IN PICTURES: How German women suffered largest mass rape in history by Soviets

?? what?? what are you talking about??
when the Americans stopped moving and not going to Berlin, that saved American/Brit lives
..just for the Battle of Berlin the Russians lost tens of thousands
it´d even a fight , Germans ´d surrender to USA/UK without the fight . unfortunately it was the Yalta agreement , something what Putler wants from Trump today Yalta 2:0 . but his Muscovy is not even close to what USSR was once
the German hierarchy were not surrendering to anyone
"Göring was freed on 5 May by a passing Luftwaffe unit, and he made his way to the US lines in hopes of surrendering to them rather than to the Soviets. He was taken into custody near Radstadt on 6 May by elements of the 36th Infantry Division of the US Army.[118]"
what are you saying? Goring wasn't in charge


Why did the Germans prefer to surrender to the Allies instead of the USSR?

The soldiers of the Red Army captured by the Germans were usually sent to concentration camps where approximately 4 million of them were starved to death, worked to death, tortured to death or just shot or beaten to death.

The Soviet state on the other hand could be ruthless towards its own people, even when they were loyal communists, so how were they going to treat Germans ...

Couple of reasons, since the invasion of the USSR in 1941 German treatment of Soviet prisoners had been horrendous, kept in wire enclosures until they starved, succumbed to disease, or were simply summarily executed (among the first victims gassed at Auschwitz were Russian PoWs). With no quarter given on the Eastern Front it could hardly be asked. Wehrmacht soldiers rightly feared Russian vengeance, after what had been done in the occupied territories of the USSR, and knew that capture would mean heading for forced labor in Siberian gulags, if they were not shot out of hand. Many, if they survived, weren't released until the '50s.

Treatment of PoWs from the western allies was - comparatively speaking - much better, as was their treatment of German PoWs, although there were incidents of brutality on both sides they nominally adhered to the Geneva Conventions on treatment of PoWs (to which the USSR was not a signatory). A commander of the 352nd Volksgrenadier wrote to the families of six men MIA, "The Americans opposite us have been fighting fairly, they have treated German prisoners well and fed them. If your husband is a PoW, you will probably receive news of him through the Red Cross." It got him in trouble with the party for suggesting that captivity was a tolerable state. Compare this to the Eastern Front, where the wretched prisoners taken by the Red Army were known as Stalinpferd, a Stalin horse.

so if the US/Brits kept going the Germans would've let them walk in?? no way
?? what?? what are you talking about??
when the Americans stopped moving and not going to Berlin, that saved American/Brit lives
..just for the Battle of Berlin the Russians lost tens of thousands
it´d even a fight , Germans ´d surrender to USA/UK without the fight . unfortunately it was the Yalta agreement , something what Putler wants from Trump today Yalta 2:0 . but his Muscovy is not even close to what USSR was once
the German hierarchy were not surrendering to anyone
"Göring was freed on 5 May by a passing Luftwaffe unit, and he made his way to the US lines in hopes of surrendering to them rather than to the Soviets. He was taken into custody near Radstadt on 6 May by elements of the 36th Infantry Division of the US Army.[118]"
what are you saying? Goring wasn't in charge


Why did the Germans prefer to surrender to the Allies instead of the USSR?

The soldiers of the Red Army captured by the Germans were usually sent to concentration camps where approximately 4 million of them were starved to death, worked to death, tortured to death or just shot or beaten to death.

The Soviet state on the other hand could be ruthless towards its own people, even when they were loyal communists, so how were they going to treat Germans ...

Couple of reasons, since the invasion of the USSR in 1941 German treatment of Soviet prisoners had been horrendous, kept in wire enclosures until they starved, succumbed to disease, or were simply summarily executed (among the first victims gassed at Auschwitz were Russian PoWs). With no quarter given on the Eastern Front it could hardly be asked. Wehrmacht soldiers rightly feared Russian vengeance, after what had been done in the occupied territories of the USSR, and knew that capture would mean heading for forced labor in Siberian gulags, if they were not shot out of hand. Many, if they survived, weren't released until the '50s.

Treatment of PoWs from the western allies was - comparatively speaking - much better, as was their treatment of German PoWs, although there were incidents of brutality on both sides they nominally adhered to the Geneva Conventions on treatment of PoWs (to which the USSR was not a signatory). A commander of the 352nd Volksgrenadier wrote to the families of six men MIA, "The Americans opposite us have been fighting fairly, they have treated German prisoners well and fed them. If your husband is a PoW, you will probably receive news of him through the Red Cross." It got him in trouble with the party for suggesting that captivity was a tolerable state. Compare this to the Eastern Front, where the wretched prisoners taken by the Red Army were known as Stalinpferd, a Stalin horse.

Nearly two hundred miles separated Montgomery's Rhine bridgehead from the Elbe, while Marshal Georgi K. Zhukov had nearly a million men on the Oder with some elements within thirty or forty miles of the German capital. Even if the Allies reached the Elbe before Zhukov crossed the Oder, the British and U.S. forces would still have to cross fifty miles of lowlands marked by lakes, streams, and canals to get to Berlin. When asked by General Eisenhower for an opinion, General Bradley estimated that a breakthrough from the Elbe would cost 100,000 casualties.
Halt at the Elbe
so the US/Brits were 200 miles from the ELBE--while the Russians were within 50 of Berlin
it´d even a fight , Germans ´d surrender to USA/UK without the fight . unfortunately it was the Yalta agreement , something what Putler wants from Trump today Yalta 2:0 . but his Muscovy is not even close to what USSR was once
the German hierarchy were not surrendering to anyone
"Göring was freed on 5 May by a passing Luftwaffe unit, and he made his way to the US lines in hopes of surrendering to them rather than to the Soviets. He was taken into custody near Radstadt on 6 May by elements of the 36th Infantry Division of the US Army.[118]"
what are you saying? Goring wasn't in charge


Why did the Germans prefer to surrender to the Allies instead of the USSR?

The soldiers of the Red Army captured by the Germans were usually sent to concentration camps where approximately 4 million of them were starved to death, worked to death, tortured to death or just shot or beaten to death.

The Soviet state on the other hand could be ruthless towards its own people, even when they were loyal communists, so how were they going to treat Germans ...

Couple of reasons, since the invasion of the USSR in 1941 German treatment of Soviet prisoners had been horrendous, kept in wire enclosures until they starved, succumbed to disease, or were simply summarily executed (among the first victims gassed at Auschwitz were Russian PoWs). With no quarter given on the Eastern Front it could hardly be asked. Wehrmacht soldiers rightly feared Russian vengeance, after what had been done in the occupied territories of the USSR, and knew that capture would mean heading for forced labor in Siberian gulags, if they were not shot out of hand. Many, if they survived, weren't released until the '50s.

Treatment of PoWs from the western allies was - comparatively speaking - much better, as was their treatment of German PoWs, although there were incidents of brutality on both sides they nominally adhered to the Geneva Conventions on treatment of PoWs (to which the USSR was not a signatory). A commander of the 352nd Volksgrenadier wrote to the families of six men MIA, "The Americans opposite us have been fighting fairly, they have treated German prisoners well and fed them. If your husband is a PoW, you will probably receive news of him through the Red Cross." It got him in trouble with the party for suggesting that captivity was a tolerable state. Compare this to the Eastern Front, where the wretched prisoners taken by the Red Army were known as Stalinpferd, a Stalin horse.

so if the US/Brits kept going the Germans would've let them walk in?? no way
easy, the army´d simply kill Hitler if the west gave the Germany guaranty . again , cooperation between USA/UK and Koba´s commie satrapy until the end WW2 was unthinkable for many not just general Patton
?? what?? what are you talking about??
when the Americans stopped moving and not going to Berlin, that saved American/Brit lives
..just for the Battle of Berlin the Russians lost tens of thousands
it´d even a fight , Germans ´d surrender to USA/UK without the fight . unfortunately it was the Yalta agreement , something what Putler wants from Trump today Yalta 2:0 . but his Muscovy is not even close to what USSR was once
the German hierarchy were not surrendering to anyone
"Göring was freed on 5 May by a passing Luftwaffe unit, and he made his way to the US lines in hopes of surrendering to them rather than to the Soviets. He was taken into custody near Radstadt on 6 May by elements of the 36th Infantry Division of the US Army.[118]"
what are you saying? Goring wasn't in charge


Why did the Germans prefer to surrender to the Allies instead of the USSR?

The soldiers of the Red Army captured by the Germans were usually sent to concentration camps where approximately 4 million of them were starved to death, worked to death, tortured to death or just shot or beaten to death.

The Soviet state on the other hand could be ruthless towards its own people, even when they were loyal communists, so how were they going to treat Germans ...

Couple of reasons, since the invasion of the USSR in 1941 German treatment of Soviet prisoners had been horrendous, kept in wire enclosures until they starved, succumbed to disease, or were simply summarily executed (among the first victims gassed at Auschwitz were Russian PoWs). With no quarter given on the Eastern Front it could hardly be asked. Wehrmacht soldiers rightly feared Russian vengeance, after what had been done in the occupied territories of the USSR, and knew that capture would mean heading for forced labor in Siberian gulags, if they were not shot out of hand. Many, if they survived, weren't released until the '50s.

Treatment of PoWs from the western allies was - comparatively speaking - much better, as was their treatment of German PoWs, although there were incidents of brutality on both sides they nominally adhered to the Geneva Conventions on treatment of PoWs (to which the USSR was not a signatory). A commander of the 352nd Volksgrenadier wrote to the families of six men MIA, "The Americans opposite us have been fighting fairly, they have treated German prisoners well and fed them. If your husband is a PoW, you will probably receive news of him through the Red Cross." It got him in trouble with the party for suggesting that captivity was a tolerable state. Compare this to the Eastern Front, where the wretched prisoners taken by the Red Army were known as Stalinpferd, a Stalin horse.

Especially when we've got to fall back and let the other fellow take over." He says candidly of his thinking of this period:
I could see no political advantage accruing from the capture of Berlin that would offset the need for quick destruction of the German army on our front. As soldiers we looked naively on this British inclination [the desire to go on to Berlin] to complicate the war with political foresight and non-military objectives. [10]

A film depicting some of the most horrific crimes by the Red Army. The mass rape of over 2 million German women. Many were gang raped, tortured, and then murdered even years after the war had ended.
If Germany had treated citizens in its captured territory with respect, I might have some compassion

But the way they treated Russian citizens did not earn them any consideration of their rights as non combatants
Last edited:
there was brutality/murder/etc in many countries/etc during and immediately after the war
many civil conflicts
Balkans/France/Italy/Greece/CBA -Pacific theater..all over the world
and it was inter and intra
neighbor against neighbor as well as occupiers
For some reason FDR ordered General Eisenhower to halt the Allied entry to Berlin and allow his comrade Stalin to rape and pillage.
There's a lesson there. Don't try to rule the world by invading EVERY other country on the planet and force the inhabitants to learn 'high German'.
The fucking Germans tried it twice and they got their asses kicked. NOT before the Germans had RAPED and pillaged and incinerated entire populations.
Our friend Hogg would have LOVED to serve in the Gestapo.
The Soviets did this in all the countries they conquered, maybe not always on that scale.

They also stopped trains and took all the jewelry and dresses, so the women would be in their underwear (note: underwear of that time was sometimes like a silk beige short dress, can't remember what it was called right now).
Sounds like something lefties would do.

Nazis were on the right
a perfect case for the Hague ?
Between the months of January and August of 1945, Germany saw the largest incident of mass rape known in history, where an estimated two million German women were raped by the Soviet Red Army soldiers, as written by Walter Zapotoczny Jr. in his book, ‘Beyond Duty: The Reason Some Soldiers Commit Atrocities’.

Between the months of April and May, the German capital Berlin saw more than 100,000 rape cases according to hospital reports, while East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia saw more than 1.4 million rape cases.

Hospital reports also stated that abortion operations were being carried out daily across all German hospitals."



Natalya Gesse, who was a Soviet war correspondent at the time, said that the Soviets didn’t care about the ages of their victims. “The Russian soldiers were raping every German female from eight to eighty. It was an army of rapists,” she said.

This caused the deaths of no less than 200,000 girls and women due to the spread of diseases, especially that many eyewitnesses recounted victims being raped as much as 70 times in that period.

Our fellows were so sex-starved,” a Soviet major told a British journalist at the time, “that they often raped old women of sixty, seventy or even eighty - much to these grandmothers’ surprise, if not downright delight.”

In his book, Zapotoczny said that even female Russian soldiers did not disapprove of the rapes, some finding it amusing.

In 1948, rape cases decreased vastly after Soviet troops were ordered back to their camps in Russia and left residential areas in Germany.


IN PICTURES: How German women suffered largest mass rape in history by Soviets

Uncle Joe! Say it ain't so!!

How is that possible? FDR and Truman ran the US and British war effort for the benefit of Uncle Joe, how is this even possible??
Yeah those Germans in the East paid the Hitlers mass murdering Nazi Pig Rapists didn't they? There is a reason Germans were trying to get into the American Zone in Occupied Germany.
Payback is a bitch
a perfect case for the Hague ?
Between the months of January and August of 1945, Germany saw the largest incident of mass rape known in history, where an estimated two million German women were raped by the Soviet Red Army soldiers, as written by Walter Zapotoczny Jr. in his book, ‘Beyond Duty: The Reason Some Soldiers Commit Atrocities’.

Between the months of April and May, the German capital Berlin saw more than 100,000 rape cases according to hospital reports, while East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia saw more than 1.4 million rape cases.

Hospital reports also stated that abortion operations were being carried out daily across all German hospitals."



Natalya Gesse, who was a Soviet war correspondent at the time, said that the Soviets didn’t care about the ages of their victims. “The Russian soldiers were raping every German female from eight to eighty. It was an army of rapists,” she said.

This caused the deaths of no less than 200,000 girls and women due to the spread of diseases, especially that many eyewitnesses recounted victims being raped as much as 70 times in that period.

Our fellows were so sex-starved,” a Soviet major told a British journalist at the time, “that they often raped old women of sixty, seventy or even eighty - much to these grandmothers’ surprise, if not downright delight.”

In his book, Zapotoczny said that even female Russian soldiers did not disapprove of the rapes, some finding it amusing.

In 1948, rape cases decreased vastly after Soviet troops were ordered back to their camps in Russia and left residential areas in Germany.


IN PICTURES: How German women suffered largest mass rape in history by Soviets

FDR and Eisenhower were warmonger mass murderers and traiters that are burning in hell right now ignoring the REAL evil person they should have gone after was Stalin who they were both pals with.

ALL three were sad excuses for human beings were all evil monsters that our evil corrupt government treats as heros in this sick society we live in.:mad:

Patton was a true american hero and patriot.It is suspected Eisenhower murdered him because he told the TRUTH that Stalin was the REAL enemy the united stated should have gone after but didn't.He came out and said that he could have defeated him but was not allowed to by these two mother fucker traiters.:mad:
I could have taken it (Berlin) had I been allowed.”

Letter from General George Patton to his wife on July 21, 1945.

Due to the fact that the Soviets had done the overwhelming amount of fighting against the Nazis........Berlin was reserved for them
it´d even a fight , Germans ´d surrender to USA/UK without the fight . unfortunately it was the Yalta agreement , something what Putler wants from Trump today Yalta 2:0 . but his Muscovy is not even close to what USSR was once
the German hierarchy were not surrendering to anyone
"Göring was freed on 5 May by a passing Luftwaffe unit, and he made his way to the US lines in hopes of surrendering to them rather than to the Soviets. He was taken into custody near Radstadt on 6 May by elements of the 36th Infantry Division of the US Army.[118]"
what are you saying? Goring wasn't in charge


Why did the Germans prefer to surrender to the Allies instead of the USSR?

The soldiers of the Red Army captured by the Germans were usually sent to concentration camps where approximately 4 million of them were starved to death, worked to death, tortured to death or just shot or beaten to death.

The Soviet state on the other hand could be ruthless towards its own people, even when they were loyal communists, so how were they going to treat Germans ...

Couple of reasons, since the invasion of the USSR in 1941 German treatment of Soviet prisoners had been horrendous, kept in wire enclosures until they starved, succumbed to disease, or were simply summarily executed (among the first victims gassed at Auschwitz were Russian PoWs). With no quarter given on the Eastern Front it could hardly be asked. Wehrmacht soldiers rightly feared Russian vengeance, after what had been done in the occupied territories of the USSR, and knew that capture would mean heading for forced labor in Siberian gulags, if they were not shot out of hand. Many, if they survived, weren't released until the '50s.

Treatment of PoWs from the western allies was - comparatively speaking - much better, as was their treatment of German PoWs, although there were incidents of brutality on both sides they nominally adhered to the Geneva Conventions on treatment of PoWs (to which the USSR was not a signatory). A commander of the 352nd Volksgrenadier wrote to the families of six men MIA, "The Americans opposite us have been fighting fairly, they have treated German prisoners well and fed them. If your husband is a PoW, you will probably receive news of him through the Red Cross." It got him in trouble with the party for suggesting that captivity was a tolerable state. Compare this to the Eastern Front, where the wretched prisoners taken by the Red Army were known as Stalinpferd, a Stalin horse.

Nearly two hundred miles separated Montgomery's Rhine bridgehead from the Elbe, while Marshal Georgi K. Zhukov had nearly a million men on the Oder with some elements within thirty or forty miles of the German capital. Even if the Allies reached the Elbe before Zhukov crossed the Oder, the British and U.S. forces would still have to cross fifty miles of lowlands marked by lakes, streams, and canals to get to Berlin. When asked by General Eisenhower for an opinion, General Bradley estimated that a breakthrough from the Elbe would cost 100,000 casualties.
Halt at the Elbe
so the US/Brits were 200 miles from the ELBE--while the Russians were within 50 of Berlin

Bradley was a certified fucking moron who extended the war in the West by over a year. Had they not traded positions after the Slap Incident, Patton would have lead the US and Brits into Berlin sometime in 1944
a perfect case for the Hague ?
Between the months of January and August of 1945, Germany saw the largest incident of mass rape known in history, where an estimated two million German women were raped by the Soviet Red Army soldiers, as written by Walter Zapotoczny Jr. in his book, ‘Beyond Duty: The Reason Some Soldiers Commit Atrocities’.

Between the months of April and May, the German capital Berlin saw more than 100,000 rape cases according to hospital reports, while East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia saw more than 1.4 million rape cases.

Hospital reports also stated that abortion operations were being carried out daily across all German hospitals."



Natalya Gesse, who was a Soviet war correspondent at the time, said that the Soviets didn’t care about the ages of their victims. “The Russian soldiers were raping every German female from eight to eighty. It was an army of rapists,” she said.

This caused the deaths of no less than 200,000 girls and women due to the spread of diseases, especially that many eyewitnesses recounted victims being raped as much as 70 times in that period.

Our fellows were so sex-starved,” a Soviet major told a British journalist at the time, “that they often raped old women of sixty, seventy or even eighty - much to these grandmothers’ surprise, if not downright delight.”

In his book, Zapotoczny said that even female Russian soldiers did not disapprove of the rapes, some finding it amusing.

In 1948, rape cases decreased vastly after Soviet troops were ordered back to their camps in Russia and left residential areas in Germany.


IN PICTURES: How German women suffered largest mass rape in history by Soviets

FDR and Eisenhower were warmonger mass murderers and traiters that are burning in hell right now ignoring the REAL evil person they should have gone after was Stalin who they were both pals with.

ALL three were sad excuses for human beings were all evil monsters that our evil corrupt government treats as heros in this sick society we live in.:mad:

Patton was a true american hero and patriot.It is suspected Eisenhower murdered him because he told the TRUTH that Stalin was the REAL enemy the united stated should have gone after but didn't.He came out and said that he could have defeated him but was not allowed to by these two mother fucker traiters.:mad:
I could have taken it (Berlin) had I been allowed.”

Letter from General George Patton to his wife on July 21, 1945.

Due to the fact that the Soviets had done the overwhelming amount of fighting against the Nazis........Berlin was reserved for them

Rightwinger <3 Uncle Joe.

So cute!
For some reason FDR ordered General Eisenhower to halt the Allied entry to Berlin and allow his comrade Stalin to rape and pillage.

Both armies were racing to take as much as possible. They didn’t want direct conflict with the Soviets at that point.

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For some reason FDR ordered General Eisenhower to halt the Allied entry to Berlin and allow his comrade Stalin to rape and pillage.

Both armies were racing to take as much as possible. They didn’t want direct conflict with the Soviets at that point.

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No, that's totally inaccurate, the US and Brits were ordered to slow down to give Uncle Joe time to mosey down south and annex Bulgaria before turning back to the west
a perfect case for the Hague ?
Between the months of January and August of 1945, Germany saw the largest incident of mass rape known in history, where an estimated two million German women were raped by the Soviet Red Army soldiers, as written by Walter Zapotoczny Jr. in his book, ‘Beyond Duty: The Reason Some Soldiers Commit Atrocities’.

Between the months of April and May, the German capital Berlin saw more than 100,000 rape cases according to hospital reports, while East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia saw more than 1.4 million rape cases.

Hospital reports also stated that abortion operations were being carried out daily across all German hospitals."



Natalya Gesse, who was a Soviet war correspondent at the time, said that the Soviets didn’t care about the ages of their victims. “The Russian soldiers were raping every German female from eight to eighty. It was an army of rapists,” she said.

This caused the deaths of no less than 200,000 girls and women due to the spread of diseases, especially that many eyewitnesses recounted victims being raped as much as 70 times in that period.

Our fellows were so sex-starved,” a Soviet major told a British journalist at the time, “that they often raped old women of sixty, seventy or even eighty - much to these grandmothers’ surprise, if not downright delight.”

In his book, Zapotoczny said that even female Russian soldiers did not disapprove of the rapes, some finding it amusing.

In 1948, rape cases decreased vastly after Soviet troops were ordered back to their camps in Russia and left residential areas in Germany.


IN PICTURES: How German women suffered largest mass rape in history by Soviets
The Germen women could of prevented such actions from occurring but it would of meant that they took out Adolf Hitler before he started the 1000 year reicht. I don't feel sorry for them, just like I don't feel sorry for the Japanese who lives were taken when the 2 bombs were dropped. It all could of been avoided except liberalism never leaves happy people alone...
NAZIs were far Right were the War Lords of Japan.

Always the myth of left. The NAZIs very much share many characteristics with the American and European left: believe socialism is the only way, believe is big government control everything, believe in gun ban, hate the rich and successful, hate the Jews, do not believe in free speech etc. It is scary how close to the NAZI ideology the American and European left has become!

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a perfect case for the Hague ?
Between the months of January and August of 1945, Germany saw the largest incident of mass rape known in history, where an estimated two million German women were raped by the Soviet Red Army soldiers, as written by Walter Zapotoczny Jr. in his book, ‘Beyond Duty: The Reason Some Soldiers Commit Atrocities’.

Between the months of April and May, the German capital Berlin saw more than 100,000 rape cases according to hospital reports, while East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia saw more than 1.4 million rape cases.

Hospital reports also stated that abortion operations were being carried out daily across all German hospitals."



Natalya Gesse, who was a Soviet war correspondent at the time, said that the Soviets didn’t care about the ages of their victims. “The Russian soldiers were raping every German female from eight to eighty. It was an army of rapists,” she said.

This caused the deaths of no less than 200,000 girls and women due to the spread of diseases, especially that many eyewitnesses recounted victims being raped as much as 70 times in that period.

Our fellows were so sex-starved,” a Soviet major told a British journalist at the time, “that they often raped old women of sixty, seventy or even eighty - much to these grandmothers’ surprise, if not downright delight.”

In his book, Zapotoczny said that even female Russian soldiers did not disapprove of the rapes, some finding it amusing.

In 1948, rape cases decreased vastly after Soviet troops were ordered back to their camps in Russia and left residential areas in Germany.


IN PICTURES: How German women suffered largest mass rape in history by Soviets
The Germen women could of prevented such actions from occurring but it would of meant that they took out Adolf Hitler before he started the 1000 year reicht. I don't feel sorry for them, just like I don't feel sorry for the Japanese who lives were taken when the 2 bombs were dropped. It all could of been avoided except liberalism never leaves happy people alone...
NAZIs were far Right were the War Lords of Japan.

Always the myth of left. The NAZIs very much share many characteristics with the American and European left: believe socialism is the only way, believe is big government control everything, believe in gun ban, hate the rich and successful, hate the Jews, do not believe in free speech etc. It is scary how close to the NAZI ideology the American and European left has become!

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^ this.

Nazi's are Socialists first and foremost
the German hierarchy were not surrendering to anyone
"Göring was freed on 5 May by a passing Luftwaffe unit, and he made his way to the US lines in hopes of surrendering to them rather than to the Soviets. He was taken into custody near Radstadt on 6 May by elements of the 36th Infantry Division of the US Army.[118]"
what are you saying? Goring wasn't in charge


Why did the Germans prefer to surrender to the Allies instead of the USSR?

The soldiers of the Red Army captured by the Germans were usually sent to concentration camps where approximately 4 million of them were starved to death, worked to death, tortured to death or just shot or beaten to death.

The Soviet state on the other hand could be ruthless towards its own people, even when they were loyal communists, so how were they going to treat Germans ...

Couple of reasons, since the invasion of the USSR in 1941 German treatment of Soviet prisoners had been horrendous, kept in wire enclosures until they starved, succumbed to disease, or were simply summarily executed (among the first victims gassed at Auschwitz were Russian PoWs). With no quarter given on the Eastern Front it could hardly be asked. Wehrmacht soldiers rightly feared Russian vengeance, after what had been done in the occupied territories of the USSR, and knew that capture would mean heading for forced labor in Siberian gulags, if they were not shot out of hand. Many, if they survived, weren't released until the '50s.

Treatment of PoWs from the western allies was - comparatively speaking - much better, as was their treatment of German PoWs, although there were incidents of brutality on both sides they nominally adhered to the Geneva Conventions on treatment of PoWs (to which the USSR was not a signatory). A commander of the 352nd Volksgrenadier wrote to the families of six men MIA, "The Americans opposite us have been fighting fairly, they have treated German prisoners well and fed them. If your husband is a PoW, you will probably receive news of him through the Red Cross." It got him in trouble with the party for suggesting that captivity was a tolerable state. Compare this to the Eastern Front, where the wretched prisoners taken by the Red Army were known as Stalinpferd, a Stalin horse.

Nearly two hundred miles separated Montgomery's Rhine bridgehead from the Elbe, while Marshal Georgi K. Zhukov had nearly a million men on the Oder with some elements within thirty or forty miles of the German capital. Even if the Allies reached the Elbe before Zhukov crossed the Oder, the British and U.S. forces would still have to cross fifty miles of lowlands marked by lakes, streams, and canals to get to Berlin. When asked by General Eisenhower for an opinion, General Bradley estimated that a breakthrough from the Elbe would cost 100,000 casualties.
Halt at the Elbe
so the US/Brits were 200 miles from the ELBE--while the Russians were within 50 of Berlin

Bradley was a certified fucking moron who extended the war in the West by over a year. Had they not traded positions after the Slap Incident, Patton would have lead the US and Brits into Berlin sometime in 1944
again--people on a lot of these forums do not think realistically
you are in Dreamville if you think it would've been so easy
just like Monty at Marget Garden--'''we'll just go up this road''
but General Sosabowski was not in Dreamville but Realville
"But the Germans, General, the Germans!".
...remember the one of the most critical factors = logistics ...this hampered the Allies just as much as the Germans did
The Soviets did this in all the countries they conquered, maybe not always on that scale.

They also stopped trains and took all the jewelry and dresses, so the women would be in their underwear (note: underwear of that time was sometimes like a silk beige short dress, can't remember what it was called right now).
do you know that they even raped Jewish women who survived the Nazi death camps ?

No one denies the Soviets were some pretty bad hombres! Al communist/socialist big government leads to atrocities: Mao’s China, Stalins’s Russia, Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge, Castro’s Cuba, Chavez’s Venezuela, Kim’s North Korea, East Germany etc.

This is what the modern liberals want, because no matter how many times you show it fails they think their communism will prevail!

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