the 'queens' men and 'tony blairs' bodyguard still have handguns . And long guns , the safe storage makes it very difficult to own even a shotgun in England . And then laws against having a shotgun loaded and ready to go is illegal isn't it Vaga . I think thats called Instant Arming and i think that that is illegal isn't it Vaga ??
Good thing they banned and confiscated wouldn't have people executed with guns because criminals wouldn't have did this guy get his gun that he used to execute this guy?

46 Gun murders in the UK a year vs. 11,000 in the US.

They are getting it right.. us, not so much.

The reason why you find one of these stories a month is because they are so unusual in the UK.
----------------------------------------- English - Brits are SUBJECTS and as such aren't allowed to be armed up except ' as allowed by law' and the law doesn't allow the subjects to be armed up JoeB .
*sigh* Here we go again, pity 2aguy didn't know this was a gangland hit, the "victim" had been shot in 2010 and later arrested himself for possessing a firearm.

So, your point is, even in a country where private firearms are banned, we shouldn't be surprised if criminals have free access to them?

Private firearms are not banned over here, do keep up. Criminals have always had access to firearms, which they use mainly to protect themselves from other criminals with guns; it's something they picked up from America. The rest of us don't care that much if criminals shoot each other.

And that is the same thing that happens in the United States....70-80% of gun murder victims in the U.S. are criminals....and the shootings are confined to tiny areas of democrat party controlled cities.....meanwhile, good, normal Americans use their legal guns in the U.S. 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack, which has led to a 49% decrease in gun murder, a 75% decrease in gun crime and a 72% decrease in violent crime...

Meanwhile, in Britain, violent crime against normal people is going through the roof...

Violent crime on the rise in every corner of the country, figures suggest

But analysis of the figures force by force, showed the full extent of the problem, with only one constabulary, Nottinghamshire, recording a reduction in violent offences.

The vast majority of police forces actually witnessed double digit rises in violent crime, with Northumbria posting a 95 per cent increase year on year.

Of the other forces, Durham Police recorded a 73 per cent rise; West Yorkshire was up 48 per cent; Avon and Somerset 45 per cent; Dorset 39 per cent and Warwickshire 37 per cent.

Elsewhere Humberside, South Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Kent, Wiltshire and Dyfed Powys all saw violence rise by more than a quarter year on year.

Blah, blah... From your own source, "A Home Office spokesman said the statistics contained in the Crime Survey of England and Wales - which asks people about their personal experiences, even if they have not reported offences to the police - provided a more accuerate picture and suggested that violent crime was actually at a record low.

The spokesman said: "Police reform is working with the latest ONS figures showing crimes traditionally measured by the (British Crime) Survey have fallen by a third since 2010 to a record low, with over 370,000 fewer violent crimes a year.""

Violent crime on the rise in every corner of the country, figures suggest

Percentage figures are by and large, meaningless; i.e. a jump from 1 to 2 is a 100% increase.
We all know that criminals, and crazy people follow laws, right? Especially gun control laws.
*sigh* Here we go again, pity 2aguy didn't know this was a gangland hit, the "victim" had been shot in 2010 and later arrested himself for possessing a firearm.

So, your point is, even in a country where private firearms are banned, we shouldn't be surprised if criminals have free access to them?

Private firearms are not banned over here, do keep up. Criminals have always had access to firearms, which they use mainly to protect themselves from other criminals with guns; it's something they picked up from America. The rest of us don't care that much if criminals shoot each other.
------------------------------------------ i think that all the taxpaying English peoples handguns were confiscated in 1996 weren't they . Except for the 'queens' men and the retired 'tony blair' whose bodyguard leaves her Glock in Starbucks restrooms as she spends a penny Vaga .

Nope. Self defence was no longer a reason to obtain a firearms certificate. Handuns used for this purpose could be handed in for compensation or sold to dealers before the deadline. 165,353 handguns were collected. That's 2.8% of the then population of 58.17 million. We were never awash with guns like America. Ironically there are 535,000 non shotgun licensed firearms in this country now along with around 1.3 million shotguns, so the idea of "no-guns = increase in violent crime" is, as we say over here, "bollocks".
*sigh* Here we go again, pity 2aguy didn't know this was a gangland hit, the "victim" had been shot in 2010 and later arrested himself for possessing a firearm.

So, your point is, even in a country where private firearms are banned, we shouldn't be surprised if criminals have free access to them?

Private firearms are not banned over here, do keep up. Criminals have always had access to firearms, which they use mainly to protect themselves from other criminals with guns; it's something they picked up from America. The rest of us don't care that much if criminals shoot each other.
------------------------------------------ i think that all the taxpaying English peoples handguns were confiscated in 1996 weren't they . Except for the 'queens' men and the retired 'tony blair' whose bodyguard leaves her Glock in Starbucks restrooms as she spends a penny Vaga .

Nope. Self defence was no longer a reason to obtain a firearms certificate. Handuns used for this purpose could be handed in for compensation or sold to dealers before the deadline. 165,353 handguns were collected. That's 2.8% of the then population of 58.17 million. We were never awash with guns like America. Ironically there are 535,000 non shotgun licensed firearms in this country now along with around 1.3 million shotguns, so the idea of "no-guns = increase in violent crime" is, as we say over here, "bollocks".
--------------------------------------------------- foolishness , you just can't walk to the hardware store and buy a gun and thats all that matters Vaga ,
Nope. Self defence was no longer a reason to obtain a firearms certificate. Handuns used for this purpose could be handed in for compensation or sold to dealers before the deadline. 165,353 handguns were collected. That's 2.8% of the then population of 58.17 million. We were never awash with guns like America. Ironically there are 535,000 non shotgun licensed firearms in this country now along with around 1.3 million shotguns, so the idea of "no-guns = increase in violent crime" is, as we say over here, "bollocks".

It is sad that the subjects of Great Britain have acquiesced to being a VICTIM of violence, and being OK with it. :(
its funny but the 'brits' always bragged that their 'plod' , Bobbies or Coppers were not armed with guns . Course that is changing from what i hear eh Vaga ??
Their gun crime is going up, ours is going down.

There's is relatively minor, ours is truly HORRIFIC. Chicago alone has more gun murders than the entire UK has murders.

Americans use their guns 1.1 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack...saving lives....

No, they don't. There are only 200 self-defense homicide by civilians and 900 shooting by cops, most of which probably weren't necessary.

It's laughable that you guys think that you pull your penis compensators out 1 million times but only kill a few hundred people.
Then why do you all need guns to protect yourselves? Why are you so full of fear?

Do you live in fear of an auto accident? Or do you just wear seatbelts as a fashion statement?

Then why do you all need guns to protect yourselves? Why are you so full of fear?

Do you live in fear of an auto accident? Or do you just wear seatbelts as a fashion statement?

In Spain, only 10% of the people own guns. It has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. Comparing an auto accident to a gun death is a false analogy, BTW. Learn how to use logic.
Do you live in fear of an auto accident? Or do you just wear seatbelts as a fashion statement?

Seatbelts have a proven safety benefit.

Guns actually make living in America MORE dangerous.

Again- gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.
Then why do you all need guns to protect yourselves? Why are you so full of fear?

Do you live in fear of an auto accident? Or do you just wear seatbelts as a fashion statement?

In Spain, only 10% of the people own guns. It has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. Comparing an auto accident to a gun death is a false analogy, BTW. Learn how to use logic.

I've lived most of my adult live in other countries and I've visited Spain in a professional capacity.

I don't want to live in Spain. I don't want to live in the UK, and I don't want to live in Australia.

I also don't want my country to emulate them. If I did, I'd just save the time and move there, learn to speak Arabic, so I can assimilate to the culture, and start getting benefits.

I'm sure, to you, Spain is heaven on Earth, but I have no compulsion to live there.

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