iranian marathon runner ends race with an American flag.

No Iran has not been arming Hezbollah in Lebanon, as Benyahu shoots them when they see them in Syria.

Also what is the problem, if I were Lebanon I'd want to be armed well living next to Israel as Israel salivates over Lebanon land. Also why does the US send weapons to Israel and SA.

Oh I forget , only Israel can have allies.

King Cyrus was a Persian savior anointed by Yahweh. They leaned about good and evil, angels, the afterlife, and some believe monotheism, which they didn't have before the exile. You even have the two Genesis stories.

who is YAHWEH? "some believe" what?---------actually Zoroastrianism
is not quite MONOTHEISTIC------it is DUALIST----which was the major
subject of conflict over theology between Jews in Persia and---Zoroastrians----
HISTORICALLY. By the time of Cyrus----between 500 and 600 BCE----Judaism was a well established religion---in fact the BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY of the jews and the DEVELOPEMENT OF DIASPORA JUDAISM preceded Cyrus. Diaspora Judaism is a watershed type situation in jewish history because it
transformed the religion to one NOT FIXED by national boundaries but into
a religion TRANSPORTABLE------by that time Judaism DEVELOPED
into RABBINIC JUDAISM-----in that the leaders were the "scholars"---rather
CENTRAL TEMPLE. Poor penny has problems with things like TIME-LINES

No you were polytheistic before the exile. You believed in other Gods but Yaweth was the strongest. What happened with the exile is the Judeans found out that they didn't need the temple to serve their god, nor that their god was territorial, but also was there in Babylon with them. That helped make them monotheistic as you know when Ezra returned they had went into the pagan (not bad meaning) ways again, and married Canaanites and worshipped idols. Also some believe that Zoroastrian also influence their monotheism, although yes , it was dualism with and so Isa wrote this :

Isaiah 45:7Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
7 I form light, I create darkness;
I make well-being, I create woe;
I, Adonai, do all these things.

Most likely that is why Christians think of the devil, Satan and God, and probably why you have a serpent in one of the stories of Genesis. The Sadducees didn't believe in an afterlife or angels , they followed the law of Moses, whereas the Pharisees began to interpret how the Mosaic laws should be carried out, and they didn't see things in black and white, but different levels of spirituality, Rabbis. Judaism before the exile was a tribal polytheistic relgion based and depended on the temple in Jerusalem.
Muslims treat those they disagree with so well... Dumbass

Better than Israel and the IDF. Dumbass!
No Iran has not been arming Hezbollah in Lebanon, as Benyahu shoots them when they see them in Syria.

Also what is the problem, if I were Lebanon I'd want to be armed well living next to Israel as Israel salivates over Lebanon land. Also why does the US send weapons to Israel and SA.

Oh I forget , only Israel can have allies.

King Cyrus was a Persian savior anointed by Yahweh. They leaned about good and evil, angels, the afterlife, and some believe monotheism, which they didn't have before the exile. You even have the two Genesis stories.

who is YAHWEH? "some believe" what?---------actually Zoroastrianism
is not quite MONOTHEISTIC------it is DUALIST----which was the major
subject of conflict over theology between Jews in Persia and---Zoroastrians----
HISTORICALLY. By the time of Cyrus----between 500 and 600 BCE----Judaism was a well established religion---in fact the BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY of the jews and the DEVELOPEMENT OF DIASPORA JUDAISM preceded Cyrus. Diaspora Judaism is a watershed type situation in jewish history because it
transformed the religion to one NOT FIXED by national boundaries but into
a religion TRANSPORTABLE------by that time Judaism DEVELOPED
into RABBINIC JUDAISM-----in that the leaders were the "scholars"---rather
CENTRAL TEMPLE. Poor penny has problems with things like TIME-LINES

No you were polytheistic before the exile. You believed in other Gods but Yaweth was the strongest. What happened with the exile is the Judeans found out that they didn't need the temple to serve their god, nor that their god was territorial, but also was there in Babylon with them. That helped make them monotheistic as you know when Ezra returned they had went into the pagan (not bad meaning) ways again, and married Canaanites and worshipped idols. Also some believe that Zoroastrian also influence their monotheism, although yes , it was dualism with and so Isa wrote this :

Isaiah 45:7Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
7 I form light, I create darkness;
I make well-being, I create woe;
I, Adonai, do all these things.

Most likely that is why Christians think of the devil, Satan and God, and probably why you have a serpent in one of the stories of Genesis. The Sadducees didn't believe in an afterlife or angels , they followed the law of Moses, whereas the Pharisees began to interpret how the Mosaic laws should be carried out, and they didn't see things in black and white, but different levels of spirituality, Rabbis. Judaism before the exile was a tribal polytheistic relgion based and depended on the temple in Jerusalem.

you are still high on the cocaine you snorted off the anus of your pimp god-----
whilst you sucked his prick-------as the catechism whore giggled. Good that you "quoted" ISAIAH-------your catechism whore ALSO perverts his words in the silly stories created to furnish you with your "confessional" PIMPS. You and yours have always been prostitutes claiming VIRGINITY-----from the "vestal bitches" whose great joy was in watching lions eat babies -------to the inquisition whores of the AUTO DE FE who threw the babies into the flames-----but that's ok ------YOU ARE ALL "VIRGINS"

POOR little penny------she quotes ISAIAH who lived between 700 and 800 BCE to explain that JEWS GOT MONOTHEISM from zoroastrians whom they had not encountered until about 500 BCE-----poor little penny-----TIME LINES CONFUSE HER ---------I used to wonder if she passed high school plane geometry----now I wonder if she passed fourth grade arithmetic.

for the record----the poetry of ISAIAH is sublime------done in the 700's BC-----
when Zoroastrianism was in its formative years-----far far away. Many Christian
theologians are VERY TAKEN WITH IT-------I used to like it so much that I memorized a whole page of it in Hebrew------long long ago----in my youth------
uhm...... I memorized lots of poems-----and stuff------but now I am not sure
I could get thru the GETTYSBURG ADDRESS

here is the most famous line >>>> saying it backwards---Lo ysah goy el goy cherev----v lo yelmadu od milchamah -----Nation shall not lift sword against
nation and they will no longer learn the ways of war.

Nothing was put to pen till after the exile.

you mean BALL POINT PEN? that was not until about the mid 20th century.
Jews have been writing in the language "Hebrew" since the time of
Abraham about 2000 BC. LINGUISTIC studies indicate a development of
the language related to OTHER WRITTEN LANGUAGES -----like Amharic and
Aramaic -----and even to Egyptian (a language written in pictographs) in the sequence consistent with the biblical history. The language of the WRITINGS ----
adhere to the same linguistic characteristics as the progression of events suggested
in the bible (quite a feat to fake sucha phenomenon)
No Iran has not been arming Hezbollah in Lebanon, as Benyahu shoots them when they see them in Syria.

Also what is the problem, if I were Lebanon I'd want to be armed well living next to Israel as Israel salivates over Lebanon land. Also why does the US send weapons to Israel and SA.

Oh I forget , only Israel can have allies.

King Cyrus was a Persian savior anointed by Yahweh. They leaned about good and evil, angels, the afterlife, and some believe monotheism, which they didn't have before the exile. You even have the two Genesis stories.

who is YAHWEH? "some believe" what?---------actually Zoroastrianism
is not quite MONOTHEISTIC------it is DUALIST----which was the major
subject of conflict over theology between Jews in Persia and---Zoroastrians----
HISTORICALLY. By the time of Cyrus----between 500 and 600 BCE----Judaism was a well established religion---in fact the BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY of the jews and the DEVELOPEMENT OF DIASPORA JUDAISM preceded Cyrus. Diaspora Judaism is a watershed type situation in jewish history because it
transformed the religion to one NOT FIXED by national boundaries but into
a religion TRANSPORTABLE------by that time Judaism DEVELOPED
into RABBINIC JUDAISM-----in that the leaders were the "scholars"---rather
CENTRAL TEMPLE. Poor penny has problems with things like TIME-LINES

No you were polytheistic before the exile. You believed in other Gods but Yaweth was the strongest. What happened with the exile is the Judeans found out that they didn't need the temple to serve their god, nor that their god was territorial, but also was there in Babylon with them. That helped make them monotheistic as you know when Ezra returned they had went into the pagan (not bad meaning) ways again, and married Canaanites and worshipped idols. Also some believe that Zoroastrian also influence their monotheism, although yes , it was dualism with and so Isa wrote this :

Isaiah 45:7Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
7 I form light, I create darkness;
I make well-being, I create woe;
I, Adonai, do all these things.

Most likely that is why Christians think of the devil, Satan and God, and probably why you have a serpent in one of the stories of Genesis. The Sadducees didn't believe in an afterlife or angels , they followed the law of Moses, whereas the Pharisees began to interpret how the Mosaic laws should be carried out, and they didn't see things in black and white, but different levels of spirituality, Rabbis. Judaism before the exile was a tribal polytheistic relgion based and depended on the temple in Jerusalem.
Muslims treat those they disagree with so well... Dumbass

Better than Israel and the IDF. Dumbass!

could you be more specific?
No Iran has not been arming Hezbollah in Lebanon, as Benyahu shoots them when they see them in Syria.

Also what is the problem, if I were Lebanon I'd want to be armed well living next to Israel as Israel salivates over Lebanon land. Also why does the US send weapons to Israel and SA.

Oh I forget , only Israel can have allies.

King Cyrus was a Persian savior anointed by Yahweh. They leaned about good and evil, angels, the afterlife, and some believe monotheism, which they didn't have before the exile. You even have the two Genesis stories.

who is YAHWEH? "some believe" what?---------actually Zoroastrianism
is not quite MONOTHEISTIC------it is DUALIST----which was the major
subject of conflict over theology between Jews in Persia and---Zoroastrians----
HISTORICALLY. By the time of Cyrus----between 500 and 600 BCE----Judaism was a well established religion---in fact the BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY of the jews and the DEVELOPEMENT OF DIASPORA JUDAISM preceded Cyrus. Diaspora Judaism is a watershed type situation in jewish history because it
transformed the religion to one NOT FIXED by national boundaries but into
a religion TRANSPORTABLE------by that time Judaism DEVELOPED
into RABBINIC JUDAISM-----in that the leaders were the "scholars"---rather
CENTRAL TEMPLE. Poor penny has problems with things like TIME-LINES

No you were polytheistic before the exile. You believed in other Gods but Yaweth was the strongest. What happened with the exile is the Judeans found out that they didn't need the temple to serve their god, nor that their god was territorial, but also was there in Babylon with them. That helped make them monotheistic as you know when Ezra returned they had went into the pagan (not bad meaning) ways again, and married Canaanites and worshipped idols. Also some believe that Zoroastrian also influence their monotheism, although yes , it was dualism with and so Isa wrote this :

Isaiah 45:7Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
7 I form light, I create darkness;
I make well-being, I create woe;
I, Adonai, do all these things.

Most likely that is why Christians think of the devil, Satan and God, and probably why you have a serpent in one of the stories of Genesis. The Sadducees didn't believe in an afterlife or angels , they followed the law of Moses, whereas the Pharisees began to interpret how the Mosaic laws should be carried out, and they didn't see things in black and white, but different levels of spirituality, Rabbis. Judaism before the exile was a tribal polytheistic relgion based and depended on the temple in Jerusalem.

you are still high on the cocaine you snorted off the anus of your pimp god-----
whilst you sucked his prick-------as the catechism whore giggled. Good that you "quoted" ISAIAH-------your catechism whore ALSO perverts his words in the silly stories created to furnish you with your "confessional" PIMPS. You and yours have always been prostitutes claiming VIRGINITY-----from the "vestal bitches" whose great joy was in watching lions eat babies -------to the inquisition whores of the AUTO DE FE who threw the babies into the flames-----but that's ok ------YOU ARE ALL "VIRGINS"

POOR little penny------she quotes ISAIAH who lived between 700 and 800 BCE to explain that JEWS GOT MONOTHEISM from zoroastrians whom they had not encountered until about 500 BCE-----poor little penny-----TIME LINES CONFUSE HER ---------I used to wonder if she passed high school plane geometry----now I wonder if she passed fourth grade arithmetic.

for the record----the poetry of ISAIAH is sublime------done in the 700's BC-----
when Zoroastrianism was in its formative years-----far far away. Many Christian
theologians are VERY TAKEN WITH IT-------I used to like it so much that I memorized a whole page of it in Hebrew------long long ago----in my youth------
uhm...... I memorized lots of poems-----and stuff------but now I am not sure
I could get thru the GETTYSBURG ADDRESS

here is the most famous line >>>> saying it backwards---Lo ysah goy el goy cherev----v lo yelmadu od milchamah -----Nation shall not lift sword against
nation and they will no longer learn the ways of war.

Nothing was put to pen till after the exile.

what exile?
And now the radical muslims will kill him.

what "radical muslims"?-----the GOVERNMENT will get him----find a way to imprison
him. I wonder what would have happned if he carried the Israeli flag too? -----
no doubt Israel was barred from the competition too. I think Dani is TRYING tell us how NICE is Iran----it ain't
One must let go of ancient disputes to view an act of solidarity from a brave individual..
The Iranians I knew in the 1970's were hiding from the Shah..he was no funny guy, he was deadly best a despot can...
the ones i knew in the 70's had to stay here because the new guy.....who was no funny guy, he was deadly best a religious despot can.
And now the radical muslims will kill him.

what "radical muslims"?-----the GOVERNMENT will get him----find a way to imprison
him. I wonder what would have happned if he carried the Israeli flag too? -----
no doubt Israel was barred from the competition too. I think Dani is TRYING tell us how NICE is Iran----it ain't
One must let go of ancient disputes to view an act of solidarity from a brave individual..
The Iranians I knew in the 1970's were hiding from the Shah..he was no funny guy, he was deadly best a despot can...
That's right. And the new regime is so much nicer.
What you can't see in the photo is the cigarette lighter he's holding and is about to ignite to burn that flag.
And now the radical muslims will kill him.

what "radical muslims"?-----the GOVERNMENT will get him----find a way to imprison
him. I wonder what would have happned if he carried the Israeli flag too? -----
no doubt Israel was barred from the competition too. I think Dani is TRYING tell us how NICE is Iran----it ain't
One must let go of ancient disputes to view an act of solidarity from a brave individual..
The Iranians I knew in the 1970's were hiding from the Shah..he was no funny guy, he was deadly best a despot can...
the ones i knew in the 70's had to stay here because the new guy.....who was no funny guy, he was deadly best a religious despot can.

I never met an Iranian HIDING FROM THE SHAH---but ----I do know that his SAVAK (something like secret police KGB types---WERE brutal) did go after
people-----I just never met even ONE Iranian out of scores in the 60s or 70s
who WERE in that position-----I did know one who----EARLY on did support Khomeini-----but he gave that up after a few years

Happened in Iran. An Iranian runner as a gesture of friendship takes the US Flag to the finish line, because Americans weren't allowed to participate in the marathon
Welcome to Evin Prison.

i dont think so.because of social media.
alan dige taraf maroof shode to shabakehaye ejtemaeei.nemitoonand dige dastgiresh konand.arzesh nadare
You mean they're going to let him get away with waving the flag of the great Satan imperialist America?! acceptable?

Yanni choub to konesh nemikonan? Fekr nemikonam, een heyvounayeh regime dastgiresh mikonon ke be bagyeh dars adab yad bedan, azin goha nakhoran.
No Iran has not been arming Hezbollah in Lebanon, as Benyahu shoots them when they see them in Syria.

Also what is the problem, if I were Lebanon I'd want to be armed well living next to Israel as Israel salivates over Lebanon land. Also why does the US send weapons to Israel and SA.

Oh I forget , only Israel can have allies.

King Cyrus was a Persian savior anointed by Yahweh. They leaned about good and evil, angels, the afterlife, and some believe monotheism, which they didn't have before the exile. You even have the two Genesis stories.

who is YAHWEH? "some believe" what?---------actually Zoroastrianism
is not quite MONOTHEISTIC------it is DUALIST----which was the major
subject of conflict over theology between Jews in Persia and---Zoroastrians----
HISTORICALLY. By the time of Cyrus----between 500 and 600 BCE----Judaism was a well established religion---in fact the BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY of the jews and the DEVELOPEMENT OF DIASPORA JUDAISM preceded Cyrus. Diaspora Judaism is a watershed type situation in jewish history because it
transformed the religion to one NOT FIXED by national boundaries but into
a religion TRANSPORTABLE------by that time Judaism DEVELOPED
into RABBINIC JUDAISM-----in that the leaders were the "scholars"---rather
CENTRAL TEMPLE. Poor penny has problems with things like TIME-LINES

No you were polytheistic before the exile. You believed in other Gods but Yaweth was the strongest. What happened with the exile is the Judeans found out that they didn't need the temple to serve their god, nor that their god was territorial, but also was there in Babylon with them. That helped make them monotheistic as you know when Ezra returned they had went into the pagan (not bad meaning) ways again, and married Canaanites and worshipped idols. Also some believe that Zoroastrian also influence their monotheism, although yes , it was dualism with and so Isa wrote this :

Isaiah 45:7Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
7 I form light, I create darkness;
I make well-being, I create woe;
I, Adonai, do all these things.

Most likely that is why Christians think of the devil, Satan and God, and probably why you have a serpent in one of the stories of Genesis. The Sadducees didn't believe in an afterlife or angels , they followed the law of Moses, whereas the Pharisees began to interpret how the Mosaic laws should be carried out, and they didn't see things in black and white, but different levels of spirituality, Rabbis. Judaism before the exile was a tribal polytheistic relgion based and depended on the temple in Jerusalem.
Muslims treat those they disagree with so well... Dumbass

Better than Israel and the IDF. Dumbass!

Things are quite the opposite in your alternate Islamic universe, aren't they? :cuckoo:
No Iran has not been arming Hezbollah in Lebanon, as Benyahu shoots them when they see them in Syria.

Also what is the problem, if I were Lebanon I'd want to be armed well living next to Israel as Israel salivates over Lebanon land. Also why does the US send weapons to Israel and SA.

Oh I forget , only Israel can have allies.

King Cyrus was a Persian savior anointed by Yahweh. They leaned about good and evil, angels, the afterlife, and some believe monotheism, which they didn't have before the exile. You even have the two Genesis stories.

who is YAHWEH? "some believe" what?---------actually Zoroastrianism
is not quite MONOTHEISTIC------it is DUALIST----which was the major
subject of conflict over theology between Jews in Persia and---Zoroastrians----
HISTORICALLY. By the time of Cyrus----between 500 and 600 BCE----Judaism was a well established religion---in fact the BABYLONIAN CAPTIVITY of the jews and the DEVELOPEMENT OF DIASPORA JUDAISM preceded Cyrus. Diaspora Judaism is a watershed type situation in jewish history because it
transformed the religion to one NOT FIXED by national boundaries but into
a religion TRANSPORTABLE------by that time Judaism DEVELOPED
into RABBINIC JUDAISM-----in that the leaders were the "scholars"---rather
CENTRAL TEMPLE. Poor penny has problems with things like TIME-LINES

No you were polytheistic before the exile. You believed in other Gods but Yaweth was the strongest. What happened with the exile is the Judeans found out that they didn't need the temple to serve their god, nor that their god was territorial, but also was there in Babylon with them. That helped make them monotheistic as you know when Ezra returned they had went into the pagan (not bad meaning) ways again, and married Canaanites and worshipped idols. Also some believe that Zoroastrian also influence their monotheism, although yes , it was dualism with and so Isa wrote this :

Isaiah 45:7Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
7 I form light, I create darkness;
I make well-being, I create woe;
I, Adonai, do all these things.

Most likely that is why Christians think of the devil, Satan and God, and probably why you have a serpent in one of the stories of Genesis. The Sadducees didn't believe in an afterlife or angels , they followed the law of Moses, whereas the Pharisees began to interpret how the Mosaic laws should be carried out, and they didn't see things in black and white, but different levels of spirituality, Rabbis. Judaism before the exile was a tribal polytheistic relgion based and depended on the temple in Jerusalem.
Muslims treat those they disagree with so well... Dumbass

Better than Israel and the IDF. Dumbass!

Things are quite the opposite in your alternate Islamic universe, aren't they? :cuckoo:

remember BIZARRO land-----the place where superman landed now and then? ---------there was a resident-----PENNIEPOOPIE
Look! Up there! It's Muslim Man! Able to blow up a speeding locomotive and bring down tall buildings! It's Muslim man!
And now the radical muslims will kill him.

what "radical muslims"?-----the GOVERNMENT will get him----find a way to imprison
him. I wonder what would have happned if he carried the Israeli flag too? -----
no doubt Israel was barred from the competition too. I think Dani is TRYING tell us how NICE is Iran----it ain't

The government is made up of radical Muslims.

The younger generations in Iran like the US. This guy has some guts to do that no doubt.

The same with the conservatives in the US the change will come when the older generation moves on. The younger generations all over the world do not gravitate to war or the anger that spawns it.

They love America? That must be why they have death to America rallies every other week.

The younger generations in Iran like the US. This guy has some guts to do that no doubt.

The same with the conservatives in the US the change will come when the older generation moves on. The younger generations all over the world do not gravitate to war or the anger that spawns it.

They love America? That must be why they have death to America rallies every other week.

A learning moment for you. Show where anyone said 'they love America'.

You jump from a normal conversation about a single positive incident to your right wing exploding brain meme.

The younger generations in Iran like the US. This guy has some guts to do that no doubt.

The same with the conservatives in the US the change will come when the older generation moves on. The younger generations all over the world do not gravitate to war or the anger that spawns it.

They love America? That must be why they have death to America rallies every other week.

A learning moment for you. Show where anyone said 'they love America'.

You jump from a normal conversation about a single positive incident to your right wing exploding brain meme.

You said like. Even people who like America aren't going to be holding death to America rallies every other

The younger generations in Iran like the US. This guy has some guts to do that no doubt.

The same with the conservatives in the US the change will come when the older generation moves on. The younger generations all over the world do not gravitate to war or the anger that spawns it.

They love America? That must be why they have death to America rallies every other week.

A learning moment for you. Show where anyone said 'they love America'.

You jump from a normal conversation about a single positive incident to your right wing exploding brain meme.

You said like. Even people who like America aren't going to be holding death to America rallies every other

Dopey, this thread is about one person carrying an American flag in respect.

It isn't about your dark inner hatred of 'others'. To you it is, but only to you.

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