In the Batman "shooting" script the judge is also the cop - contrast with Oslo Utoya

Apr 6, 2009
In the Batman "shooting" script the judge is also the cop - contrast with Oslo Utoya

In the Batman "shooting" script the judge is also the cop:

A remake of the Norway "shooting" script, where Breivik III (first photo of "Breivik" after the "shooting", "on the way to court") is in fact the cop speaking at the press conference that was held at the "same time".


(2) Actors ad nausea

(3) ...
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Both in the 2011 cases of the Norway Oslo "massacre" and the "rapist IMF boss", the illuminati script was to first suggest a purely virtual "shooter" and a purely virtual "black hotel maid", while the illuminati actors representing these roles would appear only later,
In the case of "Anders Behrig Breivik" it was not until February 2012 that this happened, when the actor used to impersonate the second of three faces used for "Anders Behrig Breivik" was finally presented.


From patsy McVeigh to pure virtual characters, 15 years later in Germany's 2009 school masscre (1) and beyond that, 16 years later in the US, to not only pure virtual character Jareed Loughner, created based on Glenn Beck (2), but also both times to pure virtual massacres. (3)
As for Brevink the illuminati use a "complex" (4) combination, with three diferent faces presented as early as 25 July 2011, with the climax not on February 6 2012, as they show for the first time footage of the "killer" (5), but much earlier, on 25 July 2011, when besides reducing the number of "victims" of the Utoya island "shooting" from 90 to 68, the illuminati set another milestone in the impersonation type of jokes: they present simultaneously the third face and footage of the real person used to create that face. And that is ... the norwegian policeman at the press conference (6).

(1) Citizens Disarmed Agenda: German school massacre repackaged to push disarm citizens agenda to utter limits

(2)- why do the illuminati use a photo of Glenn Beck to photoshop pure virtual "shooter" "Jared Lee Loughner" in the pure virtual Arizona "shootings"? Answer: illuminati religion.
Illuminati Religion

(3) Norway bombing and "shooting" = 911 without victims (except for one girl from Iraq and the stepbrother of crown princess Mette-Maritt)
NORWAY massacre: there were no "victims". All staged. All camp "survivors" part of it

(4) The illuminati first suggested that the first two faces released were also pure virtual characters, the first younger but not too different from the second face released July 23, wearing the traditional Masonic apron of the Norwegian Order of Freemasons and posing with guns.

(5) More precisely of the second face used to impersonate the "killer". This fact immediately reveals that the first face was photoshopped from this real second face, unless footage of the first face would also be released.

(6) 25 July 2011, press conference with three norwegian policemen.
(1): they present a third face used to represent the "shooter", his photo inside a police car supposedly on his way to the court.
As this photo of this new third face is presented, the screen shows only one "other" person: one of the three policemen.
Why? Again the answer to explain these illuminati jokles is the same: the illuminati religion.

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