In direct questions, Sondland states no quid pro quo demanded by anyone on planet


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Mike Turner, Republican representative broke sondland.....he asked him directly if anyone from Trump, guiliani, or mulvaney demanded a quid pro quo and sondland said no....which is different from his opening, should he be arrested for lying to congress?

Sondland said he was "Presuming" and you can see this at the 3:35 mark on the one on the planet told him.........

So...where was the bomb shell all the democrats are peeing themselves over....?


Impeachment ‘Is Now Over’: Trump Highlights Key Testimony That Strikes At Heart Of Dems’ Case

“You testified, ‘President Trump never told me directly that the aid was conditioned on the investigations?'” Rep. Elise Stefanick (R-NY) asked the ambassador.

“That’s correct,” he replied.
a quote of Sondland’s statement.

“It was a very short abrupt conversation, he was not in a good mood, and he just said, ‘I want nothing. I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. Tell Zelensky to do the right thing,’ something to that effect,” said Sondland.


Another response from Sondland pointed out by Trump via a retweet of a post by Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) was Sondland agreeing with Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) that “no one on this planet — not Donald Trump, Rudy Guiliani, Mick Mulvaney, Mike Pompeo — no one told you aid was tied to political investigations.”

“Mr. Sondland, let’s be clear: no one on this planet — not Donald Trump, Rudy Guiliani, Mick Mulvaney, Mike Pompeo — no one told you aid was tied to political investigations, is that correct,” asked Turner.

“That’s correct,” said Sondland.

“Game over,” concluded Meadows.

And this......

The sound of Sondland

Sondland testified in his opening statement to a quid pro quo “[w]ith regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting [between Mr. Trump and Mr. Zelensky].”

The Journal editorial comments:

But note that Mr. Sondland says nothing about aid to Ukraine being part of the quid, and under questioning later he said he merely “presumed” there were preconditions for a Trump-Zelensky meeting. He never heard that directly from Mr. Trump, and on one call with Mr. Sondland the President flatly rejected the idea. We also know that on three separate occasions, including the July 25 phone call, Mr. Trump invited Mr. Zelensky to the White House without preconditions.

Mr. Sondland also said, under questioning by Democratic counsel Daniel Goldman, that he wasn’t even sure if Mr. Giuliani cared about the result of any Ukraine investigation—only that Mr. Zelensky publicly declare that one had been opened. “I never heard, Mr. Goldman, anyone say that the investigations had to start or be completed,” Mr. Sondland said. “The only thing I heard from Mr. Giuliani or otherwise was that they had to be announced in some form.”…

The editorial then turns to the November 18 letter sent by Senator Ron Johnson to House Intelligence Committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes and member Jim Jordan that I posted here:

The Wisconsin Republican has taken a personal interest in Ukraine since he joined the Senate in 2011, and in a Nov. 18 letter to House Intelligence Members he explains what he saw and heard at the White House and on visits to Ukraine.

Mr. Johnson relates how he returned from Mr. Zelensky’s inaugural to brief Mr. Trump and discovered how hostile the President was to Ukraine. Mr. Johnson supported military aid and thought Mr. Zelensky, as a newly elected President, could do much to reduce corruption. The Senator spent the next months working with others, inside and outside the Administration, to change the President’s mind.

Eventually he prevailed, and the aid was released on Sept. 11. Mr. Johnson says Mr. Trump called him on Aug. 31 and told him, “Ron, I understand your position. We’re reviewing it now, and you’ll probably like my final decision.” This matters because Democrats claim Mr. Trump released the aid only because they were on the impeachment trail.

“To my knowledge, most members of the administration and Congress dealing with the issues involving Ukraine disagreed with President Trump’s attitude and approach toward Ukraine,” Mr. Johnson writes. “Many who had the opportunity and ability to influence the president attempted to change his mind. I see nothing wrong with U.S. officials working with Ukrainian officials to demonstrate Ukraine’s commitment to reform in order to change President Trump’s attitude and gain his support.”

But Mr. Johnson adds that officials cannot substitute their policy for the President’s and that impeachment is doing “a great deal of damage to our democracy”—not least by making presidential phone calls with foreign leaders open to public disclosure.
Yeah but but but we really hate Trump. I'm sure he did something wrong at some point so lets just impeach him anyway regardless of the facts.
Mike Turner, Republican representative broke sondland.....he asked him directly if anyone from Trump, guiliani, or mulvaney demanded a quid pro quo and sondland said no....which is different from his opening, should he be arrested for lying to congress?

Sondland said he was "Presuming" and you can see this at the 3:35 mark on the one on the planet told him.........

So...where was the bomb shell all the democrats are peeing themselves over....?


Impeachment ‘Is Now Over’: Trump Highlights Key Testimony That Strikes At Heart Of Dems’ Case

“You testified, ‘President Trump never told me directly that the aid was conditioned on the investigations?'” Rep. Elise Stefanick (R-NY) asked the ambassador.

“That’s correct,” he replied.
a quote of Sondland’s statement.

“It was a very short abrupt conversation, he was not in a good mood, and he just said, ‘I want nothing. I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo. Tell Zelensky to do the right thing,’ something to that effect,” said Sondland.


Another response from Sondland pointed out by Trump via a retweet of a post by Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) was Sondland agreeing with Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) that “no one on this planet — not Donald Trump, Rudy Guiliani, Mick Mulvaney, Mike Pompeo — no one told you aid was tied to political investigations.”

“Mr. Sondland, let’s be clear: no one on this planet — not Donald Trump, Rudy Guiliani, Mick Mulvaney, Mike Pompeo — no one told you aid was tied to political investigations, is that correct,” asked Turner.

“That’s correct,” said Sondland.

“Game over,” concluded Meadows.

He cant be arrested for lying unless he is a republican, I mean Schiff said earlier that he doesn't know who the whistle blower is, and you know when the time comes that that is proved false, he's going to skate. Democrats have made it clear they are above the law.
Sondlands testimony ended this whole charade!


It's over!
And this.....

Nolte: 8 Things Media Don't Want You to Know About Sondland's Testimony

  1. Sondland Has LESS THAN ZERO Evidence of Any Wrongdoing
After using his swaggering opening statement to pretend he had the goods on Trump and the entire administration — which suckered the fake media into slobbering all over themselves with “game over” and “new John Dean” tweets — we learned that he has no evidence whatsoever and that his “bombshell” soundbite is based only on a — get this — “presumption.”

“Nobody else on this planet told you that Donald Trump was tying this aid to the investigation,” asked a Republican questioner. “You really have no evidence.”

“Other than my own presumption,” Sondland admitted, as the air seemed to leak out of him.

And then came this bombshell…

“That was the problem,” Sondland confessed. “No one told me directly that the aid was tied to anything. I was presuming it was.”

Are you kidding me with this garbage?

It gets worse. Because even that was a lie because someone did tell Sondland something, which brings me to the next thing the media do not want you to know…

  1. Sondland’s Only Actual Evidence Exonerates Trump
“President Trump never told me directly that the aid was conditioned on meetings,” Sondland admitted.

“The aid was my own personal guess,” he added.

“I never heard from President Trump that aid was conditioned on an announcement of investigations,” Sondland admitted later.


Trump did tell Sondland one thing… Trump explicitly told Sondland he wanted “nothing” from Ukraine. “No quid pro quo.”

  1. You Can’t Have a Quid Pro Quo if Ukraine Didn’t Know
Someone should put that on a T-shirt.

How can there be a quid pro quo if Ukraine didn’t know there was a quid to quo?

Over and over and over again, we are being told Ukraine did not feel pressure, never said to anyone that the promise of aid was tied to anything.

Sadly for our coup plotters, this is one of the media’s inconvenient truths Sondland testified to, and what the media don’t want you to know is that this is a massive piece of exculpatory evidence…

“And you understood the Ukrainians received no credible explanation [for the pause in receiving aid], is that right?” the Democrats’ counsel, Daniel Goldman, asked.

“I certainly couldn’t give them one,” Sondland replied.

And there you have it… If Ukraine didn’t know, there can be no quid pro quo.

  1. The Resistance Tampered with Sondland’s Previous Testimony of No Quid Pro Quo
In October, Sondland testified at Schiff’s secret basement impeachment hearing that there was no quid pro quo. Afterwards, the anti-Trump Resistance bullied and threatened Sondland’s livelihood, his business, even his family.

Gee, you think that might have something to do with his offering up this “quid pro quo” soundbite that fell completely apart as soon as he was asked to back it up with something, anything…?

  1. Sondland Is the Worst Impeachment Witness in a Long Line of Terrible Witnesses
Get this…

So far, Democrats have not presented even a single witness who witnessed anything.

It is either third- and fourth-hand hearsay coming from these crybaby bureaucrats, or it’s whining about their precious “regular channels,” or it’s some lame attempt to reheat the transcript of the call in question into something it’s not — as though we have not already read the transcript.

Sondland is even worse.

Sondland doesn’t even have third- or fourth-hand testimony; all he has are his stupid presumptions that directly contradict what he was declaratively told by Trump himself.

  1. Suddenly Presidential Meetings with Preconditions Are a Bad Thing
This was not just goalpost moving on the part of the coup plotters… This was an on-the-spot crafting of a whole new goalpost using baby poop and fairy dust.

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