Iran is being rocked by anti-government protests. Here's why demonstrators deserve Trump's support


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
It takes real courage to stand up to state abuses. May they create more than a ripple in their confrontation of the tyrannic government. Also, see the article below, I do hope Trump makes a public comment in support of these protesters.

Iran is being rocked by anti-government protests. Here's why demonstrators deserve Trump's support

Protesters took the streets in more than a half-dozen cities in Iran for a second day Friday, risking their lives to challenge the Islamist tyranny that has prevailed in the country since 1979, when it held American diplomats hostage.

Whether the protests last only another day or persist long enough to imperil the Iranian regime, President Trump should make it clear that America gives the protesters our moral support.

The protests began as demonstrations against austere economic conditions but have now grown to express general opposition to the Islamist government.

Instead of the usual Iranian crowds stage-managed by government thugs to chant “death to America” or “death to Israel,” we instead see spontaneous protesters crying “death to the dictator” and “death to Rouhani,” referring to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Protests have even spread to Qom, the intellectual heartland of the 1979 Islamist revolution and the onetime base of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini when he successfully worked to destroy Iran’s secular government before 1979.

The last widespread and sustained protests in Iran occurred in 2009, after fraudulent elections. At the time, President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton shamefully sat on their hands, saying and doing nothing to support the protesters. They later justified their silence by claiming that protesters wouldn’t want U.S. support, which would enable the Iranian regime to paint the protests as a foreign plot.

In reality, despotic regimes will always make the claim that America is behind protests. Furthermore, pro-freedom protesters always privately want the support of the free world – and the American president. Such support cheers dissidents and raises the cost to the dictatorial regime of brutally suppressing protests.

For example, Lech Walesa, the leader of the Solidarity movement that challenged and eventually brought down communism in Poland in the 1980s, credited President Ronald Reagan’s unabashed support for the movement’s success.

Elsewhere in the Soviet bloc, a dissident named Natan Sharansky was rotting in a Russian prison when he and his fellow prisoners heard that President Reagan had referred to the Soviet Union as an evil empire destined for the ash heap of history.

Sharansky later remarked: “For us, that was the moment that really marked the end for them, and the beginning for us. The lie had been exposed and could never, ever be untold now.”

Clearly, the moral support of the American president can make a big difference in influencing political outcomes abroad.
All we have to do is stand back and not give Iranians reasons to hate the USA. But no, the conservative Useful Idiots won't do that. Instead, they run to do the bidding of both the Mullahs in Iran and the theocrats in the USA. Iran would already be free if the conservatives weren't such loyal backers of religious extremists of all types.
It takes real courage to stand up to state abuses. May they create more than a ripple in their confrontation of the tyrannic government. Also, see the article below, I do hope Trump makes a public comment in support of these protesters.

Iran is being rocked by anti-government protests. Here's why demonstrators deserve Trump's support

Protesters took the streets in more than a half-dozen cities in Iran for a second day Friday, risking their lives to challenge the Islamist tyranny that has prevailed in the country since 1979, when it held American diplomats hostage.

Whether the protests last only another day or persist long enough to imperil the Iranian regime, President Trump should make it clear that America gives the protesters our moral support.

The protests began as demonstrations against austere economic conditions but have now grown to express general opposition to the Islamist government.

Instead of the usual Iranian crowds stage-managed by government thugs to chant “death to America” or “death to Israel,” we instead see spontaneous protesters crying “death to the dictator” and “death to Rouhani,” referring to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Protests have even spread to Qom, the intellectual heartland of the 1979 Islamist revolution and the onetime base of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini when he successfully worked to destroy Iran’s secular government before 1979.

The last widespread and sustained protests in Iran occurred in 2009, after fraudulent elections. At the time, President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton shamefully sat on their hands, saying and doing nothing to support the protesters. They later justified their silence by claiming that protesters wouldn’t want U.S. support, which would enable the Iranian regime to paint the protests as a foreign plot.

In reality, despotic regimes will always make the claim that America is behind protests. Furthermore, pro-freedom protesters always privately want the support of the free world – and the American president. Such support cheers dissidents and raises the cost to the dictatorial regime of brutally suppressing protests.

For example, Lech Walesa, the leader of the Solidarity movement that challenged and eventually brought down communism in Poland in the 1980s, credited President Ronald Reagan’s unabashed support for the movement’s success.

Elsewhere in the Soviet bloc, a dissident named Natan Sharansky was rotting in a Russian prison when he and his fellow prisoners heard that President Reagan had referred to the Soviet Union as an evil empire destined for the ash heap of history.

Sharansky later remarked: “For us, that was the moment that really marked the end for them, and the beginning for us. The lie had been exposed and could never, ever be untold now.”

Clearly, the moral support of the American president can make a big difference in influencing political outcomes abroad.

Ah, the US going around choosing governments of their choice.
Rather that than dealing with threats from those that would take us out given the chance.
It takes real courage to stand up to state abuses. May they create more than a ripple in their confrontation of the tyrannic government. Also, see the article below, I do hope Trump makes a public comment in support of these protesters.

Iran is being rocked by anti-government protests. Here's why demonstrators deserve Trump's support

Protesters took the streets in more than a half-dozen cities in Iran for a second day Friday, risking their lives to challenge the Islamist tyranny that has prevailed in the country since 1979, when it held American diplomats hostage.

Whether the protests last only another day or persist long enough to imperil the Iranian regime, President Trump should make it clear that America gives the protesters our moral support.

The protests began as demonstrations against austere economic conditions but have now grown to express general opposition to the Islamist government.

Instead of the usual Iranian crowds stage-managed by government thugs to chant “death to America” or “death to Israel,” we instead see spontaneous protesters crying “death to the dictator” and “death to Rouhani,” referring to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Protests have even spread to Qom, the intellectual heartland of the 1979 Islamist revolution and the onetime base of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini when he successfully worked to destroy Iran’s secular government before 1979.

The last widespread and sustained protests in Iran occurred in 2009, after fraudulent elections. At the time, President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton shamefully sat on their hands, saying and doing nothing to support the protesters. They later justified their silence by claiming that protesters wouldn’t want U.S. support, which would enable the Iranian regime to paint the protests as a foreign plot.

In reality, despotic regimes will always make the claim that America is behind protests. Furthermore, pro-freedom protesters always privately want the support of the free world – and the American president. Such support cheers dissidents and raises the cost to the dictatorial regime of brutally suppressing protests.

For example, Lech Walesa, the leader of the Solidarity movement that challenged and eventually brought down communism in Poland in the 1980s, credited President Ronald Reagan’s unabashed support for the movement’s success.

Elsewhere in the Soviet bloc, a dissident named Natan Sharansky was rotting in a Russian prison when he and his fellow prisoners heard that President Reagan had referred to the Soviet Union as an evil empire destined for the ash heap of history.

Sharansky later remarked: “For us, that was the moment that really marked the end for them, and the beginning for us. The lie had been exposed and could never, ever be untold now.”

Clearly, the moral support of the American president can make a big difference in influencing political outcomes abroad.

Ah, the US going around choosing governments of their choice.
All we have to do is stand back and not give Iranians reasons to hate the USA. But no, the conservative Useful Idiots won't do that. Instead, they run to do the bidding of both the Mullahs in Iran and the theocrats in the USA. Iran would already be free if the conservatives weren't such loyal backers of religious extremists of all types.
Uhm...Obama called. He wants his plane loads of cash back.
get some weapons to the iranian students or populace .
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All we have to do is stand back and not give Iranians reasons to hate the USA. But no, the conservative Useful Idiots won't do that. Instead, they run to do the bidding of both the Mullahs in Iran and the theocrats in the USA. Iran would already be free if the conservatives weren't such loyal backers of religious extremists of all types.
Uhm...Obama called. He wants his plane loads of cash back.
Really stupid. It was not President Obama's cash, nor that of the US, it was cash we froze when we had a diplomatic dustup with Iran. So we gave Iran's cash to Iran.
get some weapons to the students .

They would just be crushed quickly and it would give an excuse for abusive crackdowns.

In these situations I am guessing you have to win the hearts and minds of the world, spread propaganda, make soldiers feel guilty. The Berlin wall fell without a shot fired.

Now, if this were a legitimate interference and coup, then arming them would have already been done you would assume. I don't think this is what is being faced. With such regimes and the oppressive governments that support them, there could be alot of blood shed. Hopefully the world pays attention, there is very little coverage, even in Canada.
All we have to do is stand back and not give Iranians reasons to hate the USA. But no, the conservative Useful Idiots won't do that. Instead, they run to do the bidding of both the Mullahs in Iran and the theocrats in the USA. Iran would already be free if the conservatives weren't such loyal backers of religious extremists of all types.
Uhm...Obama called. He wants his plane loads of cash back.
Really stupid. It was not President Obama's cash, nor that of the US, it was cash we froze when we had a diplomatic dustup with Iran. So we gave Iran's cash to Iran.
Darn conservatives shouldn't meddle in Iran.

I wonder why the Iranians didn't rise up when Hussein was in office. You?
get some weapons to the students .

They would just be crushed quickly and it would give an excuse for abusive crackdowns.

In these situations I am guessing you have to win the hearts and minds of the world, spread propaganda, make soldiers feel guilty. The Berlin wall fell without a shot fired.

Now, if this were a legitimate interference and coup, then arming them would have already been done you would assume. I don't think this is what is being faced. With such regimes and the oppressive governments that support them, there could be alot of blood shed. Hopefully the world pays attention, there is very little coverage, even in Canada.
------------------------------------------------------------------ depending on how long this goes the 'basiji' when let loose on unarmed populace are going to kill , crack heads , imprison and torture . Get the populace some guns and ammo . BLOODSHED , well of course !!
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It takes real courage to stand up to state abuses. May they create more than a ripple in their confrontation of the tyrannic government. Also, see the article below, I do hope Trump makes a public comment in support of these protesters.

Iran is being rocked by anti-government protests. Here's why demonstrators deserve Trump's support

Protesters took the streets in more than a half-dozen cities in Iran for a second day Friday, risking their lives to challenge the Islamist tyranny that has prevailed in the country since 1979, when it held American diplomats hostage.

Whether the protests last only another day or persist long enough to imperil the Iranian regime, President Trump should make it clear that America gives the protesters our moral support.

The protests began as demonstrations against austere economic conditions but have now grown to express general opposition to the Islamist government.

Instead of the usual Iranian crowds stage-managed by government thugs to chant “death to America” or “death to Israel,” we instead see spontaneous protesters crying “death to the dictator” and “death to Rouhani,” referring to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Protests have even spread to Qom, the intellectual heartland of the 1979 Islamist revolution and the onetime base of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini when he successfully worked to destroy Iran’s secular government before 1979.

The last widespread and sustained protests in Iran occurred in 2009, after fraudulent elections. At the time, President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton shamefully sat on their hands, saying and doing nothing to support the protesters. They later justified their silence by claiming that protesters wouldn’t want U.S. support, which would enable the Iranian regime to paint the protests as a foreign plot.

In reality, despotic regimes will always make the claim that America is behind protests. Furthermore, pro-freedom protesters always privately want the support of the free world – and the American president. Such support cheers dissidents and raises the cost to the dictatorial regime of brutally suppressing protests.

For example, Lech Walesa, the leader of the Solidarity movement that challenged and eventually brought down communism in Poland in the 1980s, credited President Ronald Reagan’s unabashed support for the movement’s success.

Elsewhere in the Soviet bloc, a dissident named Natan Sharansky was rotting in a Russian prison when he and his fellow prisoners heard that President Reagan had referred to the Soviet Union as an evil empire destined for the ash heap of history.

Sharansky later remarked: “For us, that was the moment that really marked the end for them, and the beginning for us. The lie had been exposed and could never, ever be untold now.”

Clearly, the moral support of the American president can make a big difference in influencing political outcomes abroad.
Iran was a great country before the devil's disciples were allowed to flourish and come to power. The current Ayatollah, Khamenei is the top dog and needs to be toppled, tried and executed.
All we have to do is stand back and not give Iranians reasons to hate the USA. But no, the conservative Useful Idiots won't do that. Instead, they run to do the bidding of both the Mullahs in Iran and the theocrats in the USA. Iran would already be free if the conservatives weren't such loyal backers of religious extremists of all types.
Uhm...Obama called. He wants his plane loads of cash back.
Really stupid. It was not President Obama's cash, nor that of the US, it was cash we froze when we had a diplomatic dustup with Iran. So we gave Iran's cash to Iran.
Darn conservatives shouldn't meddle in Iran.

I wonder why the Iranians didn't rise up when Hussein was in office. You?
----------------------------------------------- i remember when the unarmed 'iranians' tried to rise up in 'hussein obamas' time but he wouldn't help . There was a picture of the Green Eyed girl as she died , killed by a 'basiji' sniper . Her name was Neda Soltan .
All we have to do is stand back and not give Iranians reasons to hate the USA. But no, the conservative Useful Idiots won't do that. Instead, they run to do the bidding of both the Mullahs in Iran and the theocrats in the USA. Iran would already be free if the conservatives weren't such loyal backers of religious extremists of all types.
Uhm...Obama called. He wants his plane loads of cash back.
Really stupid. It was not President Obama's cash, nor that of the US, it was cash we froze when we had a diplomatic dustup with Iran. So we gave Iran's cash to Iran.
Darn conservatives shouldn't meddle in Iran.

I wonder why the Iranians didn't rise up when Hussein was in office. You?
----------------------------------------------- i remember when the 'iranians' tried to rise up in 'hussein obamas' time but he wouldn't help . There was a picture of the Green Eyed girl as she died , killed by a 'basiji' sniper . Her name was Neda Soltan .
They've had many uprisings over the years. They were a cosmopolitan nation at one time. Before the zealots took over.
It takes real courage to stand up to state abuses. May they create more than a ripple in their confrontation of the tyrannic government. Also, see the article below, I do hope Trump makes a public comment in support of these protesters.

Iran is being rocked by anti-government protests. Here's why demonstrators deserve Trump's support

Protesters took the streets in more than a half-dozen cities in Iran for a second day Friday, risking their lives to challenge the Islamist tyranny that has prevailed in the country since 1979, when it held American diplomats hostage.

Whether the protests last only another day or persist long enough to imperil the Iranian regime, President Trump should make it clear that America gives the protesters our moral support.

The protests began as demonstrations against austere economic conditions but have now grown to express general opposition to the Islamist government.

Instead of the usual Iranian crowds stage-managed by government thugs to chant “death to America” or “death to Israel,” we instead see spontaneous protesters crying “death to the dictator” and “death to Rouhani,” referring to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

Protests have even spread to Qom, the intellectual heartland of the 1979 Islamist revolution and the onetime base of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini when he successfully worked to destroy Iran’s secular government before 1979.

The last widespread and sustained protests in Iran occurred in 2009, after fraudulent elections. At the time, President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton shamefully sat on their hands, saying and doing nothing to support the protesters. They later justified their silence by claiming that protesters wouldn’t want U.S. support, which would enable the Iranian regime to paint the protests as a foreign plot.

In reality, despotic regimes will always make the claim that America is behind protests. Furthermore, pro-freedom protesters always privately want the support of the free world – and the American president. Such support cheers dissidents and raises the cost to the dictatorial regime of brutally suppressing protests.

For example, Lech Walesa, the leader of the Solidarity movement that challenged and eventually brought down communism in Poland in the 1980s, credited President Ronald Reagan’s unabashed support for the movement’s success.

Elsewhere in the Soviet bloc, a dissident named Natan Sharansky was rotting in a Russian prison when he and his fellow prisoners heard that President Reagan had referred to the Soviet Union as an evil empire destined for the ash heap of history.

Sharansky later remarked: “For us, that was the moment that really marked the end for them, and the beginning for us. The lie had been exposed and could never, ever be untold now.”

Clearly, the moral support of the American president can make a big difference in influencing political outcomes abroad.
Iran was a great country before the devil's disciples were allowed to flourish and come to power. The current Ayatollah, Khamenei is the top dog and needs to be toppled, tried and executed.
What's happening there Roudy ?
All we have to do is stand back and not give Iranians reasons to hate the USA. But no, the conservative Useful Idiots won't do that. Instead, they run to do the bidding of both the Mullahs in Iran and the theocrats in the USA. Iran would already be free if the conservatives weren't such loyal backers of religious extremists of all types.
Good Allah, you have a distorted world view.
All we have to do is stand back and not give Iranians reasons to hate the USA. But no, the conservative Useful Idiots won't do that. Instead, they run to do the bidding of both the Mullahs in Iran and the theocrats in the USA. Iran would already be free if the conservatives weren't such loyal backers of religious extremists of all types.
Uhm...Obama called. He wants his plane loads of cash back.
Really stupid. It was not President Obama's cash, nor that of the US, it was cash we froze when we had a diplomatic dustup with Iran. So we gave Iran's cash to Iran.
Darn conservatives shouldn't meddle in Iran.

I wonder why the Iranians didn't rise up when Hussein was in office. You?
I think they did and obummer ignored them.

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