In the history of america how many women have been drafted into the military?

Liberals have demanded access to combat roles for military women so they can get promotions.

Okay, fine.

But if we ever re-institute the draft, women should no longer be excluded from it.

Believe me, I understand why this is a popular thought, but let's not cut off our noses to spite our faces. That would be a supremely idiotic policy response. Men are far more expendable to society then women - that's as fundamental a truth as "only women can bear children." No amount of social engineering and slogans changes these facts on the ground.
Believe me, I understand why this is a popular thought, but let's not cut off our noses to spite our faces. That would be a supremely idiotic policy response. Men are far more expendable to society then women - that's as fundamental a truth as "only women can bear children." No amount of social engineering and slogans changes these facts on the ground.

Since a small percentage of Americans volunteer to serve or are drafted, America's population will remain safe even if women are drafted or serve in combat.

Believe me, I understand why this is a popular thought, but let's not cut off our noses to spite our faces. That would be a supremely idiotic policy response. Men are far more expendable to society then women - that's as fundamental a truth as "only women can bear children." No amount of social engineering and slogans changes these facts on the ground.

WHAT A STUPID THING TO SAY!!!! The important people are the doers - businessmen and scientists and engineers. And they are almost always male. Women are just social workers and english teachers.


Believe me, I understand why this is a popular thought, but let's not cut off our noses to spite our faces. That would be a supremely idiotic policy response. Men are far more expendable to society then women - that's as fundamental a truth as "only women can bear children." No amount of social engineering and slogans changes these facts on the ground.

WHAT A STUPID THING TO SAY!!!! The important people are the doers - businessmen and scientists and engineers. And they are almost always male. Women are just social workers and english teachers.


When a male scientist can devise a way to give birth to a child, then you may have a point. Until then, you don't.
WHAT A STUPID THING TO SAY!!!! The important people are the doers - businessmen and scientists and engineers. And they are almost always male. Women are just social workers and english teachers.


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