Iran Threatens 'Lightning' Response

Iran threatens to respond, yes respond IF Israel bombs their country if Israel or America bombs. Do you get it? Did I help you? No Israeli attack no response

Jackass idiot, what has israel done to iran to endure over 20 years of terrorism directed at it?

You idiot you think Israel doesn't support terror groups that attack Iran? Btw hezbollah is a blessing for Israel, it's keeps aid running in as well as their defense budget. They can make any excuse to go into lebonan using Hezbollah or using Hamas to occupy gaza
Dey hurryin' up so's dey can nuke Israel...
Signs Suggest Iran Is Speeding Up Work on Nuclear Program
August 23, 2012 WASHINGTON — International nuclear inspectors will soon report that Iran has installed hundreds of new centrifuges in recent months and may also be speeding up production of nuclear fuel while negotiations with the United States and its allies have ground to a near halt, according to diplomats and experts briefed on the findings.
Almost all of the new equipment is being installed in a deep underground site on a military base near Qum that is considered virtually invulnerable to military attack. It would suggest that a boast by senior Iranian leaders late last month — that the country had added upward of 1,000 new machines to its installation despite Western sabotage — may be true.

The report will also indicate, according to the officials familiar with its contents, that Iran is increasingly focused on enriching uranium to a level of 20 percent — a purity that it says it needs for a specialty nuclear reactor that it insists is used only for medical purposes, but that outside experts say gets it most of the way to the level needed to produce a workable nuclear bomb. The report does not attempt to address the question of whether Iran has made a decision to build a nuclear weapon; American intelligence officials believe it has not, and Iran insists it wants to use nuclear power for peaceful ends.

It is unlikely that Iran has begun to use the new centrifuges to produce fuel, and even with a significant increase in fuel production it would still take months, at the least, to produce a crude weapon. By most American government estimates, Iran would need at least two years to develop a workable warhead that could fit atop a missile. Nonetheless, the report by the International Atomic Energy Agency’s experts, first reported by Reuters, is likely to renew the debate over Iran’s intentions at a time when Israeli officials are stepping up their warnings that the window to conduct a pre-emptive military strike is closing.

A faction led by Israel’s defense minister, Ehud Barak, will almost certainly argue that Iran has moved closer to what Mr. Barak calls a “zone of immunity,” a point at which so much equipment is installed in the underground facility, called Fordow, that it will soon be too late for Israel to stop Iran from producing a weapon, should it choose to do so. The report could also become an issue in the presidential race. The presumptive Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, used a trip to Israel last month to declare that President Obama had wasted time with fruitless negotiations with Iran, and that Iran had taken advantage of the time to advance its nuclear program.


See also:

Iran continues uranium work: sources
Sat, Aug 25, 2012 - NOT STOPPING: Before talks with the International Atomic Energy Agency yesterday, it has been alleged that Iran has installed more underground machines to enrich uranium
Iran has installed many more uranium enrichment machines in an underground bunker, diplomatic sources said on Thursday, potentially paving the way for a significant expansion of work the West fears is ultimately aimed at making nuclear bombs. Iran denies allegations it is seeking a nuclear weapons capability. However, its refusal to curb its nuclear enrichment program has prompted tough Western sanctions and has heightened speculation that Israel may attack its atomic sites. In a possible sign of further Iranian defiance in the face of such pressure, several sources said Iran had put in place additional enrichment centrifuges in its Fordow facility, buried deep inside a mountain to protect it against enemy strikes. One source suggested hundreds of machines had been installed.

In another development likely to worry the West, they said satellite imagery indicated Iran had covered a building at a military site that UN inspectors want to visit with a brightly colored, tent-like structure. Western diplomats have said they believe Iran is cleansing the Parchin site to remove any evidence of illicit nuclear activity at a place where the UN nuclear watchdog suspects it has conducted tests that had a military dimension. Covering the building in question — which is believed to house a steel chamber for explosives experiments — may allow Iran to carry out sanitization or other work there which would not be seen via satellite pictures.

One Western envoy said that the suspected clean-up at Parchin was “intensifying” and that this made it doubtful that inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) would uncover any hard evidence there, even if they were allowed to go. “Given the extent of the clean-up, it is indeed unlikely the agency, if it ever gets access, would find anything at Parchin,” the diplomat said. There was no immediate comment from Iran’s mission to the Vienna-based UN atomic agency. It has previously dismissed the allegations about Parchin, which it says is a conventional military facility, as “ridiculous.”

The IAEA would press Iran again in talks yesterday for access to Parchin as part of its long-stalled probe into suspected nuclear weapons research in the Islamic state, even though it concedes that the alleged sanitization would hamper its probe. The meeting, the first since previous discussions ended in failure in June, takes place after an upsurge in rhetoric from Israeli politicians this month suggesting Israel might attack Iran ahead of the US presidential election in November. The talks are separate from Tehran’s negotiations with world powers that have made little headway since they resumed after a 15-month hiatus, but the focus on suspicions about Iran’s nuclear ambitions mean they are closely linked.

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But that doesn't address why iran is allowed to fire rockets, send suicide bombers, and threaten israel - a nation it does not even share borders with. What exactly did israel do to iran that entitles iran to conduct these obscenities?.

Perhaps my geography teacher was worse than I thought, but I can't name a single US state that shares a border with Iran.
Perhaps you could name that state or explain why America is so interested in interfering with Iran. :)
You idiot you think Israel doesn't support terror groups that attack Iran?

Really? Where are the streets in israel named for the suicide bombers hitting iranian restaurants? Funny how I've never heard of any.

Where are the terrorist proxies firing rockets and mortars into teheran on behalf of israel? Where are these so-called attacks?

Btw hezbollah is a blessing for Israel, it's keeps aid running in as well as their defense budget. They can make any excuse to go into lebonan using Hezbollah or using Hamas to occupy gaza

Uh, 99.99% of israelis would be happy to reduce their defense budget and not have a terrorist group like hez aiming 50,000 unguided rockets towards them. They would not need to go into gaza or lebanon if these groups did not exist.
Perhaps my geography teacher was worse than I thought, but I can't name a single US state that shares a border with Iran.Perhaps you could name that state or explain why America is so interested in interfering with Iran.

Your geography teacher was as clueless on politics as you are.

If iran's imperialistic hegemony is allowed to continue as the growing cancerous tumor that it is, it will severely affect US national security interests such as the price of oil.

It is in the national security interests of the US and GCC to keep a terrorist sponsor like iran bottled up, and severely weakened. If the fake, illegitimate regime of iran was destroyed/removed, the US/West would not need to take action against iran.

If you had even a single brain cell, you would ask why iran is allowed to interfere with lebanon, syria, israel and gaza - four places it does not border.
Perhaps my geography teacher was worse than I thought, but I can't name a single US state that shares a border with Iran.Perhaps you could name that state or explain why America is so interested in interfering with Iran.

Your geography teacher was as clueless on politics as you are.

If iran's imperialistic hegemony is allowed to continue as the growing cancerous tumor that it is, it will severely affect US national security interests such as the price of oil.

It is in the national security interests of the US and GCC to keep a terrorist sponsor like iran bottled up, and severely weakened. If the fake, illegitimate regime of iran was destroyed/removed, the US/West would not need to take action against iran.

If you had even a single brain cell, you would ask why iran is allowed to interfere with lebanon, syria, israel and gaza - four places it does not border.

We are on two side of Iran still.
Iran threatens to respond, yes respond IF Israel bombs their country if Israel or America bombs. Do you get it? Did I help you? No Israeli attack no response

Jackass idiot, what has israel done to iran to endure over 20 years of terrorism directed at it?

Thay want to have israel wiped out just like the Persians wanted to destroy Greece.
It's an Islam thing.
Iran threatens to respond, yes respond IF Israel bombs their country if Israel or America bombs. Do you get it? Did I help you? No Israeli attack no response

Jackass idiot, what has israel done to iran to endure over 20 years of terrorism directed at it?

Apart from bomb Iran, murder Iranian scientists and attack Iran's friends in the middle east?
Iran threatens to respond, yes respond IF Israel bombs their country if Israel or America bombs. Do you get it? Did I help you? No Israeli attack no response

Jackass idiot, what has israel done to iran to endure over 20 years of terrorism directed at it?

Thay want to have israel wiped out just like the Persians wanted to destroy Greece.
It's an Islam thing.

I love poorly researched posts. It's so easy to make the writer look like a total dickhead.
Do you you mean the Persian attack on Greece give or take about 1,000 years before Persia was a Muslim country?

If you're going to be a prat - try not to do it in public. :clap2:
Back to the meat of the thread.
Posters are moaning that Iran will strike back at attacking forces.
Dippy at best.
What did the US do to the country it thought attacked it on 9/11?
But that doesn't address why iran is allowed to fire rockets, send suicide bombers, and threaten israel - a nation it does not even share borders with. What exactly did israel do to iran that entitles iran to conduct these obscenities?.

Perhaps my geography teacher was worse than I thought, but I can't name a single US state that shares a border with Iran.
Perhaps you could name that state or explain why America is so interested in interfering with Iran. :)

Not Iran, but Iraq; not bordering US, but Poland... Anyway, everyone knows that USA is always somewhere round the corner...

good point germany does not border the USA either-----neither does Italy or Japan
But that doesn't address why iran is allowed to fire rockets, send suicide bombers, and threaten israel - a nation it does not even share borders with. What exactly did israel do to iran that entitles iran to conduct these obscenities?.

Perhaps my geography teacher was worse than I thought, but I can't name a single US state that shares a border with Iran.
Perhaps you could name that state or explain why America is so interested in interfering with Iran. :)

Not Iran, but Iraq; not bordering US, but Poland... Anyway, everyone knows that USA is always somewhere round the corner...


An arrow from South Africa, showing Iraq next door to Poland.
CNN need some new people.
Granny says Obama gonna kick Ahmadinejad's butt...

Hahahaha idiot. Typical ignorant, compliant, thoughtless, gun ho, American Moron. Your heading for a disaster and few of you seem to capable of any thought of American falability. Dont you people ever learn anything? You have by far the most advanced, technological killing machine, the world has ever seen. Yet Sadam's peasant, goat herder, insurgent rabble, killed you in your thousands, tied down 100 thousand plus troops for years, cost your nation trillions of dollars, lost you influence and control in the region and prestige throughout the world.

According to this week's Israeli paper Yediot Ahronot "Senior officials in the Obama Administration sent a message to Tehran in the past few days, according to which the U.S. does not intend to join Israel's side if it decides to attack the Iranian nuclear installations on its own...

According to the report, the U.S. sent the message to Iran in order to avoid an Iranian response military response that would target U.S. installations in the Gulf region.

The message was reportedly conveyed to Iran through two European countries that serve as a conduit of communication between Iran and the U.S. in times of crisis."

Iran responded by promising to turn to dust any American installation it can reach.

According to this week's Israeli paper Yediot Ahronot "Senior officials in the Obama Administration sent a message to Tehran in the past few days, according to which the U.S. does not intend to join Israel's side if it decides to attack the Iranian nuclear installations on its own...

According to the report, the U.S. sent the message to Iran in order to avoid an Iranian response military response that would target U.S. installations in the Gulf region.

The message was reportedly conveyed to Iran through two European countries that serve as a conduit of communication between Iran and the U.S. in times of crisis."

Iran responded by promising to turn to dust any American installation it can reach.

If Israel were to attack Iran, it would do so with US supplied weapons, paid for by US taxpayers and the pilots would have been trained, directly or indirectly, by the US.
Add US interference on behalf of Israel (sanctions and so on) and you've painted a target on your backs.

The US is up to it's arse in Israel and would be considered a legitimate target in the event of an attack as US ships supplying the UK were targeted by Germany in WWII, before the US entered the war.
Doesn't matter if you like it or not; You can't interfere as the US has and not expect problems.
The US will probably get attacked and, although I think it would be a crap move on the part of the Iranians, I can see their point.

Just thought. Iran is expecting an attack. I would be shocked if they haven't put tactics in place to attack the US mainland. It'd be called terrorism but, in the event of a US attack on Iran, it would really be an act of war.

Moral of the story. If you don't want to be attacked, don't attack others or fund a bully.

Kid fights back against bully, becomes hero (original) - YouTube

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