In Order to Cut U.S. military spending dramatically would you be willing to......

We can military spending easily by closing the vast majority of our military bases around the world, stop fighting other people's wars, and bring our solider back to our own borders.
it's a double triple/etc win:
...we stop spending tax $$$ sending people overseas--AND back
...we stop giving other countries our $$$
....those troops will then spend their $$$$ in the US and not in other countries down on spending and increase $$$ to the US economy $$$ spent in foreign countries on bases/food/etc will be spent here in the US
how can anyone NOT agree to this!!!!!?????
Run for office as a socialist
We can military spending easily by closing the vast majority of our military bases around the world, stop fighting other people's wars, and bring our solider back to our own borders.
it's a double triple/etc win:
...we stop spending tax $$$ sending people overseas--AND back
...we stop giving other countries our $$$
....those troops will then spend their $$$$ in the US and not in other countries down on spending and increase $$$ to the US economy $$$ spent in foreign countries on bases/food/etc will be spent here in the US
how can anyone NOT agree to this!!!!!?????
Run for office as a socialist
not socialism but common sense
We can military spending easily by closing the vast majority of our military bases around the world, stop fighting other people's wars, and bring our solider back to our own borders.
it's a double triple/etc win:
...we stop spending tax $$$ sending people overseas--AND back
...we stop giving other countries our $$$
....those troops will then spend their $$$$ in the US and not in other countries down on spending and increase $$$ to the US economy $$$ spent in foreign countries on bases/food/etc will be spent here in the US
how can anyone NOT agree to this!!!!!?????
Run for office as a socialist
not socialism but common sense
Every one of your ideas was socialist
We can military spending easily by closing the vast majority of our military bases around the world, stop fighting other people's wars, and bring our solider back to our own borders.
Wow.....and my 25 years in the Navy was spent protecting you?
You also protected communist and socialist that are taking over the USA right now
Exactly my point....
Time to kick some tail.

I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the president of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

The key word is domestic............................
scenarios please on how it will be on American soil

They could use women and children ... Walk them across the border ... And get us to fight each other.
With any luck ... If things go their way ... They could use Delta Airlines after that ... :thup:

Nuclear weapons are non-starters. They are supposed to be deterrents. They won't be used under any circumstances.
Who told you that?

Sooner or later some waring rogue state who libs allowed to acquire nukes will use their new toy.

so in that sense our nukes are not a deterrent against crazies in n korea or iran

but I would hate to deal with the murdering chinese without nukes on our side to protect us
I would not phrase it quite like that, but can't say I disagree Mac. I will say you left out a still dangerous country though not necessary for me to name them. I will also say the nuclear proliferation to previously non nuclear countries was not just the libs, but the conservative, moderates, centrist, including Donnie and going back to at least the 70s and possibly back to Eisenhower. If you are over 60 your are a member of the group that bears responsibility for sleeping at the switch for one reason or another and some more directly than others.
We can military spending easily by closing the vast majority of our military bases around the world, stop fighting other people's wars, and bring our solider back to our own borders.
you mean fight the next major war on American soil?

thats a terrible idea

That's the excuse the Bush necons used to wreak havoc throughout the Middle East which ultimately lead to the creation of ISIS. How did that work for you neocon tards?
ISIS was an Obama creation
how is any country going to get troops to the US?!!??
China can just march them across the mexico border as refugees

but seriously if America is weak and isolated china will merely have to threaten the current democrat party dictator and she will give into their demands
We can military spending easily by closing the vast majority of our military bases around the world, stop fighting other people's wars, and bring our solider back to our own borders.
you mean fight the next major war on American soil?

thats a terrible idea

That's the excuse the Bush necons used to wreak havoc throughout the Middle East which ultimately lead to the creation of ISIS. How did that work for you neocon tards?
ISIS was an Obama creation
ISIS was an Obooba idea too
scenarios please on how it will be on American soil
Playing the what-if game is risky

But if you want to get serious about this topic, after democrats engineer an American retreat from the world and we become politically isolated and militarily weak china wont have fire a shot to become the worlds only superpower
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scenarios please on how it will be on American soil
Playing the what-if game is risky

But if you want to get serious about this topic after democrats engineer an America retreat from the world and we become politically isolated and militarily weak china wont have fire a shot to become the worlds only superpower
You were better with your first sentence,
ou were better with your first sentence,
Given a Democrat one-party state its not speculation about what will happen after libs gut the military

China will rule the world including the US
ISIS was an Obama creation

"Most historians of the Islamic State agree that the group emerged out of al-Qaeda in Iraq as a response to the U.S. invasion in 2003"

ISIS was an Obama creation

"Most historians of the Islamic State agree that the group emerged out of al-Qaeda in Iraq as a response to the U.S. invasion in 2003"

Most of the historians being used a props for this story could trace ISIS back to the Muslim Brotherhood before WWII if they were honest

which they are not
ou were better with your first sentence,
Given a Democrat one-party state its not speculation about what will happen after libs gut the military

China will rule the world including the US
Gee, I been around a long time, including at least 6 to 9 democrat administrations (depending on how you count) and they have never gutted it before. Sounds like hysterical nonsense to me.
ISIS was an Obama creation

"Most historians of the Islamic State agree that the group emerged out of al-Qaeda in Iraq as a response to the U.S. invasion in 2003"

Most of the historians being used a props for this story could trace ISIS back to the Muslim Brotherhood before WWII if they were honest

which they are not

ISIS would have never been in Iraq were a power vacuum not created with the removal of Hussein. Period. If you want to sit there and lie about it be my guest. I'm not arguing the point with you anymore.

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