interesting dr phil show

science has NOT definentively said whether your born gay or not, they said no gay gene.

Really? Demonstrate that there is not. You made a gnostic assertion and I expect you to defend it.

Oh, and just so you know, genetics is but a single factor. Look up the connection to birth order, the masculinisation of the fetus, and the mothers' immunity to male children who fall later in the birth order
I have no clue what your talking about, again.

no one has established whether your born gay or not, so lets be honest about that ok?

4:10 (video 2)

She's arguing that a people who could not change something about themselves were discriminated against because of that aspect of their personhood- then says that the same argument can't be applied to persons she doesn't like? :eusa_eh:
again, i dont think equating, not having the right to change the definition of marriage with jim crowe.

gays were never slaves, gays never had different drinking fountains, or seperate schools.

2:50 (second video)

Would he have said that to Blacks who lost their rights is bona fide elections when the Jim Crow laws went into effect?

nor did the Chinese, but to say they were not oppressed in American history (albeit for a shorter span and less sytematically) would be either a lie or utter foolishness.
I dont have to prove anything, your the one who thinks your born gay, so YOU prove it.

I merely said, they have found no gay gene.

science has NOT definentively said whether your born gay or not, they said no gay gene.

Really? Demonstrate that there is not. You made a gnostic assertion and I expect you to defend it.

Oh, and just so you know, genetics is but a single factor. Look up the connection to birth order, the masculinisation of the fetus, and the mothers' immunity to male children who fall later in the birth order

youre correct, but those are environmental conditions mostly.

again, what proof is there, show me one link that says, youre born gay.
I have no clue what your talking about, again.

You're out of your league. You are not smart enough to challenge the harbinger of Reason. There are few here who can match or exceed the reason and logic of JB when it is applied, and you are not among them.

You would be wise to remain silent.
I am very aware of the suffering of the gays, so where did i say they havent been beaten, murdered, discriminated against. They have

but I have a disagreement with you over whether they should have a right to marry.

If they had all the right, and called it any other name, it would really matter, other then to the gays militant ego's.

again, i dont think equating, not having the right to change the definition of marriage with jim crowe.

gays were never slaves, gays never had different drinking fountains, or seperate schools.

2:50 (second video)

Would he have said that to Blacks who lost their rights is bona fide elections when the Jim Crow laws went into effect?

nor did the Chinese, but to say they were not oppressed in American history (albeit for a shorter span and less sytematically) would be either a lie or utter foolishness.
youre right, i dont debate arrogant schmucks.

this conversation, if it ever was one, mr. im smarter then everyone else, and everyone who disagrees with me, is stupid is over.

have fun talking at yourself, maybe youll actually listen for a change, instead of spewing mean spirited, personal attcks

good night

I have no clue what your talking about, again.

You're out of your league. You are not smart enough to challenge the harbinger of Reason. There are few here who can match or exceed the reason and logic of JB when it is applied, and you are not among them.

You would be wise to remain silent.
I dont have to prove anything, your the one who thinks your born gay, so YOU prove it.

I merely said, they have found no gay gene.

that is not what you said, liar. It's too late to save face.

youre correct, but those are environmental conditions mostly.

No fucking shit. Your argument lacks on your gnostic claim that no genetic factor exists (which you're yet to prove, aside from being uninformed enough to expect a 'gay gene' per se)

again, what proof is there, show me one link that says, youre born gay.

You first. You made the gnostic assertion that one does not exist. Now prove it. Go over every single gene and genetic combination possible in humans and demonstrate that not a single one results in any increased likelihood of homosexuality
4:12 (video 3)

Bible defining marriage one way:

sure.. polygamy and mistresses :rolleyes:

I cite Abraham, David, and just about every other famous Jewish patriarch in the bible
if gay people stayed in the closet.. where they belong...we would have no need to discuss them

If morons like Eots and Terral stayed in their padded rooms, covered in aluminum foil- where they truly belong- we wouldn't have to discuss you or how stupid you are
Anyone who watches Dr. Phil needs their head examined.

Phil is nothing other then a poor entertainer. How he still has a show, I don't know. But then again I am amazed the Jerry Springer still has one. At least Jerry is known to be intelligent and has got that going for him.
Anyone who watches Dr. Phil needs their head examined.

Phil is nothing other then a poor entertainer. How he still has a show, I don't know. But then again I am amazed the Jerry Springer still has one. At least Jerry is known to be intelligent and has got that going for him.

Also, Jerry doesn't pretend to be a doctor ... LOL

Oprah is the only reason Phil has a show, but same goes for her, anyone who actually believes those two need to have their heads examined.

I like watching Springer sometimes, he shows all the morons from every culture and it's funny to see them act like fools on stage.

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