In Florida not even government contractors need to check legal employment status.

of course I can,, if I had your real name I could check your criminal history and most of your financial history and your history on where you lived and much more,,
you just have to know where to find them,, most are at the county court house or city hall,,,

You don't have my real name. I don't have to give it to you and you still need more than that.
You don't have my real name. I don't have to give it to you and you still need more than that.
but if you worked at a legal taco stand I can get your info and do a check,,,

point is anyone can do a background check on anyone they want at anytime they want,,
point is anyone can do a background check on anyone they want at anytime they want,,
See what I mean? He's got you arguing trivial nonsense instead of discussing whether it makes sense to have businesses enforcing immigration policy. I don't want to give my boss more reasons to pry into my personal life.
See what I mean? He's got you arguing trivial nonsense instead of discussing whether it makes sense to have businesses enforcing immigration policy. I don't want to give my boss more reasons to pry into my personal life.

Me? I'm not the one bringing up foolish nonsense. I never said businesses can enforce immigration policy either. Words have meaning. The way you put them together have meaning.

We need to cut the jobs off. We all know that is never going to happen. We all know the reasons why.
We need to cut the jobs off. We all know that is never going to happen. We all know the reasons why.

Because we're not, yet, socialists, and we don't, yet, have the kind of totalitarian control over people and businesses that you crave.
Imagine how much of this country would come to a grinding halt if every undocumented worker disappeared. People digging ditches laying pipe, contractors, builders, agriculture, meat packing plants, the list is endless. Like it or not, that is our reality right now. And you bitch that Starbucks can't make your order fast enough?

And, of course, the charlatans like the Florida gov. who enables it.

He is the Herschel Walker of abortions, say one thing, do another.
Yeah it would be horrible….Wages all accross the employment spectrum would rise immediately, blue collar trades would drive the middle class again, blacks would have a plethora of job opportunities, we’d have far fewer homeless, more real Americans would ride college scholarships, our public school system would improve immediately, our healthcare system would improve immediately, we’d see far fewer rapes and murders, our jails and prisons would empty, Modello bottles and Takis bags wouldn’t line our roadways, communities wouldn’t be the graffiti covered filthy third world shitholes they’ve become with their browning….yeah, it would suck bad because we’d have to pay 20% more for lettuce….aint’t that right C_Clayton_Jones Unkotare pknopp ?
Yeah it would be horrible….Wages all accross the employment spectrum would rise immediately, blue collar trades would drive the middle class again, blacks would have a plethora of job opportunities, we’d have far fewer homeless, more real Americans would ride college scholarships, our public school system would improve immediately, our healthcare system would improve immediately, we’d see far fewer rapes and murders, our jails and prisons would empty, Modello bottles and Takis bags wouldn’t line our roadways, communities wouldn’t be the graffiti covered filthy third world shitholes they’ve become with their browning….yeah, it would suck bad because we’d have to pay 20% more for lettuce….aint’t that right C_Clayton_Jones Unkotare pknopp ?

If every illegal was removed, Florida would shut down.
So what? For how long?
Remember when Chuck and Nancy forced the nations longest federal government shut-down because they couldn’t secure a good enough deal for Mexico’s people?

So what? That's why nothing is ever going to be done.
So what? That's why nothing is ever going to be done.
It’s just a matter of time….even the most ignorant among us are realizing this shit isn’t sustainable, they’re realizing that Mexicans destroy every community, city, state and nation they inhabit and they don’t want America to degrade any further. All we need now are some hardcore Viktor Orban / Giorgia Meloni types to spread across our government.
It’s just a matter of time….even the most ignorant among us are realizing this shit isn’t sustainable, they’re realizing that Mexicans destroy every community, city, state and nation they inhabit and they don’t want America to degrade any further. All we need now are some hardcore Viktor Orban / Giorgia Meloni types to spread across our government.

What's going to be inevitable is the same thing that happened under Reagan. We won't fix the reason for that and it's starts all over................... because we will not fix the reason they come. Jobs.
Me? I'm not the one bringing up foolish nonsense. I never said businesses can enforce immigration policy either. Words have meaning. The way you put them together have meaning.

We need to cut the jobs off. We all know that is never going to happen. We all know the reasons why.
why do you not want the government to do the job the law requires them to do??
When you simply make up a position for me and then expect me to defend your made up position, I have no obligation to address that.
I didnt make it up,, its exactly what youve been doing,,\
demanding the people obey the law and defending the government for not obeying the law,,,

you arent fooling anyone,,
What's going to be inevitable is the same thing that happened under Reagan. We won't fix the reason for that and it's starts all over................... because we will not fix the reason they come. Jobs.
NOPE…they come for the sanctuary provided by blue shithole cities and states, for free shit, free education, free healthcare and to lay their litters of filth.

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