Iran In Syria: A Gathering Storm


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
We have to watch these beasts, if they mess with Israel we must pounce on both counties simultaneously and crush them both then say NEXT...

The mullahs want to target the “Little Satan” from across the border.
April 28, 2017

P. David Hornik

The Iranian regime, as it has made clear in countless threats, rallies, and missile displays, wants to destroy Israel, the “Little Satan.”


Israeli officials, Reuters reports, now estimate that Iran “commands at least 25,000 fighters in Syria, including members of its own Revolutionary Guard, Shi’ite militants from Iraq and recruits from Afghanistan and Pakistan.”

Iran is also reportedly seeking a naval base in Syria, and, if it gains a lasting foothold in Israel’s northern neighbor, will undoubtedly want an airbase there as well.


Israeli officials are, though, well aware that the current administration has a much more sober view of the problem than the previous one, and more hopeful that, this time around, the forces of civilization will push back against a regime that has been sowing discord and death for almost four decades.
Iran is an ally of Syria. They have every right to be there. Who cares about Israel, they can take care of Israel . They bomb Syria all the time. Why are you looking for a fight.
Iran is an ally of Syria. They have every right to be there. Who cares about Israel, they can take care of Israel . They bomb Syria all the time. Why are you looking for a fight.

who is "you" in "why are "YOU" looking for a fight"?? All decent people
CARE when a country insists that it has an agenda to kill other people. Iran
has openly state that ---(like you) it would like to see all Israelis dead in the
gutters. The people of Yemen are concerned about their children---
dead in the gutters of Sanaa and Aden---killed by Iranian proxies with Iranian
weapons--------in fact, so am I. That you do not care is a result of the
teachings of your catechism whore. tragic
Exporting the revolution.
June 12, 2017

Joseph Puder

Arab News reported (6/7/2017) that “Suicide bombers and gunmen attacked the parliament building and the Mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini in the Iranian capital. Islamic State (IS) claimed responsibility and released a video purporting to show gunmen inside the parliament.” The twin attacks on Wednesday killed 12 Iranians, and embarrassed the radical Islamist regime by showing its vulnerability at home. IS terrorists hit the most potent symbols of Iran’s Islamic Republic on Wednesday. It has brought into sharp focus the high cost of Tehran’s involvement in Syria, which according to the powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) leadership, was meant to ward off terrorist attacks at the home front. With an economy that has barely recovered from sanctions imposed on it by the international community, the Iranian regime of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei can hardly justify the huge cost to the treasury of exporting its revolution and backing Assad in Syria with Iranian cash, if not in blood.

Given the Sunni-Shiite conflict engulfing the Middle East, it was inevitable that IS will ultimately strike at Iran - the patrons of Shiite-Islam. The antecedents of IS in Iraq proved that the Sunnis who ruled in Iraq albeit, as a minority with a Shiite majority, won’t easily allow Shiites to disenfranchise them. In Syria however, the Sunnis are the majority, and have been ruled for almost 50 years by the Alawite (Shiite) clan of the Assads. It was never a question of whether or if IS will strike at Iran but rather when. The array of Shiite militias fighting IS, and non-Islamist Sunni militias, under the command of Maj. General Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Quds Division of the IRGC, is clear enough reason why Iran is, and will continue to be a target.

To expand its influence throughout the Middle East region, and extend the Shiite Crescent, the Ayatollahs' regime in Tehran has devoted huge resources to protect its turf in Syria, and maintain it as a bridge to Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea. In essence, it means the preservation of the Bashar Assad, Alawi-led (Alawites are an offshoot of Shiite Islam) regime. The Syrian dictator who has now earned the moniker “the butcher of Damascus” can count on the Iranian ‘Foreign Legion’ made up of Shiite fighters from Lebanon (Hezbollah), Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Yemen. They provide the manpower that serves the Iranian agenda in Syria. Besides Hezbollah, there is the Afghan “Fatimiyoun and Khadem el-‘Aqila Brigades; the Pakistani Zainebiyoun Brigade; Yemeni Houtis “Liwa Al-Saada Brigade, the Iraqi Shiite militia Al-Nujaba Movement. The Iraqi Shiite contingent is the largest force engaged in the defense of the Assad regime. It is estimated to number around 40,000 fighters.


Iran’s Foreign Legion in Syria
We have to watch these beasts, if they mess with Israel we must pounce on both counties simultaneously and crush them both then say NEXT...

The mullahs want to target the “Little Satan” from across the border.
April 28, 2017

P. David Hornik

The Iranian regime, as it has made clear in countless threats, rallies, and missile displays, wants to destroy Israel, the “Little Satan.”


Israeli officials, Reuters reports, now estimate that Iran “commands at least 25,000 fighters in Syria, including members of its own Revolutionary Guard, Shi’ite militants from Iraq and recruits from Afghanistan and Pakistan.”

Iran is also reportedly seeking a naval base in Syria, and, if it gains a lasting foothold in Israel’s northern neighbor, will undoubtedly want an airbase there as well.


Israeli officials are, though, well aware that the current administration has a much more sober view of the problem than the previous one, and more hopeful that, this time around, the forces of civilization will push back against a regime that has been sowing discord and death for almost four decades.

Here's a deal: Russia breaks off relations with Iran and the Palestinians, while Trump in turn lifts the trade sanctions, gets out of NYETO and quits funding the "moderate Anti-Assad troops."

Assad won't need Iran if he has Russia to protect him from the Israelis and Kurds in a defensive position. Perhaps Trump did make that offer to Putin and Putin turned it down. Even so, we never should have attacked Assad or supported those "take the money and run" mercenaries.

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