Iowa question

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
So tonight in Iowa, when will they announce the result, roughly?

I plan to stay up, within reason, I think Iowa is six hours behind us in Europa. I hope result not at like 8am our time.
Liebe Frau Hamilton; The information you request is that comments and polling questions should start about 2200 hrs your time. The polls close at about 0100 hrs tomorrow, your time if my math is correct. Soooo, if you are awake at 0130 hrs your time you should have what you need. My advice, schlauf schone.:doubt:
Now now. No reason to be testy ... unless you're an Iowa hog and Jodi Ernst is nearby (-:

I think with caucus results they just announce them as they come in, in real time. It's not like they are worried about skewing an election.
Some say 11'pm our time...just go to bed with the tv on low volume...

11pm central standard maybe 5 am your time?
So tonight in Iowa, when will they announce the result, roughly?

I plan to stay up, within reason, I think Iowa is six hours behind us in Europa. I hope result not at like 8am our time.

The results should be in about 1 hour after the caucus has ended.
Maybe 2 at the most if there is a large turnout.
So tonight in Iowa, when will they announce the result, roughly?

I plan to stay up, within reason, I think Iowa is six hours behind us in Europa. I hope result not at like 8am our time.

I would recommend heading to bed. It will probably be very late into the early morning hours and besides, Iowa is just the first in a long line of states. This stuff will go on until early summer.
Liebe Frau Hamilton; The information you request is that comments and polling questions should start about 2200 hrs your time. The polls close at about 0100 hrs tomorrow, your time if my math is correct. Soooo, if you are awake at 0130 hrs your time you should have what you need. My advice, schlauf schone.:doubt:

Okay I got this, Vielen Dank! So I should be able to get result and then to the bed, hopefully good result then I can Schlaf schön :smile:

So tonight in Iowa, when will they announce the result, roughly?

I plan to stay up, within reason, I think Iowa is six hours behind us in Europa. I hope result not at like 8am our time.

Do you know how to use the Google?

Yes but many websites. Hey explain in intricate detail how Nuclear Fission works....:popcorn::smoke:
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So tonight in Iowa, when will they announce the result, roughly?

I plan to stay up, within reason, I think Iowa is six hours behind us in Europa. I hope result not at like 8am our time.

Do you know how to use the Google?

Yes but many websites. Hey explain in intricate detail how Nuclear Fission works....:popcorn::smoke:
Results will be announced at 10 pm CST....which will be 4am for the earliest. Go to bed...get up early...make pancakes and coffee....
So tonight in Iowa, when will they announce the result, roughly?

I plan to stay up, within reason, I think Iowa is six hours behind us in Europa. I hope result not at like 8am our time.

At least half of Iowa is about one century behind you.


So, I was correct in another thread when I said that I'm thinking about endorsing William McKinley :smoke:
Liebe Frau Hamilton; The information you request is that comments and polling questions should start about 2200 hrs your time. The polls close at about 0100 hrs tomorrow, your time if my math is correct. Soooo, if you are awake at 0130 hrs your time you should have what you need. My advice, schlauf schone.:doubt:

Okay I got this, Vielen Dank! So I should be able to get result and then to the bed, hopefully good result then I can Schlaf schön :smile:

View attachment 61967

So....Gross Gott!
Liebe Frau Hamilton; The information you request is that comments and polling questions should start about 2200 hrs your time. The polls close at about 0100 hrs tomorrow, your time if my math is correct. Soooo, if you are awake at 0130 hrs your time you should have what you need. My advice, schlauf schone.:doubt:

Okay I got this, Vielen Dank! So I should be able to get result and then to the bed, hopefully good result then I can Schlaf schön :smile:

View attachment 61967

So....Gross Gott!

Grüß Gott!
Bill Clinton lost Iowa and New Hampshire, then went on to win the POTUS General election.

Other politicians have lost one of the two, and gone on to win the POTS General election. Namely Reagan and Bush 43.

if you're using Iowa for anything other than corn oil, go to bed and fry some eggs tomorrow am.
So tonight in Iowa, when will they announce the result, roughly?

I plan to stay up, within reason, I think Iowa is six hours behind us in Europa. I hope result not at like 8am our time.

they should a couple of hours after the party shuts down
Liebe Frau Hamilton; The information you request is that comments and polling questions should start about 2200 hrs your time. The polls close at about 0100 hrs tomorrow, your time if my math is correct. Soooo, if you are awake at 0130 hrs your time you should have what you need. My advice, schlauf schone.:doubt:

Okay I got this, Vielen Dank! So I should be able to get result and then to the bed, hopefully good result then I can Schlaf schön :smile:

View attachment 61967

So....Gross Gott!

Or Griaß di!
It's a very different election year though, so the past isn't necessarily an indicator. If a lot more voters turn up it will favor Bernie on the Democrats side. It means he is getting many voters registering for him. And that could be a game changer if people see Hillary is vulnerable. He already has NH sewed up by a ridiculous margin.

However, Democrats and Republicans hold their caucuses differently. Democrats have open debates and try to talk each other into joining their chosen candidate. Republicans simply cast a ballot and call it a day.

If many new voters turn up on the Republican side it's because of Trump.

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