Insulting that millions want your rights taken for the actions of a few mentally ill


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Anyone else find it extremely insulting that millions of demented or deluded Americans want YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS revoked due to the actions of only a handful of mentally ill Democrats?

Face it, there have only been a handful of "mass shooters". Less than a dozen people over the last 10 years. The vast majority proven to be of Leftist origins. All the "mass shooters" could fit into one office building elevator.

And because of those FEW MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE, you are being told that YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO ENJOY YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. That your rights MUST be relinquished because of these few Democrats' actions.

They are basically telling you that you have no right to meaningful opposition to any person who would bring absolute corruption to the nation. That instead, you must be subservient, compliant and unable to defend your nation or yourself. Completely in opposition to the Founding Fathers....over less than a dozen mentally ill Democrats. All this while JUST TO OUR SOUTH, Venezuela's Leftist over turned their Constitution and installed a dictator in place of Democratic elections. And while China has just suffered becoming a dictatorship and already mass purgings and human rights violations have begun to skyrocket.

If this isn't pure insanity.....what is?
I do feel terrible for those who lost loved ones in that and ANY shooting or other act of violence by the mentally ill.
They didn't deserve that. And it should NOT have happened and I'm angry at the Sheriff's office and the FBI for not doing their jobs.

If I had been the area and was armed, I would have definitely engages the shooter but zones are gun free zones and just being NEAR the school with a gun can get you in deep trouble. Perhaps they should consider taking the Gun Free Zone label off because I assure you there are VERY GOOD BRAVE Americans who may have been close by and could have engaged Nicolas Cruz and maybe saved many of those students. But people afraid of guns are they are helping the mentally ill do these horrible deeds.

But screaming to end the Constitutional rights of 340 MILLION over the acts of less than a dozen mad men (all Leftist btw), involving several hundred people over decades is unjustified.

I know, they say....."We don't want to take away your guns, we just want "COMMON SENSE Gun Control Laws". Ok, raising the age to buy a gun to 21 is reasonable. But I doubt that will make much difference. Background checks? I had to do them when I purchased a gun and had to wait 5 days. A waiting period might be ok. But no longer than 5 days ever. Again, none of this will actually stop a lunatic from getting a gun and doing something insane.

So then they say, "right, we need to take ALL guns, then we'll have a safe society"
Well, they miss the entire point of the 2nd. It's not to keep individuals or small groups safe from a few mentally ill persons, it's SPECIFICALLY to EMPOWER CITIZENS to discourage their government from doing things it has no business doing. Bad things.

Then they say...."We'll.....the US government is never going to do anything like THAT!!"
The Venezuelans said the exact same thing in 2008 about THEIR government and today they have a DICTATOR.
Guns in the the hands of civilians IS a great deterrent to wanna be dictators. It is indeed sad that a few will abuse it and do harm, but still better than the price of a nation falling into the hands of a ruthless dictator. Of course they keep coming up with their reasons, but none ever justify the end.

Statistically, you are FAR more likely to lose a loved one under the age of 20 to Democrat-parent-on-child violence or texting while driving, or teen drug abuse or teen suicide. The numbers for those are so much higher and astonishing than teen deaths by gun violence that it really makes you wonder if they care at ALL or if it's only the AGENDA of George Soros and the other really evil people that manipulate them that motivates them to go after guns and not bad people and far more life saving issues instead.

I rest my case.
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I do feel terrible for those who lost loved ones in that and ANY shooting or other act of violence by the mentally ill.
They didn't deserve that. And it should NOT have happened and I'm angry at the Sheriff's office and the FBI for not doing their jobs.

But screaming to end the Constitutional rights of 340 MILLION over the acts of less than a dozen mad men (all Leftist btw), involving several hundred people over decades is unjustified.

Statistically, you are FAR more likely to lose a loved one under the age of 20 to Democrat-parent-on-child violence or texting while driving, or teen drug abuse or teen suicide. The numbers for those are so much higher and astonishing than teen deaths by gun violence that it really makes you wonder if they care at ALL or if it's only the AGENDA of George Soros and the other really evil people that manipulate them.

We have mentally ill people in Canada and they’re not shooting up schools and music concerts.

They have mentally ill people in Europe, Australia, Great Britain and Scandinavia and they’re not shooting up schools either.

What is consistent in all of these jurisdictions is that you can’t walk into a store and walk out with an AR15 without backgrounds checks, and waiting periods. In some jurisdictions these weapons aren’t even available to the general public.

Gun control works in every other nation in the world.

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