Insecticon Logic: Commerce Diner Thesis


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The modernism symbolism of the fictional A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) fantasy-adventure franchise (Hasbro's) Transformers avatars the 'Insecticons' (large evil robotic warriors who transform into deadly giant laser-enhanced predatory insects) suggests we're interested in characterizing energy consumption.

Recent films such as Traffic and Enemy of the State likewise indicate a social interest in characterizing the sociological impact of mass-mobilization related labor/energy issues in the modern world.

This mobilization-imagination interest explains the market appeal of modernism-dominion films such as Jurassic Park and Syriana.


GOD: The Insecticons represent pure malice...
SATAN: They serve the Decepticons who are terrorists!
GOD: As the insects creep about their planet, the Insecticons creep for energy.
SATAN: Consumption breeds intriguing images...
GOD: Yes, like a bloated obese corporate CEO, complacent in his luxuries.
SATAN: Social criticism comes hand-in-hand with civilization development.
GOD: How much of that self-awareness is retaliation-biased?
SATAN: There's nothing wrong with characterizing rebelliousness...
GOD: As long as the politics-storytelling is clean, no one is hurt.
SATAN: Censorship is federally-facilitated lifestyle supervision.
GOD: No one wants to remove free-speech laws, since they protect decorum.
SATAN: Americans cherish the right to make explicit/graphic films.
GOD: Horror films are popular in the modern age and reflect an interest in calamity defiance.
SATAN: The Insecticons remind us of the basic need for energy calculations.
GOD: Are insects predators too? Nothing (no matter how small) doesn't creep...
SATAN: Battery-operated spiders remind me of labor suffocation.
GOD: Wall Street culture is akin to 'spider-society' geometry!
SATAN: Those who exploit bazaar trends hurl civilization towards 'gravel-pits.'



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