Ummm... the $434B figure is from a different year than the $728B figure, so they are not the same.
Again, all I ask is provide the direct links to what your talking about. You claim to have provided them, and I've gone back through your posts looking for them, but alas... what I've seen does not say what you say it says!
Make a point and then provide a reference (i.e. a link) to the information which you claim substantiates it. Simple as that.
So far all you've done is post links to the top of long articles and claim they say things they do not!
I agree the Federal government is spending itself (or more appropriately our children) into bankruptcy - but I disagree as to the cause. I have shown, using both your references and others, that in fact there is as much "social spending" to benefit the rich in this country as there is to benefit the poor, though often it's packaged differently (bank bailouts, defense contracts for things like the BFV, subsidization of ADM in the form of bio-diesel, etc...), and of course the War (which is as much about redistributing wealth as anything else).
Come on man, re-post those "links" you claim prove your arguments, and this time show where in the reference it says what you say it does!