Indictment analysis: DeSantis completes the full transition to Trump's bitch

Conservative from Georgia

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2018
You may remember that Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Traded sharp attacks in the 2016 GOP primary race..

Then Trump called Ted Cruz's wife ugly and the love affair began. Today Cruz is Trump's most loyal poodle..

Something similar is happening with Ron DeSantis who, after being the target of vicious attacks by donald trump, now defends him as a victim of the "weaponization of the d o j."

This phenomenon is known as masochism, where a person feels pleasure from being punished and hurt.
You may remember that Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Traded sharp attacks in the 2016 GOP primary race..

Then Trump called Ted Cruz's wife ugly and the love affair began. Today Cruz is Trump's most loyal poodle..

Something similar is happening with Ron DeSantis who, after being the target of vicious attacks by donald trump, now defends him as a victim of the "weaponization of the d o j."

This phenomenon is known as masochism, where a person feels pleasure from being punished and hurt.
Who cares? Much better than illegal aliens streaming across the border, excessive inflation, and the Dim money laundering operation in the Ukraine.
Back to your basement oh facediaper one.
You may remember that Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Traded sharp attacks in the 2016 GOP primary race..

Then Trump called Ted Cruz's wife ugly and the love affair began. Today Cruz is Trump's most loyal poodle..

Something similar is happening with Ron DeSantis who, after being the target of vicious attacks by donald trump, now defends him as a victim of the "weaponization of the d o j."

This phenomenon is known as masochism, where a person feels pleasure from being punished and hurt.

He is trying to get the MAGA vote, he needs it to win the nomination
You may remember that Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Traded sharp attacks in the 2016 GOP primary race..

Then Trump called Ted Cruz's wife ugly and the love affair began. Today Cruz is Trump's most loyal poodle..

Something similar is happening with Ron DeSantis who, after being the target of vicious attacks by donald trump, now defends him as a victim of the "weaponization of the d o j."

This phenomenon is known as masochism, where a person feels pleasure from being punished and hurt.

No dick head.

Decent people will respond when they see wrong being done.

I understand why you wouldn't know that.
You may remember that Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Traded sharp attacks in the 2016 GOP primary race..

Then Trump called Ted Cruz's wife ugly and the love affair began. Today Cruz is Trump's most loyal poodle..

Something similar is happening with Ron DeSantis who, after being the target of vicious attacks by donald trump, now defends him as a victim of the "weaponization of the d o j."

This phenomenon is known as masochism, where a person feels pleasure from being punished and hurt.
Why does the "conservative" from Georgia spend all their time bashing Trump and the entire GOP?


Embrace your Marxism and stop pretending.
Because I’ma Desantis supporter and he’s more conservative than Trump.
You support DeSantis?

By saying he has become Trump's lap dog?

What Trump has gone through and is going through is criminal and akin to what banana republics do to their political opposition, yet not one post about any of that, like the made up Russian collusion. Thank God DeSantis agrees with me and supports Trump through this even though he is a political rival now.
So you think Trump supporters will switch to DeSantis because Desantis said Trump is the victim of a witchhunt?
What has Trump done to deserve being put in jail?


Were you happy with the witch hunt with the Russian collusion that found nothing?

Were you happy with the law suit where a woman sued him for rape decades ago and won, even though she did not prove he did it?

Do you think Trump having these documents is bad as where Diaper Boy having them is good?

What is your beef?

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