Internal Chinese Report Warns Beijing To Prepare For Armed Conflict With US Over COVID-19 Backlash, Sources Say


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Internal Chinese Report Warns Beijing To Prepare For Armed Conflict With US Over COVID-19 Backlash, Sources Say

4 May 2020 ~~ By Chris White
An internal Chinese report warns Beijing officials that backlash from the coronavirus pandemic risks tilting China into a full bore armed conflict with the United States, Reuters reported Monday.
Anti-China sentiment hasn’t been this white-hot since the Tiananmen Square crackdown more than three decades ago, sources familiar with the paper told Reuters. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the report, which the sources say was presented to Chinese President Xi Jinping and other officials in April.
China must be prepared for a confrontation between the two global powers, the sources said. A Chinese think tank, the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), which is affiliated with the communist country’s top intelligence body, drew up the report as the coronavirus pandemic continues to hit the U.S., where it has killed more than 67,000 people.
“Beijing’s efforts to silence scientists, journalists, and citizens and spread disinformation exacerbated the dangers of this health crisis.”

Is armed conflict inevitable? I don't foresee this happening (war) in the near future especially while both economies are on the back foot and must remain completely focused on resurrecting that aspect of things first and foremost. maybe down the road , but not as quickly as many are speculating.. China would be willing to drag this along and play it out in press and slowly gain some support just for its stance of responding to the US I think as a show of strength.
Of course China would like to kill millions and wreak economic havoc on the world without any consequences or firing a shot. The CCP has engineered multiple mass murder and economic catastrophic episodes since 1949.
Sec. State Pompeo's comments this weekend saying that China will be held accountable for the release of the virus and its spread ruffled feathers in Beijing. The US has very good information on what happened in Wuhan. The legitimacy of the Chinese regime will suffer a major hit when this information is released. It is to be expected that China will threaten and try to intimidate to limit this damage. (See Five Eyes Report) BOMBSHELL: Five Eyes Dossier Leaks On China’s Alleged Coronavirus Cover-Up, Contains Damning Revelations
The more China threatens, the more the US moves away from China. This is great because the US does not need China. We are independent for food and energy. China depends on outside sources for both. Meanwhile the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left and their compliant media kowtow to China and our resident leftists here are lining up to volunteer as Fifth Column Comrades for the Chicoms.
While China, Australia, the U.K. and other countries tend to pull away from China.
Though I am at heart a peacenick who does his best to adhere to the NAP, it's arguable that the Chicoms commited an oblique act of war by knowingly allowing infected people to travel about the world out of Wuhan....The best circumstantial evidence of this is the internal ban of travel out of Wuhan at the same time.

A shooting war called for, no....A thorough economic isolation from the western economies, definitely.
As much as I'd like to turn Beijing into a giant glass rice bowl the consequences could be to high.
We really dont know how capable their nukes are and if they'd even get off the launch pad.
The best way to fuk China is through world wide isolation.
I still think after they realize they're fucked economically they might go nuclear.
Their best bet is to find a way to make atonement to the rest of the world or they're done.
As much as I'd like to turn Beijing into a giant glass rice bowl the consequences could be to high.
We really dont know how capable their nukes are and if they'd even get off the launch pad.
The best way to fuk China is through world wide isolation.
I still think after they realize they're fucked economically they might go nuclear.
Their best bet is to find a way to make atonement to the rest of the world or they're done.
They've fucked themselves demographically....The one-child policy has left them with a nation of men in their 30s and older...Not exactly the optimum age group you want to take into a hot war.
As much as I'd like to turn Beijing into a giant glass rice bowl the consequences could be to high.
We really dont know how capable their nukes are and if they'd even get off the launch pad.
The best way to fuk China is through world wide isolation.
I still think after they realize they're fucked economically they might go nuclear.
Their best bet is to find a way to make atonement to the rest of the world or they're done.

That is why Trump continues to call for manufacturing independence and stronger trade agreements.
As much as I'd like to turn Beijing into a giant glass rice bowl the consequences could be to high.
We really dont know how capable their nukes are and if they'd even get off the launch pad.
The best way to fuk China is through world wide isolation.
I still think after they realize they're fucked economically they might go nuclear.
Their best bet is to find a way to make atonement to the rest of the world or they're done.
They've fucked themselves demographically....The one-child policy has left them with a nation of men in their 30s and older...Not exactly the optimum age group you want to take into a hot war.

Even at that they cant afford to feed them if they did activate them.
They get most of their food from other countries including the US.
They wouldnt last more than a month before they were starving to death.
As much as I'd like to turn Beijing into a giant glass rice bowl the consequences could be to high.
We really dont know how capable their nukes are and if they'd even get off the launch pad.
The best way to fuk China is through world wide isolation.
I still think after they realize they're fucked economically they might go nuclear.
Their best bet is to find a way to make atonement to the rest of the world or they're done.

That is why Trump continues to call for manufacturing independence and stronger trade agreements.

How we ever let ourselves become dependant on our enemies is beyond me.
Oh it's not,it was brought on by greed and the ability of leftist to make billions of dollars off it.
We need to shut down any access to our military secrets and tech secrets from all politicians that dont have a need to know.
We all know the clintons sold us down the river when it comes to the chicoms.
I still think after they realize they're fucked economically they might go nuclear
this is a very real concern, they are crazy and prideful enough to do it

Thats where cooler heads need to prevail.
You'd need to convince them that some kind of reparations would be preferable to the destruction of their entire country.
Internal Chinese Report Warns Beijing To Prepare For Armed Conflict With US Over COVID-19 Backlash, Sources Say

4 May 2020 ~~ By Chris White
An internal Chinese report warns Beijing officials that backlash from the coronavirus pandemic risks tilting China into a full bore armed conflict with the United States, Reuters reported Monday.
Anti-China sentiment hasn’t been this white-hot since the Tiananmen Square crackdown more than three decades ago, sources familiar with the paper told Reuters. They spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the report, which the sources say was presented to Chinese President Xi Jinping and other officials in April.
China must be prepared for a confrontation between the two global powers, the sources said. A Chinese think tank, the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), which is affiliated with the communist country’s top intelligence body, drew up the report as the coronavirus pandemic continues to hit the U.S., where it has killed more than 67,000 people.
“Beijing’s efforts to silence scientists, journalists, and citizens and spread disinformation exacerbated the dangers of this health crisis.”

Is armed conflict inevitable? I don't foresee this happening (war) in the near future especially while both economies are on the back foot and must remain completely focused on resurrecting that aspect of things first and foremost. maybe down the road , but not as quickly as many are speculating.. China would be willing to drag this along and play it out in press and slowly gain some support just for its stance of responding to the US I think as a show of strength.
Of course China would like to kill millions and wreak economic havoc on the world without any consequences or firing a shot. The CCP has engineered multiple mass murder and economic catastrophic episodes since 1949.
Sec. State Pompeo's comments this weekend saying that China will be held accountable for the release of the virus and its spread ruffled feathers in Beijing. The US has very good information on what happened in Wuhan. The legitimacy of the Chinese regime will suffer a major hit when this information is released. It is to be expected that China will threaten and try to intimidate to limit this damage. (See Five Eyes Report) BOMBSHELL: Five Eyes Dossier Leaks On China’s Alleged Coronavirus Cover-Up, Contains Damning Revelations
The more China threatens, the more the US moves away from China. This is great because the US does not need China. We are independent for food and energy. China depends on outside sources for both. Meanwhile the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left and their compliant media kowtow to China and our resident leftists here are lining up to volunteer as Fifth Column Comrades for the Chicoms.
While China, Australia, the U.K. and other countries tend to pull away from China.

Count on the DNC to battle for their ChiCom Masters
So, the plan is to get the rest of the Western countries to side with the US against China?
It sort of runs counter to the policy of "fuck the rest of the world! America First. MAGA!!!"
So, the plan is to get the rest of the Western countries to side with the US against China?
It sort of runs counter to the policy of "fuck the rest of the world! America First. MAGA!!!"
Count on the DNC to stand with their ChiCom Masters
Though I am at heart a peacenick who does his best to adhere to the NAP, it's arguable that the Chicoms commited an oblique act of war by knowingly allowing infected people to travel about the world out of Wuhan....The best circumstantial evidence of this is the internal ban of travel out of Wuhan at the same time.

A shooting war called for, no....A thorough economic isolation from the western economies, definitely.
It's just too fuckin bad we can't rely on anyone on earth to provide truth. I'll die on any hilltop to defend the truth and keep my children alive, but I can't believe anything I'm told anymore. I'm not a "peacenik", I'm a warrior, at least i want to be one. I did my time in the army, served in OIF and I'm proud of what we did. I loathe what our governors have become.

I still uphold my loyalty to the Constitution and the Nation. I will acknowledge the fact I have no loyalty to the parasites that are undermining our freedom.
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So tramps mouth not only helped to destroy our USA, people fighting, and he managed to destroy peaceful times in China.

For all you who want war, or economic desperation for China, then the businessmen will go there all the more for cheap wages.

Side note, Tramp lies and he lied when he said he closed off travel from China, and also he did not get serious about covid till the middle of March. Before that he was golfing and going to rallies.

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