Inspiring: Celebrities Spell Out 'We're All In This Together' With Their Yachts


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Many described the scene as breathtaking or awe-inspiring.


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". . . . There's a lot to unpack here, as the kids say. Or three things, at least. So let's get to it.

  1. Patton Oswalt is not Anne Frank, so he's right about that. Oswalt is a millionaire, so the past five weeks haven't been too bad for him. As he notes, he's been spending his free time at home watching Netflix and playing video games while getting food delivered. He can afford to do that for the foreseeable future. Good for him. He's made a lot of money in show business, earning what the market dictates, so he's comfortably insulated from the reality that a lot of Americans are facing right now. I don't begrudge him a single penny of his earnings, because this is America, and more than anything we value mediocrity. So yes, Oswalt is correct that he has nothing in common with Anne Frank, other than being an acquired taste comedically speaking.
  2. Most Americans aren't as well off as Patton Oswalt. Sneering at rednecks is pretty much Oswalt's brand -- see The Heart, She Holler -- so it's no surprise he's falling back on it in a time of crisis. "Ha ha, look at those dumb hillbillies! What are they complaining about? They just wanna go back to Fuddruckers, which has a funny name and is dumb. Screw them and their stupid, hungry families." But unlike Oswalt, most Americans can't count on residual checks from Justified and Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to get them through the week. They need to work. Just like the people keeping Netflix running need to work, and the people delivering Patton's food need to work. All that stuff doesn't just appear before him by magic. People are earning a living from it. They're feeding themselves and their families by providing those services. It's not as funny as Patton's hilarious joke, but it's true.
  3. People aren't just protesting for no reason, or because they want to die of the coronavirus. I earn a very small fraction of what Oswalt does because I don't rise to even his middling level of "meh," but I'm fortunate enough to be able to make a modest living without having to leave the house. For now. So in that sense we're both in the same boat. The difference is that when I see people publicly protesting right now, it doesn't fill me with contempt. I don't pretend they're doing it for no reason. Guys like Oswalt can't see a world outside their own very limited experience. They can't put themselves in the other guy's shoes. It's a failure of imagination, much like Oswalt's stand-up act. If those people are "risking viral death," as he puts it, maybe they're not doing so just to piss him off or give him somebody to sneer at. Maybe they want to feed their families, even though they've never been offered the role of a talking rat in a cartoon. The people who buy movie tickets and use products advertised on network television -- in other words, the people who have made Patton Oswalt rich -- are actual human beings, no matter what he thinks of them.
I don't mean to pick on Oswalt in particular too much. I'm sure he's a nice person when he's not on Twitter or otherwise performing for his audience. He's doing what's expected of him. But this is exactly the sort of attitude we don't need right now. People are scared and exhausted. They don't know what to do. Nothing even remotely like this has happened in America for over 100 years, and they have the right to express their opinions about it. I don't want this virus to spread, but I also don't want working Americans to starve to death. Both things are bad. Pampered semi-celebrities like Patton Oswalt aren't doing themselves or anybody else any favors by saying crap like this.

The only people who benefit from this sort of rhetoric are the ones Oswalt hates most: Republicans. If you don't want millions of people to vote against "arrogant coastal elites," then stop acting like arrogant coastal elites.

But look on the bright side, Patton. I'm sure you're a big hit with everybody who just lost their jobs at Fuddruckers.. . . ."

Do you think this is real?
No. Look at the number of identical boats. Look at the shadows cast by them. Note in the last screenshot here that the shadow is on the wrong side of the boat.
View attachment 329045

View attachment 329046
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View attachment 329049

This is photoshop bullshit!

I know boats and anchoring out in a perfect line at close quarters like that is practically impossible. The anchor line is usually several times the length of the boat, comes out of the bow and the boat rides downwind. If they somehow got in that configuration even a slight change in wind direction would have them banging together and tangling up.
Do you think this is real?
No. Look at the number of identical boats. Look at the shadows cast by them. Note in the last screenshot here that the shadow is on the wrong side of the boat.
View attachment 329045

View attachment 329046
View attachment 329047
View attachment 329048

View attachment 329049

This is photoshop bullshit!

Man, nothing gets by you Einstein’s.
Do you think this is real?
No. Look at the number of identical boats. Look at the shadows cast by them. Note in the last screenshot here that the shadow is on the wrong side of the boat.
View attachment 329045

View attachment 329046
View attachment 329047
View attachment 329048

View attachment 329049

This is photoshop bullshit!

I know boats and anchoring out in a perfect line at close quarters like that is practically impossible. The anchor line is usually several times the length of the boat, comes out of the bow and the boat rides downwind. If they somehow got in that configuration even a slight change in wind direction would have them banging together and tangling up.




It's a funny, a joke, a giggle, chuckle and amusement.
Do you think this is real?
No. Look at the number of identical boats. Look at the shadows cast by them. Note in the last screenshot here that the shadow is on the wrong side of the boat.
View attachment 329045

View attachment 329046
View attachment 329047
View attachment 329048

View attachment 329049

This is photoshop bullshit!

I know boats and anchoring out in a perfect line at close quarters like that is practically impossible. The anchor line is usually several times the length of the boat, comes out of the bow and the boat rides downwind. If they somehow got in that configuration even a slight change in wind direction would have them banging together and tangling up.




It's a funny, a joke, a giggle, chuckle and amusement.
Do you think this is real?
No. Look at the number of identical boats. Look at the shadows cast by them. Note in the last screenshot here that the shadow is on the wrong side of the boat.
View attachment 329045

View attachment 329046
View attachment 329047
View attachment 329048

View attachment 329049

This is photoshop bullshit!

I know boats and anchoring out in a perfect line at close quarters like that is practically impossible. The anchor line is usually several times the length of the boat, comes out of the bow and the boat rides downwind. If they somehow got in that configuration even a slight change in wind direction would have them banging together and tangling up.




It's a funny, a joke, a giggle, chuckle and amusement.
I know. I was commenting on what was dreadfully wrong with that stupid picture. It gets a D- for execution.
Do you think this is real?
No. Look at the number of identical boats. Look at the shadows cast by them. Note in the last screenshot here that the shadow is on the wrong side of the boat.
View attachment 329045

View attachment 329046
View attachment 329047
View attachment 329048

View attachment 329049

This is photoshop bullshit!

I know boats and anchoring out in a perfect line at close quarters like that is practically impossible. The anchor line is usually several times the length of the boat, comes out of the bow and the boat rides downwind. If they somehow got in that configuration even a slight change in wind direction would have them banging together and tangling up.




It's a funny, a joke, a giggle, chuckle and amusement.
I know. I was commenting on what was dreadfully wrong with that stupid picture. It gets a D- for execution.
Do you think this is real?
No. Look at the number of identical boats. Look at the shadows cast by them. Note in the last screenshot here that the shadow is on the wrong side of the boat.
View attachment 329045

View attachment 329046
View attachment 329047
View attachment 329048

View attachment 329049

This is photoshop bullshit!

I know boats and anchoring out in a perfect line at close quarters like that is practically impossible. The anchor line is usually several times the length of the boat, comes out of the bow and the boat rides downwind. If they somehow got in that configuration even a slight change in wind direction would have them banging together and tangling up.




It's a funny, a joke, a giggle, chuckle and amusement.
I know. I was commenting on what was dreadfully wrong with that stupid picture. It gets a D- for execution.

Kinda reminds me of Zero's fake birth certificate... looks like it was crafted by a 9-year old with crayons.

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