Israeli strike on Iran’s consulate in Syria killed 2 generals and 5 other officers, Iran says

If you hit the ones wearing suicide vests it solves some of the problems.

Iran and Hezbollah have nothing to do with Palestine or suicide vests.
They are defending Lebanon from the many times Israel has illegally invaded Lebanon.
Hamas can end the war it started immediately.


Zionists started this war by blowing up the King David hotel, gunning down Folke Bernadotte the UN moderator, and killing the British peace-keepers, so that they could start massacring hundreds of native villages like Deir Yassin.

So there is no way Hamas can end this war that Zionists started.
But they should have started fighting back 80 years ago.
They only have 15% of Palestine left, and Israel has stolen all the rest.
Hamas was far to patient.
Not cool? It was very cool. Iran is waging a proxy war against Israel and two of its top generals were in the consulate thinking up what atrocities they wanted to inflict on Israelis next and then they were gone. It was a thing of beauty.

There is no war at all, much less a "proxy war".
Israel is just illegal imprisoning, murdering, confiscating, etc.
The range of Israels' Jericho II B missiles is reportedly capable of being modified to carry nuclear warheads no heavier than 500 kg over 7,800 km, making it an ICBM.[166] It is estimated that Israel has between 50 and 100 Jericho II B missiles based at facilities built in the 1980s.[167] The number of Jericho III missiles that Israel possesses is unknown.

And Iran has more missiles than any other country in the world.
While none of them are nuclear, the 20,000 conventional missiles Iran has would not only be impossible to stop, but would easily utterly destroy all of Israel's weapons and armed forces.
I suspect it was Israel's way of sending a very clear message to both the mullahs and DC. Israel may be engaged in battles with Hamas in Gaza and Hizballah in Lebanon but they are AT WAR with Iran and the message they just sent was a wake-up call for Tehran to call off their proxy dogs or prepare to get a LOT of their stuff in Iran broke down, busted...

Iran has over 15 times the population and weapons that Israel has.
If there ever was a war between Israel and Iran, Israel would quickly lose and disappear.
This is the cost of war.

Israel is the cause of all the conflict.
They have always been committing murder, going all the way back to killing the British peacekeepers by blowing up the King David Hotel in 1946.
And Iran has more missiles than any other country in the world.
While none of them are nuclear, the 20,000 conventional missiles Iran has would not only be impossible to stop, but would easily utterly destroy all of Israel's weapons and armed forces.
Iran would become molten glass; America would survive. So would Israel.
That's essentially how dumb and out of touch the Boomer's engineering this whole thing are.

The folks that will have to fight this? Gen Z? They aren't paying attention, and the mass majority of them, really don't give a flying crap. If drafted? They won't. They simply won't. They will choose Mexico, Canada or a jail cell first.
Iran is fighting a proxy war against Israel, and it is about time they had to pay a price for it.

So it's Israel's war. The US shouldn't get involved . Kuwait, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Saudi Arabia aren't going to get involved in this.
So it's Israel's war. The US shouldn't get involved . Kuwait, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Saudi Arabia aren't going to get involved in this.
Israel has been designated as a U.S. Major Non-NATO Ally under U.S. law. This status provides foreign partners with certain benefits in the areas of defense trade and security cooperation and is a powerful symbol of their close relationship with the United States.

It baffles me, that they pre-approved that aid mission, and then killed them. Or maybe not?

It speaks to multiple bureaucratic offices and multiple Israeli strategic objectives. Some clearly obvious, and others, denied, but known to observers watching with horror their actions and statements from their politicians.

On the one hands, they want to maintain good relations with the world humanitarian community, so they approve missions like this, just as they allow, the so called "free press," to report from the area. . .

. . . on the other, since their clandestine goal, is information suppression, creating an area of malnutrition, disease, mass starvation, and a general nightmare, they continue to purposely make the delivery of aid, and reporting from the area, as risky as possible. They purposely targeting reporters and aid workers, till yeah, I believe, no one sane will want to do it.

And then? WE will get the Zionists on here popping off with stoopid shit like, why don't they feed themselves and do the aid work themselves? Or why would any one believe Hamas reporting?

Yeah, you are right, I don't believe any of this is an accident, they are purposely creating a hell on Earth.

It also distracts from Bibi's corruption charges.
Israel has been designated as a U.S. Major Non-NATO Ally under U.S. law. This status provides foreign partners with certain benefits in the areas of defense trade and security cooperation and is a powerful symbol of their close relationship with the United States.

Israel has been a major freeloader for the US since 1945.
It also distracts from Bibi's corruption charges.
Bibi has corruption charges?

Israel has been a major freeloader for the US since 1945.
So. . . if it comes to a conflict between a NATO ally and Israel?

Who will the US choose?



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