Iranians Yearn For Freedom


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Iranians Yearn For Freedom
Aug 03, 2018 · Iran’s Islamic Revolution of 1979 was a religious coup that occurred without the will or consent of the people. While a majority of the country’s population is Muslim by faith, Iranians have always been progressive and leaning towards liberty, and their religion in no way incites them towards a theocratic society.

It will not be good when the Imams Fall. Iranians "yearn" to throw out the current batch of murderous thieves. For any revolt to succeed in Iran, the military must side with the people. Then the Ayatollah and his followers will removed permanently.
Obama could have helped during the revolt in 2012. Perhaps Neda's murder will not have gone in vain.
The people of Iran recognize that Trump is not like the weakling Obama.....Trump will stand by them in their efforts to expel the Iran....
Iranians Yearn For Freedom
Aug 03, 2018 · Iran’s Islamic Revolution of 1979 was a religious coup that occurred without the will or consent of the people. While a majority of the country’s population is Muslim by faith, Iranians have always been progressive and leaning towards liberty, and their religion in no way incites them towards a theocratic society.

It will not be good when the Imams Fall. Iranians "yearn" to throw out the current batch of murderous thieves. For any revolt to succeed in Iran, the military must side with the people. Then the Ayatollah and his followers will removed permanently.
Obama could have helped during the revolt in 2012. Perhaps Neda's murder will not have gone in vain.

In every system there will be people who yearn for something else.

I do notice that this is about Iran and not Saudi Arabia. Why is it always about Iraq?

Could it be that the press is working in conjunction with the government?

So, this is biased news.
That's a mistake on their part. As soon as they get it the CIA will engineer another coup to take it away, like last time.
The 'West' has every reason to be on good terms with the people and culture of Iran. Conflict with it benefits very few. Our responsibility in contributing to the situation there needs to be confronted and a new approach, directly to the Iranian people, needs to be taken.
Politically? Saudis haven't been overthrown by a direct CIA engineered coup.
The people of Iran wish that America would quit doing Israel's bidding and just leave them alone. ... :cool:
In the way that Iran is bad and evil and Saudi Arabia is nice and good.
Ah. The Persians are more civilised.

Well, maybe not. They're not necessarily better than the Saudis, but not worse.

So why are the Iranians vilified at every opportunity but not the Saudis?

The maj of Iranians are Shia and Saudi Arabia is Sunni, and Sunnis are 85 to 90 % Muslims.

The MEK did the 79 revolution and now its headed by a female and Bolton and Giuliano both have spoken at their conventions. The Mek was taken off of the terrorists list in about 2014 and now they want to do a coup and our government is obliging them.

Iranians are more progressive. Saudi Arabia and Israel fight Iran due to jealousy and they helped Hezbollah get started and even supply them weapons. Everyone needs a ally, even Iran.
In the way that Iran is bad and evil and Saudi Arabia is nice and good.
Ah. The Persians are more civilised.

Well, maybe not. They're not necessarily better than the Saudis, but not worse.

So why are the Iranians vilified at every opportunity but not the Saudis?

The maj of Iranians are Shia and Saudi Arabia is Sunni, and Sunnis are 85 to 90 % Muslims.

The MEK did the 79 revolution and now its headed by a female and Bolton and Giuliano both have spoken at their conventions. The Mek was taken off of the terrorists list in about 2014 and now they want to do a coup and our government is obliging them.

Iranians are more progressive. Saudi Arabia and Israel fight Iran due to jealousy and they helped Hezbollah get started and even supply them weapons. Everyone needs a ally, even Iran.

And Shia and Sunni don't make much difference at all. But this is exactly why one is vilified and the other not. Because the Saudis are different, they hate the Iranians, and so fight them, and want the Americans to fight them too. So they shut up about Israel to get the Americans on their side.

Then the media acts like it's all different, but it's not.
Iranians Yearn For Freedom

The freedom to come to America and get a reality TV show.

And Shia and Sunni don't make much difference at all. But this is exactly why one is vilified and the other not. Because the Saudis are different, they hate the Iranians, and so fight them, and want the Americans to fight them too. So they shut up about Israel to get the Americans on their side.

Then the media acts like it's all different, but it's not.
I get the impression you do not believe the Saudi, Israel, US axis is of long standing.
a little warning for the isolates. In reference to the
SHIITE/SUNNI divide----the current islamo Nazi
party line is-----SUCH A DIVIDE DOES NOT EXIST---

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