Inflation will pick midterm election winner in November


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2022

Inflation will pick midterm election winner in November

Americans are very concerned about inflation. They see it at the gas station and the grocery store. While the liberal media can hide some things, they can't hide this.

TheReaper says: Bill Clinton said Its the economy stupid! and he won. For all the fake news lies about jobs and polls and the rest, the fake news cannot hide what hard working Americans see every day at the store and at the gas station.
QUOTE: A Fox News poll released last week shows inflation remains the top motivating issue for voters, with 89 percent of respondents "extremely" or "very" worried about rising prices. Only 29 percent of registered voters approve of President Biden's handling of inflation compared to 65 percent who disapprove.

Voters know where the buck stops.

Inflation was 1.4% annually when Biden became president. Then in early 2021, Democrats voted along party lines to pass a $2 trillion spending blowout. All paid for by more debt. Inflation is now running at 8.3 percent over the last year. The Federal Reserve attributes 2.5 percent inflation to the "fiscal stimulus" alone.

Over the past year, consumers are now paying 25.6% more for gasoline, 17% more for milk, and 40% more for eggs. Even if prices stopped increasing altogether, the average American household will spend over $8,600 more this year due to inflation.

A staggering 78% of registered voters report inflation has caused financial hardship in their own lives. These are numbers that should send Democrats running for the hills.

Poll: Trump leads Biden in a potential 2024 match-up

(KWTX) - Donald J. Trump leads President Joe Biden in a hypothetical 2024 presidential election matchup, according to a new Emerson College poll.

The poll conducted nationwide shows Trump leading Biden 44 percent to 39 percent in a head-to-head match-up.

12 percent of voters who participated in poll said they plan to vote for another candidate.

The same survey of US voters found a majority disapprove of Biden’s performance. The president has a 40 percent job approval, while 53 percent disapprove of the job he is doing as president.
and we laugh at you trying to deny it

(BTW, everyone that laughs at you isn't a racist, except in your small narrow mind)
He's the moron who thinks that the word "racist" literally means "hates blacks".

That's the way the demoncrats grow them on the plantation.
No. There is a greater concern with our remaining a democracy and a womans right to decide what's best for her body.
That ship has done sailed.....DeSantis and Wheels done up and changed the narrative on ya.

It inflation and immigration now.
Inflation will not decide this election.
Well, we don't really know that for sure. You're assuming that inflation will get so much better that voters won't care about it. We won't really know until a few weeks before the election what the deciding factor will really be. I don't think gas is going down anymore and could indeed go back up. Groceries, rents, etc are still going up as of now. We are technically in a recession right now, although the left deny that but, with the fed increasing rates as quick as they are, by November it will be very obvious that we are indeed in a recession.

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