Investigations into trump and Graham's efforts to overturn Georgia 2020 election results go forward


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

The investigation is still in the early stages. But really, how can trump or Miss Lindsey deny that they tried to get officials to claim voter fraud or find votes for trump? trump, particularly placed pressure on many officials. They have the audio recordings, they have multiple statements from Georgia officials. trump and Miss Lindsey broke Georgia law when they interfered with the official elections results. Period....

This is the MO for trump. If I break the law out in front of everyone, then there should be no problem. We have never seen a politician who so blatantly breaks norms, traditions, and even law....and walks away thinking he is above the law.

The investigation is still in the early stages. But really, how can trump or Miss Lindsey deny that they tried to get officials to claim voter fraud or find votes for trump? trump, particularly placed pressure on many officials. They have the audio recordings, they have multiple statements from Georgia officials. trump and Miss Lindsey broke Georgia law when they interfered with the official elections results. Period....

This is the MO for trump. If I break the law out in front of everyone, then there should be no problem. We have never seen a politician who so blatantly breaks norms, traditions, and even law....and walks away thinking he is above the law.
Just more Deep State-DemNazi lies.

I guess you idiots still havent read the transcripts. Oh well.
The hate is so strong in you guys. Its really sad. Whats even worse is, this is a reflection of your real life. You must be miserable pieces of shit.

The investigation is still in the early stages. But really, how can trump or Miss Lindsey deny that they tried to get officials to claim voter fraud or find votes for trump? trump, particularly placed pressure on many officials. They have the audio recordings, they have multiple statements from Georgia officials. trump and Miss Lindsey broke Georgia law when they interfered with the official elections results. Period....

This is the MO for trump. If I break the law out in front of everyone, then there should be no problem. We have never seen a politician who so blatantly breaks norms, traditions, and even law....and walks away thinking he is above the law.
How many of these investigations have borne any fruit for you warped TDSers?

FFS, give it up.
Another Trump thread. Color me shocked.

Seems all the lefty loons can post threads on is Trump. Guess they don't know he's no long POTUS.

Oh wait. I forgot. They can't post anything positive about the stuttering fuck they voted for so they revert to Trump. A Trump who lives 24/7 in their feeble brains. Their boy has sure left a lot of messes. Never mind.

The investigation is still in the early stages. But really, how can trump or Miss Lindsey deny that they tried to get officials to claim voter fraud or find votes for trump? trump, particularly placed pressure on many officials. They have the audio recordings, they have multiple statements from Georgia officials. trump and Miss Lindsey broke Georgia law when they interfered with the official elections results. Period....

This is the MO for trump. If I break the law out in front of everyone, then there should be no problem. We have never seen a politician who so blatantly breaks norms, traditions, and even law....and walks away thinking he is above the law.
That conservatives continue to support and defend Trump knowing of his criminal activity after being defeated illustrates just how reprehensible most on the right truly are.

The investigation is still in the early stages. But really, how can trump or Miss Lindsey deny that they tried to get officials to claim voter fraud or find votes for trump? trump, particularly placed pressure on many officials. They have the audio recordings, they have multiple statements from Georgia officials. trump and Miss Lindsey broke Georgia law when they interfered with the official elections results. Period....

This is the MO for trump. If I break the law out in front of everyone, then there should be no problem. We have never seen a politician who so blatantly breaks norms, traditions, and even law....and walks away thinking he is above the law.
early stages? this nearly happened a year ago! we have the transcript of the call…we know what was said…we know leftist propagandist lied about it as well

how is something that happened nearly a year ago, in its early stages!?
Another Trump thread. Color me shocked.

Seems all the lefty loons can post threads on is Trump. Guess they don't know he's no long POTUS.

Don’t worry. We’ll only talk about him for as long as you idiots mentioned Hillary.

I expect to see some Indictments in time for the 2022 mid terms. The repub party is committing suicide holding onto a criminal as their leader.
I wouldn't expect to see much damage to the R party in 22.
Trump isn't a real threat they have to contend with until the primary in 24, when he becomes the very real NUCLEAR ARMS threat that's been created by the Milley controversy.

Pursuing the Milley issue isn't in Trump's best interests due to that! It's almost certainly going to be Trump's biggest negative. R's love their asses too much to have them scorched.
I wouldn't expect to see much damage to the R party in 22.
Trump isn't a real threat they have to contend with until the primary in 24, when he becomes the very real NUCLEAR ARMS threat that's been created by the Milley controversy.

Pursuing the Milley issue isn't in Trump's best interests due to that! It's almost certainly going to be Trump's biggest negative. R's love their asses too much to have them scorched.
It's a negative for Trump that a General might be willing to ignore the US Constitution and the rule of law?

That's about as odd as suggesting it's Trump's fault Xiden screwed up in Afghan
Another Trump thread. Color me shocked.

Seems all the lefty loons can post threads on is Trump. Guess they don't know he's no long POTUS.

Oh wait. I forgot. They can't post anything positive about the stuttering fuck they voted for so they revert to Trump. A Trump who lives 24/7 in their feeble brains. Their boy has sure left a lot of messes. Never mind.
Threads about Trump are appropriate and warranted.

He's the head of the GOP.

He makes political endorsements.

And he's a former president subject to a criminal investigation.
Democrats are so devoid of ideas that they have no choice but to keep picking that TDS scab of theirs, stupid Marxists that they are.
Marxist? How stupid are you people anyway? This has nothing to do with economic theory or economic systems. It's all about a crazed tyrant, dictator wannabee who hs run off of the rails and who has, and contiues to, undermine our representitive democracy and the underpinnings of our Constitutional Republic .

This insane jackass needs to be banned from ever holding public office again and the Rebublicans need to find a good excorcist to drive out the demon Trump. In the news just fucking psychotic is he anyway?

Yeah, that's Atlanta's big problem:

Explain how your comment about a city's street crime has to do with this thread. What does trump have to do with Atlanta's street crime, no matter who commits these crimes?
Marxist? How stupid are you people anyway? This has nothing to do with economic theory or economic systems. It's all about a crazed tyrant, dictator wannabee who hs run off of the rails and who has, and contiues to, undermine our representitive democracy and the underpinnings of our Constitutional Republic .

This insane jackass needs to be banned from ever holding public office again and the Rebublicans need to find a good excorcist to drive out the demon Trump. In the news just fucking psychotic is he anyway?

I didn't know where this "marxist" nonsense came from until I channel-surfed and found a guy on Fox named Levin who was talking shit and had a big poster behind him apparently advertising a book called "American Marxism." He is raking in the big bucks from the mental midgets.
I didn't know where this "marxist" nonsense came from until I channel-surfed and found a guy on Fox named Levin who was talking shit and had a big poster behind him apparently advertising a book called "American Marxism." He is raking in the big bucks from the mental midgets.
It is nonsense – particularly given the fact that authoritarianism and repression are coming solely from the right.

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