In Support Of A Palestinian State

Originally posted by Challenger
Oh look, more of the same bovine excrement and that nonsense graph repeated in every thread by the forum's biggest BS merchant; BoSton1. Bored now.

LOL, Challenger...

Boston is shocked and appalled by this simple idea that has never crossed his mind in his entire life:

Give palestinian refugees the same rights as Palestinians in Haifa have as third class citizens of Israel and they will behave in the same peaceful manner.

Give them all full rights as equal citizens of their homeland (that does not consider them "unwanted guests", whose anthem doesn't ignore them only talking about "jewish spirit yearning for Zion", whose schools, housing and sanitation services are not severely underfunded) and they will behave even more peacefully than they already do.
Just like native americans it would take the physical elimination of at least 60% of the palestinian people to effectively destroy their struggle to regain their homeland.

Israeli authorities know perfectly well that in this case the world would finish the job nazi Germany started six decades ago.

Not if the arab muslims calling themselves Palestinians keep up with their terrorist attacks, then the world will do the job for Israel.
All Israel needs to do is start trotting out pictures and video's of Palestinian attacks on women and children to get world support.
Originally posted by Boston1
Bull shit ass hole.

I am Native American and we do not support the colonists in Israel. We fully support the native people, the JUDAIC people. The Israeli's

Don't even pretend to try and foist this BS off on someone who knows Native American history. The Arab Muslim terrorist have NOTHING in common with the first nations people.

Regardless of whether or not you consider palestinians natives to that region no one can deny the fact they are prepared to take quite a beating for what they believe.

You and Kondor keep vomiting the idea that mass expulsions will solve the conflict as if this "solution" hadn't been tried before in 48 and 67, as if forced displacement hadn't created the whole mess in the first place.

The problem is not the palestinians who remained... they live in peace in Israel despite being treated as third class citizens.

The whole problem is exactly those who were subjected to your "solution" in the past.

Instead of peace the only thing your "plan" would create is an even bigger palestinian refugee problem and an even bigger armed struggle.

More utter bull shit

Regardless of the fact that Arab Muslims in Israel are colonists, who arrived in the early to mid 20th century

Are you kidding ?

And you'd like to run some crap about any similarities between the first nations people in the Americas and the colonial Arab Muslims in Israel. What a load of shit.

Its only their racism, bigotry combined with the fact their leaders walk with billions in welfare dollars that perpetuates this situation and leads them to get their asses kicked at every turn. Their leaders know they can't win and don't really want to, the welfare money might stop. Remove the welfare and you remove the incentive and the world class beating, and those assclowns would disappear like a fart in the wind......

Your flaming ignorance about what happened in 48 and 67 is fast becoming legendary. Does your entire diatribe really depend on a complete lack of knowledge of history ?

Oh and since the Arab Muslims don't seem to care how many Arab Muslims get slaughtered by other Arab Muslims why not repatriate the fools to whatever Arab Muslim nation is closest ;--) Then what are you going to complain about ?

Throw the bums out and let them deal with their own. Israel would be damn well within its rights to do exactly that under the Geneva Conventions.

You have not the slightest clue what you are talking about. There already is an Arab Muslim state in the mandated area and if thats not good enough,

Tough shit

Oh look, more of the same bovine excrement and that nonsense graph repeated in every thread by the forum's biggest BS merchant; BoSton1. Bored now.

So no intelligent adult reply so you resort to your usual immature no content deflection of the subject. Why cant you keep on topic in regards to support or not of a Palestinian state. I support the Palestinian state and all that it entails, when they are bankrupt Israel will give them 1 NIS for every hectare.
Originally posted by Challenger
Oh look, more of the same bovine excrement and that nonsense graph repeated in every thread by the forum's biggest BS merchant; BoSton1. Bored now.

LOL, Challenger...

Boston is shocked and appalled by this simple idea that has never crossed his mind in his entire life:

Give palestinian refugees the same rights as Palestinians in Haifa have as third class citizens of Israel and they will behave in the same peaceful manner.

Give them all full rights as equal citizens of their homeland (that does not consider them "unwanted guests", whose anthem doesn't ignore them only talking about "jewish spirit yearning for Zion", whose schools, housing and sanitation services are not severely underfunded) and they will behave even more peacefully than they already do.

They had that in 1948 and decided violence was better, they cant turn back time now to suit their needs. They know the rules as set down by the UN, if they cant stick to them then they lose at every turn.

By the way they are citizens of Palestine so why isn't the P.A. looking after their rights, that is what they were elected to do. Nothing to do with Israel who are not their government. And International law of 1923 clearly states that it is Jewish land for the Jewish NATIONal home, and not for the arab muslims who already have 99.9% of the land
Hamas= Hezbollah= IDF on Steroids.

Oh for goodness sake. Have a heart. Have mercy on the poor Palestinians victimized by Israel's brutal treatment of peace offerings, security fence & land concessions keepiing the Paili's captives under Israeli rule. At least let them have their own Palestinian State with self determination far far away from Israel. Don't you agree dear?

Israel won't be happy til the last of the Canaanites are dead.

You really can't get it through your head that the religion adopted by a people doesn't change the ethnicity of a people.

Which is why they have double barrelled ethnicities like Anglo American and arab muslim...............
Originally posted by Boston1
Bull shit ass hole.

I am Native American and we do not support the colonists in Israel. We fully support the native people, the JUDAIC people. The Israeli's

Don't even pretend to try and foist this BS off on someone who knows Native American history. The Arab Muslim terrorist have NOTHING in common with the first nations people.

Regardless of whether or not you consider palestinians natives to that region no one can deny the fact they are prepared to take quite a beating for what they believe.

You and Kondor keep vomiting the idea that mass expulsions will solve the conflict as if this "solution" hadn't been tried before in 48 and 67, as if forced displacement hadn't created the whole mess in the first place.

The problem is not the palestinians who remained... they live in peace in Israel despite being treated as third class citizens.

The whole problem is exactly those who were subjected to your "solution" in the past.

Instead of peace the only thing your "plan" would create is an even bigger palestinian refugee problem and an even bigger armed struggle.

How about a valid unbiased link to your claim that the Jews tried to wipe out the arab muslims from the land in 1948 and 1967 then ?
Originally posted by Challenger
Oh look, more of the same bovine excrement and that nonsense graph repeated in every thread by the forum's biggest BS merchant; BoSton1. Bored now.

LOL, Challenger...

Boston is shocked and appalled by this simple idea that has never crossed his mind in his entire life:

Give palestinian refugees the same rights as Palestinians in Haifa have as third class citizens of Israel and they will behave in the same peaceful manner.

Give them all full rights as equal citizens of their homeland (that does not consider them "unwanted guests", whose anthem doesn't ignore them only talking about "jewish spirit yearning for Zion", whose schools, housing and sanitation services are not severely underfunded) and they will behave even more peacefully than they already do.

LOL no I've been saying for a long time if the Arab Muslims in Israel need a homeland so bad send them back to Arabia where they came from. Arabia is their ancestral homeland not Israel.

Problem solved.

Either that or let them carve it out of someplace in the 99% of land given to other Arab Muslims. Lets get real, the only reason you want some of Israel is because the goal is to destabilize Israel.

Once again you have no idea of what you are talking about

Besides there is already an Arab Muslim state in the mandate area, JORDAN
Originally posted by Boston1
Bull shit ass hole.

I am Native American and we do not support the colonists in Israel. We fully support the native people, the JUDAIC people. The Israeli's

Don't even pretend to try and foist this BS off on someone who knows Native American history. The Arab Muslim terrorist have NOTHING in common with the first nations people.

Regardless of whether or not you consider palestinians natives to that region no one can deny the fact they are prepared to take quite a beating for what they believe.

You and Kondor keep vomiting the idea that mass expulsions will solve the conflict as if this "solution" hadn't been tried before in 48 and 67, as if forced displacement hadn't created the whole mess in the first place.

The problem is not the palestinians who remained... they live in peace in Israel despite being treated as third class citizens.

The whole problem is exactly those who were subjected to your "solution" in the past.

Instead of peace the only thing your "plan" would create is an even bigger palestinian refugee problem and an even bigger armed struggle.

More utter bull shit

Regardless of the fact that Arab Muslims in Israel are colonists, who arrived in the early to mid 20th century

Are you kidding ?

And you'd like to run some crap about any similarities between the first nations people in the Americas and the colonial Arab Muslims in Israel. What a load of shit.

Its only their racism, bigotry combined with the fact their leaders walk with billions in welfare dollars that perpetuates this situation and leads them to get their asses kicked at every turn. Their leaders know they can't win and don't really want to, the welfare money might stop. Remove the welfare and you remove the incentive and the world class beating, and those assclowns would disappear like a fart in the wind......

Your flaming ignorance about what happened in 48 and 67 is fast becoming legendary. Does your entire diatribe really depend on a complete lack of knowledge of history ?

Oh and since the Arab Muslims don't seem to care how many Arab Muslims get slaughtered by other Arab Muslims why not repatriate the fools to whatever Arab Muslim nation is closest ;--) Then what are you going to complain about ?

Throw the bums out and let them deal with their own. Israel would be damn well within its rights to do exactly that under the Geneva Conventions.

You have not the slightest clue what you are talking about. There already is an Arab Muslim state in the mandated area and if thats not good enough,

Tough shit

Oh look, more of the same bovine excrement and that nonsense graph repeated in every thread by the forum's biggest BS merchant; BoSton1. Bored now.

And you doubt my assessment that at best your debating skills are poor.

The subject is another Arab Muslim state, this one well outside of the Arab Muslims native homeland and intended to destabilize Israel.

Maybe once you learn to discuss the subject rationally as an adult then you can begin to develop those pathetic debating skills of yours. Until then, I don't hold out much hope for the content of your posts improving
Problem is not a single surrounding Arab country wants Palestinians. Gosh I wondeer if Mecca would be a nice place for a Palestinian State?
Most important is for a Palestinian State to have total self determination far away from any control by Israel to provide for them any longer & be blamed for Palestinian failures.
Most important is for a Palestinian State to have total self determination far away from any control by Israel to provide for them any longer & be blamed for Palestinian failures.
I think for the Arabs-Moslems occupying the disputed territories, self determination is a bit of a misnomer. I don't see them letting go of their perceived entitlement to the forever welfare fraud dedicated to the perpetuation of their invented national status. They will want to stay firmly attached to the UNRWA money hose (Ho's).
If the report that follows is true, The Pal'istanians Arab Islamist bro's just made room for a few more in Syria.

PLO reports ISIS atrocities in Yarmouk refugee camp - General news -

(ANSAmed) - TEL AVIV, APRIL 20 - The Palestinian inhabitants of the Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus have suffered atrocities at the hands of the Islamic State (ISIS), the Palestinian new agency MAAN was told by PLO envoy to Syria Anwar Abdel Hadi.

UNRWA envoy Chris Gunness said that thousands of civilians in the camp were at risk of dying of hunger and thirst, and that an immediate end to hostilities and resumption of humanitarian aid deliveries was needed. Abdle Hadi said that at least 20 people had been beheaded by ISIS in the Yarmouk camp and that they had immediately been buried without their identities being established. He added that cases of rape had occurred and that ISIS controls roughly 70% of the refugee camp. (ANSAmed).
I fully support the Arab Muslim state of Jordan. Adding another Arab Muslim state on the other hand would be a huge mistake.

Not one more inch

The native people of Israel are the Judaic people, in which case they have what, the smallest country of all the mandated lands ? And yet the Arab Muslims want more ?

Forget it
Problem is not a single surrounding Arab country wants Palestinians. Gosh I wondeer if Mecca would be a nice place for a Palestinian State?

I still suggest the empty quarter, and let them prove they are capable of free determination.
Problem is not a single surrounding Arab country wants Palestinians. Gosh I wondeer if Mecca would be a nice place for a Palestinian State?

I still suggest the empty quarter, and let them prove they are capable of free determination.

Problem is Israel would still be able to step in & take control over them. I would prefer they be located far far away from any involvement with Israel whereby they would be held accountable for their own doings.
What makes anyone thing the Arab Muslims in Israel are capable of handling the affairs of state in a responsible manor.

Look at what happened in Gaza, Its cess pool of violence and anarchy

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