Indoctrination of American Minds


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
The Evanston–Skokie School District teaches K–3 students to “break the binary” of gender. Seattle Public Schools tell teachers that the education system is guilty of “spirit murder” against black children, while a Cupertino, California elementary school forces third-graders to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities and rank themselves according to their “power and privilege.” In Portland, K–5 students are taught to subvert the sexuality of “white colonizers” and explore the “infinite gender spectrum.” And thousands of similar examples, perhaps in your own community.
A recent survey of 1,500 Americans aged 18–20 conducted with Zach Goldberg for the Manhattan Institute proves just how widespread and pernicious this issue has become. It has implications that should concern anyone who cares about open inquiry and free speech.

We asked a random national sample of 18- to 20-year-olds whether they had heard (from an adult in school) of pro–Critical Race Theory (CRT) concepts such as “white privilege” or “systemic racism” as well as radical gender concepts such as the idea that gender is separate from biological sex. An astounding 90 percent had been exposed to CRT and 74 percent to radical gender concepts at school. In 7 of 10 cases these beliefs were presented as fact, or as the only respectable view to hold.

[Me: it's one thing to explain to kids what these things are, but it's another to present it as truth.]

When compared to older age groups, young people are far more intolerant, even when taking their politics into consideration. .... over two-thirds of 18- to 25-year-olds think Google was right to fire programmer James Damore in 2017 for raising evidence-based questions in an internal memo about the firm’s gender equity policy. This compares to just 36 percent of those over 50 who backed Damore’s termination. Among liberals, I found that 82 percent of 18–25-year-olds support his firing while a much lower 57 percent of liberals over 50 do.
Not only are educated young people intolerant of opposing ideas, they are increasingly unwilling to date or befriend Republicans. According to original data that I analyzed from FIRE’s 2020 survey, just 7 percent of female and 19 percent of male college students who are not Republican would feel comfortable dating a Trump supporter.

Original data from our Manhattan Institute survey showed that support for CRT undergirds these disgust reflexes. For example, 77 percent of “very liberal” young adults who say being white is “one of the most important sources of privilege” are uncomfortable dating a Trump supporter, compared to 27 percent of “very liberal” young people who do not believe that being white is one of the most important sources of privilege.


.... young people who are uncomfortable dating a Trump supporter are much more likely to discriminate against them in hiring. Just 31 percent of young Democrats who say they would be uncomfortable dating a Trump supporter would hire a “known Republican” for a job, compared to 66 percent of young Democrats who would be willing to date a Trump supporter.


.... 44 percent of white liberals aged 25 or under say that “people who disagree with me politically are immoral,” compared to about a quarter of white conservatives and black liberals, and zero black conservatives. Why? It turns out that white liberals who believe that “white Republicans are racist” are far more likely to moralize their political views. The upshot of this is that progressive beliefs around identity—notably race and gender—are central to understanding the new moral absolutism of young liberal Americans.

Progressive schools where pupils hear a lot of ideas supportive of Critical Social Justice (CSJ) turn out radically progressive graduates. Comparing young people who heard no CSJ at school to those who heard at least six CSJ ideas shows that CSJ exposure increases belief in white privilege from 41 percent to 56 percent; in gender as chosen from 37 percent to 49 percent; and in the idea that America is built on stolen land from 44 percent to 73 percent.
.... moving from no CRT exposure to being taught a maximum of five CRT concepts is associated with a significant shift in racial policy attitudes toward the cultural left. These young people are being indoctrinated to support affirmative action and equal outcomes over colorblind merit, an abuse of our liberal education system, which is meant to teach how to think rather than what to think.
First of all, Critical Social Justice instruction damages young people by making them fearful of being punished for what they might say. 27 percent of pupils exposed to no CSJ in school feared being shamed, punished, or expelled for voicing their opinions on controversial subjects, compared to 68 percent of those hearing six or more CSJ concepts. Among young people who identify as Republican, my original data show the jump is from 27 to 84 percent, a major blow for free speech, political tolerance, viewpoint diversity, and the mental well-being of youth.

I shudder to think of the direction this country is moving in.
Public schools are the main source of propaganda designed to condition kids NOT to think.
They are centers for indoctrination/miseducation, & work much the same as MSM in that regard
Kids should be grateful enough that they don't have the public schools convince them to mutilate their genitals and call it a day.

Asking anything more I think is asking too much.
The Evanston–Skokie School District teaches K–3 students to “break the binary” of gender. Seattle Public Schools tell teachers that the education system is guilty of “spirit murder” against black children, while a Cupertino, California elementary school forces third-graders to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities and rank themselves according to their “power and privilege.” In Portland, K–5 students are taught to subvert the sexuality of “white colonizers” and explore the “infinite gender spectrum.” And thousands of similar examples, perhaps in your own community.
A recent survey of 1,500 Americans aged 18–20 conducted with Zach Goldberg for the Manhattan Institute proves just how widespread and pernicious this issue has become. It has implications that should concern anyone who cares about open inquiry and free speech.

We asked a random national sample of 18- to 20-year-olds whether they had heard (from an adult in school) of pro–Critical Race Theory (CRT) concepts such as “white privilege” or “systemic racism” as well as radical gender concepts such as the idea that gender is separate from biological sex. An astounding 90 percent had been exposed to CRT and 74 percent to radical gender concepts at school. In 7 of 10 cases these beliefs were presented as fact, or as the only respectable view to hold.

[Me: it's one thing to explain to kids what these things are, but it's another to present it as truth.]

When compared to older age groups, young people are far more intolerant, even when taking their politics into consideration. .... over two-thirds of 18- to 25-year-olds think Google was right to fire programmer James Damore in 2017 for raising evidence-based questions in an internal memo about the firm’s gender equity policy. This compares to just 36 percent of those over 50 who backed Damore’s termination. Among liberals, I found that 82 percent of 18–25-year-olds support his firing while a much lower 57 percent of liberals over 50 do.
Not only are educated young people intolerant of opposing ideas, they are increasingly unwilling to date or befriend Republicans. According to original data that I analyzed from FIRE’s 2020 survey, just 7 percent of female and 19 percent of male college students who are not Republican would feel comfortable dating a Trump supporter.

Original data from our Manhattan Institute survey showed that support for CRT undergirds these disgust reflexes. For example, 77 percent of “very liberal” young adults who say being white is “one of the most important sources of privilege” are uncomfortable dating a Trump supporter, compared to 27 percent of “very liberal” young people who do not believe that being white is one of the most important sources of privilege.


.... young people who are uncomfortable dating a Trump supporter are much more likely to discriminate against them in hiring. Just 31 percent of young Democrats who say they would be uncomfortable dating a Trump supporter would hire a “known Republican” for a job, compared to 66 percent of young Democrats who would be willing to date a Trump supporter.


.... 44 percent of white liberals aged 25 or under say that “people who disagree with me politically are immoral,” compared to about a quarter of white conservatives and black liberals, and zero black conservatives. Why? It turns out that white liberals who believe that “white Republicans are racist” are far more likely to moralize their political views. The upshot of this is that progressive beliefs around identity—notably race and gender—are central to understanding the new moral absolutism of young liberal Americans.

Progressive schools where pupils hear a lot of ideas supportive of Critical Social Justice (CSJ) turn out radically progressive graduates. Comparing young people who heard no CSJ at school to those who heard at least six CSJ ideas shows that CSJ exposure increases belief in white privilege from 41 percent to 56 percent; in gender as chosen from 37 percent to 49 percent; and in the idea that America is built on stolen land from 44 percent to 73 percent.
.... moving from no CRT exposure to being taught a maximum of five CRT concepts is associated with a significant shift in racial policy attitudes toward the cultural left. These young people are being indoctrinated to support affirmative action and equal outcomes over colorblind merit, an abuse of our liberal education system, which is meant to teach how to think rather than what to think.
First of all, Critical Social Justice instruction damages young people by making them fearful of being punished for what they might say. 27 percent of pupils exposed to no CSJ in school feared being shamed, punished, or expelled for voicing their opinions on controversial subjects, compared to 68 percent of those hearing six or more CSJ concepts. Among young people who identify as Republican, my original data show the jump is from 27 to 84 percent, a major blow for free speech, political tolerance, viewpoint diversity, and the mental well-being of youth.

I shudder to think of the direction this country is moving in.
The 'value' system of the two opposing mentalities/ideologies are NOT compatible & never can be. One cannot be taught to change ones value system, rather a change in a persons value system has to be achieved through 'real life personal' experience.
The Evanston–Skokie School District teaches K–3 students to “break the binary” of gender. Seattle Public Schools tell teachers that the education system is guilty of “spirit murder” against black children, while a Cupertino, California elementary school forces third-graders to deconstruct their racial and sexual identities and rank themselves according to their “power and privilege.” In Portland, K–5 students are taught to subvert the sexuality of “white colonizers” and explore the “infinite gender spectrum.” And thousands of similar examples, perhaps in your own community.
A recent survey of 1,500 Americans aged 18–20 conducted with Zach Goldberg for the Manhattan Institute proves just how widespread and pernicious this issue has become. It has implications that should concern anyone who cares about open inquiry and free speech.

We asked a random national sample of 18- to 20-year-olds whether they had heard (from an adult in school) of pro–Critical Race Theory (CRT) concepts such as “white privilege” or “systemic racism” as well as radical gender concepts such as the idea that gender is separate from biological sex. An astounding 90 percent had been exposed to CRT and 74 percent to radical gender concepts at school. In 7 of 10 cases these beliefs were presented as fact, or as the only respectable view to hold.

[Me: it's one thing to explain to kids what these things are, but it's another to present it as truth.]

When compared to older age groups, young people are far more intolerant, even when taking their politics into consideration. .... over two-thirds of 18- to 25-year-olds think Google was right to fire programmer James Damore in 2017 for raising evidence-based questions in an internal memo about the firm’s gender equity policy. This compares to just 36 percent of those over 50 who backed Damore’s termination. Among liberals, I found that 82 percent of 18–25-year-olds support his firing while a much lower 57 percent of liberals over 50 do.
Not only are educated young people intolerant of opposing ideas, they are increasingly unwilling to date or befriend Republicans. According to original data that I analyzed from FIRE’s 2020 survey, just 7 percent of female and 19 percent of male college students who are not Republican would feel comfortable dating a Trump supporter.

Original data from our Manhattan Institute survey showed that support for CRT undergirds these disgust reflexes. For example, 77 percent of “very liberal” young adults who say being white is “one of the most important sources of privilege” are uncomfortable dating a Trump supporter, compared to 27 percent of “very liberal” young people who do not believe that being white is one of the most important sources of privilege.


.... young people who are uncomfortable dating a Trump supporter are much more likely to discriminate against them in hiring. Just 31 percent of young Democrats who say they would be uncomfortable dating a Trump supporter would hire a “known Republican” for a job, compared to 66 percent of young Democrats who would be willing to date a Trump supporter.


.... 44 percent of white liberals aged 25 or under say that “people who disagree with me politically are immoral,” compared to about a quarter of white conservatives and black liberals, and zero black conservatives. Why? It turns out that white liberals who believe that “white Republicans are racist” are far more likely to moralize their political views. The upshot of this is that progressive beliefs around identity—notably race and gender—are central to understanding the new moral absolutism of young liberal Americans.

Progressive schools where pupils hear a lot of ideas supportive of Critical Social Justice (CSJ) turn out radically progressive graduates. Comparing young people who heard no CSJ at school to those who heard at least six CSJ ideas shows that CSJ exposure increases belief in white privilege from 41 percent to 56 percent; in gender as chosen from 37 percent to 49 percent; and in the idea that America is built on stolen land from 44 percent to 73 percent.
.... moving from no CRT exposure to being taught a maximum of five CRT concepts is associated with a significant shift in racial policy attitudes toward the cultural left. These young people are being indoctrinated to support affirmative action and equal outcomes over colorblind merit, an abuse of our liberal education system, which is meant to teach how to think rather than what to think.
First of all, Critical Social Justice instruction damages young people by making them fearful of being punished for what they might say. 27 percent of pupils exposed to no CSJ in school feared being shamed, punished, or expelled for voicing their opinions on controversial subjects, compared to 68 percent of those hearing six or more CSJ concepts. Among young people who identify as Republican, my original data show the jump is from 27 to 84 percent, a major blow for free speech, political tolerance, viewpoint diversity, and the mental well-being of youth.

I shudder to think of the direction this country is moving in.
the left is sewing hate
in about 15-20 years when these kids become adults our country will be torn apart by left wing hate and racism
Public schools are the main source of propaganda designed to condition kids NOT to think.
They are centers for indoctrination/miseducation, & work much the same as MSM in that regard
Knowledge is a distraction to public education.

"How do you keep them down on the farm after they've seen Paree'?"

"My people (are 'educated' but) are destroyed for lack of knowledge." -God

I took a six-week 'woodworking' class in high school. We made a 'bric-a-brac' shelf, using a block plane, coping saw, and hand drill.
In six weeks I could have learned how to build house, or wire a house, or plumb a house. I also could have learned the use of dozens of hand and power tools.

I also took a six-week "electricity' course. Working in pairs we learned how to make a doorbell ring by wiring a battery to a bell with a switch leg. In six weeks I could have learned how to wire an entire house.

The point of these courses seemed to be to discourage you from further interest while pointing you toward college.
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Not only are educated young people intolerant of opposing ideas, they are increasingly unwilling to date or befriend Republicans.
Hopefully it will not be too long before we can show that the Left has been mind damaged and suffers from neurological impairment . They will need to be treated as Mutants , albeit with consideration and kindness , but must not be allowed to degrade the human species . See studies on Mind Control . There are quite a few here on this site and they should be treated as potentially dangerous and likely to cloak themselves ,-- TummyTurd , Titty Winkle and Blocked Ghanaian should be closely monitored .

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