Inmates "have a plan" to run the asylum.. Great op-ed by Ann Coulter

-=d=- said:
The comment you quoted has nothing to do with your reply, which just happens to be off-topic. Start your own "Fox News" thread if you wish...this topic is about her "Rightness..." ;)

Do you think you are smarter than she? I'd bet dollars to donuts she'd OWN a debate.

My reply was followed by a couple of posts full of lies and distortions from Coulter, which directly addressed her "rightness".

Not suprisingly, the thread shifted towards my mom's teet, rather than addressing the fact that Coulter lies to her audience.

I sure hope she'd own me, political analysis is her JOB.
nakedemperor said:
My reply was followed by a couple of posts full of lies and distortions from Coulter, which directly addressed her "rightness".

I believe your 'quotes' and 'facts' to be bullshit. :)
phadras said:
McCarthy bugs me a bit. Even though McCarthy was right (proven by Soviet documents) that there were a lot of communists in the State Dept. , he was still a loon.. Mostly I read her op-eds and she hits the mark..... Now she is ascerbic, which I'm sure rubs libs the wrong way, but she's right on the mark in most of her columns.... I'm sure libs hate her,,, but don't y'all hate every Republican... hehehe... She's a bit of a bomb thrower but right now bombs toward the left NEED to be thrown... And she's funny....And attractive don't you think?

Attractive? If you like skin n' bones chain smokers. She's hideous and you have shitty taste. You probably think Diane Feinstein is a hottie.
MJDuncan1982 said:
Ann Coulter is hardly truthful. She is to the right what someone like Michael Moore is to the left.
Comparing Ann Coulter to Michael Moore is ludicrous to say the least.....

1. Ann Coulter graduated with honors from Cornell University School of Arts & Sciences, and received her J.D. from University of Michigan Law School, where she was an editor of The Michigan Law Review. Michael Moore is a college dropout.

2. Ann Coulter is a practicing attorney and is an expert in Constitutional Law. Michael Moore directs cheesy documentaries. Ann Coulter's opinion on politics and law are orders of magnitude more informed than Michael Moore's!

3. Ann Coulter not only puts a lot of research into her books, she gives her sources. Her books typically have 30 or more pages of footnotes. Michael Moore's documentaries are not well researched. He has made ludicrous claims even in the face of hard cold facts that refute them.

4. Except for rare occassions, all of Ann Coulter's claims in her books can be verified by independent sources. Michael Moore can't make that claim in the least.
-=d=- said:
The comment you quoted has nothing to do with your reply, which just happens to be off-topic. Start your own "Fox News" thread if you wish...this topic is about her "Rightness..." ;)

Do you think you are smarter than she? I'd bet dollars to donuts she'd OWN a debate.

I personally have no problem thinking I am smarter than she is. She is notorious for taking things out of context. She has no real debating skills.
KarlMarx said:
3. Ann Coulter not only puts a lot of research into her books, she gives her sources. Her books typically have 30 or more pages of footnotes. Michael Moore's documentaries are not well researched. He has made ludicrous claims even in the face of hard cold facts that refute them.

And those footnotes have been shown to be a sham.
MJDuncan1982 said:
Ann Coulter is hardly truthful. She is to the right what someone like Michael Moore is to the left.

That sounds like an acknowledgement that Moore is a liar!
MissileMan said:
That sounds like an acknowledgement that Moore is a liar!

It is...I've seen his movie and read his books. Why must one have blind allegience to a certain side? It shouldn't shock you that the truth is not always on one side.
nakedemperor said:
Some of my favorite distortions and lies from Slander:

The first, I forget the page, has to do with Coulter's claim that the NYTimes buried the story of the death of Dale Earnhardt in the back pages, not caring to report on it for several days.

FACT: The NYTimes printed a FRONT PAGE article the DAY AFTER Earnhardt's death.

Page 139. SLANDER: In 1993 Al Gore saw busts of Washington and Franklin and asked, "Who are these guys?" The story was carried only by USA Today.

FACT. First, several papers carried the story, and the NYT had two articles, by then-reporters Frank Rich and Maureen Dowd. Also, Gore said, "Who are these people?" Gore was actually referring to busts of John Paul Jones and the Marquis de Lafayette. Quick, Ann, what do they look like?

134. SLANDER: NYT, 3/12/2000, called Bush Jr. an "airhead."

FACT: The Times was quoting a Republican, a disappointed McCain supporter

(this is one of Coulter's favorite dishonest devices: when a publication quotes someone, you can attribute it to the publication)

51. SLANDER: Katie Couric called Ronald Reagan an "airhead."

FACT: On the Today show, 9/27/99, Couric said, "Good morning. The Gipper was an airhead. That’s one of the conclusions of a new biography of Ronald Reagan that’s drawing a tremendous amount of interest and fire today." I.e., Couric said Morris called Reagan an airhead, and this is what AHC misstated. (Again, attributing a quote to not who said it but who reported it.)

7. SLANDER. Jim Jeffords always votes for higher taxes.

FACT: Jeffords voted "nay" on Clinton's 1993 tax hike, and "yea" on Bush II's tax cut. In fact, he postponed his departure from the GOP so the tax cut would go through.

Wow. SEVEN whole bloopers (if they're actually true).

This from THOUSANDS of liberal lies that Coulter has factually recorded.

Since Coulter has a mad liberal following that finetooth combs her books for any little nitpicking mistake, it is amazing how few things they find, and nothing of any real significance.

It is so typically liberal to defame her entire works on the basis of a few minor inconsequential errors. Her political works are so far above and beyond anything that Michael Moron could produce he would choke for lack of oxygen in her presence.

PS: When Couric said "Good Morning. The Gipper was an airhead. That's..."
you can bet your bottom dollar that sentence structure was completely planned. Couric is a professional hit woman - however, not of the caliber of Coulter. :D
ScreamingEagle said:
PS: When Couric said "Good Morning. The Gipper was an airhead. That's..."
you can bet your bottom dollar that sentence structure was completely planned. Couric is a professional hit woman - however, not of the caliber of Coulter. :D

Come on that happens all the time to grab attention.

"You've won a million dollars"

"That is what you would be saying if you joined my club"

And because there are lies on one side of the aisle does not diminish the lies on the other side, and vice versa
ScreamingEagle said:
Wow. SEVEN whole bloopers (if they're actually true).

Well, they're called examples. They're a smattering to show that Coulter has no problems taking things out of context, or explicitly lying. They're simply indicative of her modus operandi.

ScreamingEagle said:
This from THOUSANDS of liberal lies that Coulter has factually recorded.

Good for her, but not exactly an exoneration of her own dishonesty.

ScreamingEagle said:
Since Coulter has a mad liberal following that finetooth combs her books for any little nitpicking mistake, it is amazing how few things they find, and nothing of any real significance.

Eagle, we're not talking about mistakes. We're talking about willful altering or misrepresenting the truth. It is the HEIGHT of dishonesty to attribute a quote to, say, The Wall Street Journal, when the Wall Street Journal PRINTED the quote, but it was uttered by someone else.

ScreamingEagle said:
It is so typically liberal to defame her entire works on the basis of a few minor inconsequential errors. Her political works are so far above and beyond anything that Michael Moron could produce he would choke for lack of oxygen in her presence.

Ok, so they're both liars? Her inconsequential errors frequently are the basis for entire chapters, making them, well, not so inconsequential.
The most significant contrast to be drawn from the Coulter-Moore comparison:

Ann Coulter is Hot!!!

Michael Moore is an ugly fat sloppy socialist.

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