Irina Gaydukova clearly shows that Germany is run by good-for-nothing idiots.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The ukrainian lady is #2 on the Green Party's list to run for Bundestag. It was a coincidence somebody asked her some simple questions which could be answered by an school boy.
But, she couldn't!
The case of the lady shows puppets who run not only Germany, but any western country.
Their puppeteers behind don't need brainy or well educated persons, they need puppets who can babble only.
Just imagine how many such 'politicians' gonna undetected and sit in parliaments.
The entirely 'democracy' is a lie and shall be replaced by another, more better system.
At least a Free Republic at best Theocracy

Saarbrücken – This video made Irina Gaydukova (52) really well known. The native of Ukraine is completely surprisingly in second place on the state list of the Saar Greens for the federal election. But their appearance at the party congress chaos causes a lot of mockery and ridicule on social media.
The recording, which shows the treasurer of the local association Saarbrücken-Mitte at the lectern, is cheerfully shared on the Internet and sometimes annoyed with comments.


After the majority of the Greens ditched their chairwoman Tina Schöpfer (45) and voted Hubert Ulrich (63) the top candidate almost like a stroke of a hand (BILD reported), Gaydukova was proposed for second place on the list. She originally competed for 3rd place.

I would say you and Donald Trump are much more stupid than this lady. You are both professional liars - she is not. And besides that this lady was able to speak German - what shows on its own a weak mind - she has my full sympathy. I guess she just simple found out that her political problems are not the problems which are in the center of the interest of the public discussion in Germany.

God bless her.
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By the way: I said here "weak mind" instead of "awake mind" - so the idiot is me and not this lady.

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By the way: I said here "weak mind" instead of "awake mind" - so the idiot is me and not this lady.


Can you name only one MP of the united commies CSU-CDU-FDP-SPD-Greens-Lesfts who is:

1. An graduated specialist in his area.
2. Non official, tax adviser or teacher
3. Without additional 'jobs'
4. Non corrupt
5. True Christian
6. Non perverse, psycho, liar, satanist, freemason or criminal.
7. Non-divorced, having good family and children


There is no one!
German political system allows the last trash and dirt become MP.
BTW Germany is the only country in the world where corruption of politicians isn't punished by law.
MPs of Bundestag made millions through Covid-1984 Scamdemic, no one is in prison.
Even Nigeria or Somalia persecute corruption better as the failed state Merkel DDR 2.0

Legalized corruption for German politicians

In my June 2020 article on Amthor, I explained that in the German Criminal Code (StGB), the following sections apply to ordinary mortals in cases of corruption: 331 (taking advantage), 332 (bribery), 333 (granting advantage), 334 (bribery), and 335 (particularly serious cases). However, Section 108e of the German Criminal Code (StGB) applies to members of parliament (Bestechlichkeit und Bestechung von Mandatsträgern). Section 108e StGB reads:

"(1) Whoever, as a member of a federal or state parliament, demands, allows himself to be promised or accepts an unjustified advantage for himself or a third party in return for performing or refraining from performing an act on behalf of or in accordance with instructions in the exercise of his mandate, shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine.
(2) Likewise, anyone who offers, promises or grants a member of a federal or state parliament an unjustified advantage for that member or a third party in return for performing or refraining from performing an act on behalf of or in accordance with instructions in the exercise of his or her mandate shall be punished."

The magic words are "undue advantage" and the question is what is justified and what is unjustified. That is regulated in the guidelines of the parliaments or in the law on deputies. And there it says that deputies are allowed to have supplementary income, that is, to accept money, if they just report it according to the guidelines of the parliament. This means that the benefit, i.e. the acceptance of (bribe) money, is permitted. Of course, the accepted bribe money must then still be taxed, otherwise there is the threat of being charged with tax evasion. But accepting bribes is perfectly legal for members of parliament in Germany.

Germany has banned the Communist Party of Germany (DKP) from running in elections.
The Federal Election Committee of the Bundestag, which has members of the far-right AfD ruled that the DKP could not field candidates anywhere in the country.
Last time that happen in 1933, the nazis banned the KPD
Germany has banned the Communist Party of Germany (DKP) from running in elections.
The Federal Election Committee of the Bundestag, which has members of the far-right AfD ruled that the DKP could not field candidates anywhere in the country.
Last time that happen in 1933, the nazis banned the KPD


where is the difference between DKP and united commies of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts?
Can you name only one?

By the way, in comparison to the U.S. political parties so-called AFD is more left as even DNC.
Merkel propaganda politburo smears and condemns AFD as the only party which isn't far left like another ones.
Even dems in CA and NYC are more right as coward and weak AFD in DDR 2.0
I would say you and Donald Trump are much more stupid than this lady. You are both professional liars - she is not. And besides that this lady was able to speak German - what shows on its own a weak mind - she has my full sympathy. I guess she just simple found out that her political problems are not the problems which are in the center of the interest of the public discussion in Germany.

God bless her.

Can you name one German MS 'politician' which isn't

1. Good-for-nothing
2. Corrupt
3. Insane or psycho
4.Freemason or satanist
5 Coward
6 Liar
7. Divorced many times
8 just a fair and honest person

There is no one because the political 'system' of DDR 2.0 is a communist shit!
Running as a "Green" virtually guarantees that the individual in question is dumber than a bag of hammers.

There is no run of parties like in another more free countries, for especially like in USA
The winner in DDR 2.0 isn't one who has more support of voters, but those who count voices
I would say you and Donald Trump are much more stupid than this lady. You are both professional liars - she is not. And besides that this lady was able to speak German - what shows on its own a weak mind - she has my full sympathy. I guess she just simple found out that her political problems are not the problems which are in the center of the interest of the public discussion in Germany.

God bless her.

Can you name one German MS 'politician' which isn't

1. Good-for-nothing
2. Corrupt
3. Insane or psycho
4.Freemason or satanist
5 Coward
6 Liar
7. Divorced many times
8 just a fair and honest person

Schäuble for example.

There is no one because the political 'system' of DDR 2.0 is a communist shit!

If fear if a gallon air will fall on your head, then you will suffer a basal skull fracture, because of the deepest possible vacuum on earth in your head.
I would say you and Donald Trump are much more stupid than this lady. You are both professional liars - she is not. And besides that this lady was able to speak German - what shows on its own a weak mind - she has my full sympathy. I guess she just simple found out that her political problems are not the problems which are in the center of the interest of the public discussion in Germany.

God bless her.

Can you name one German MS 'politician' which isn't

1. Good-for-nothing
2. Corrupt
3. Insane or psycho
4.Freemason or satanist
5 Coward
6 Liar
7. Divorced many times
8 just a fair and honest person

Schäuble for example.

There is no one because the political 'system' of DDR 2.0 is a communist shit!

If fear if a gallon air will fall on your head, then you will suffer a basal skull fracture, because of the deepest possible vacuum on earth in your head.


except AFD there is no one among united commies of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts. Wolfgang Schauble had received a black cash donation of 100,000 DEM from the dubious arms dealer Karl-Heinz Schreiber in 1994. In another case, for years, he has remained silent on the affair of a company that is 100 percent owned by the federal government and therefore 100 percent his responsibility: the Bundesdruckerei in Berlin.
I would say you and Donald Trump are much more stupid than this lady. You are both professional liars - she is not. And besides that this lady was able to speak German - what shows on its own a weak mind - she has my full sympathy. I guess she just simple found out that her political problems are not the problems which are in the center of the interest of the public discussion in Germany.

God bless her.

Can you name one German MS 'politician' which isn't

1. Good-for-nothing
2. Corrupt
3. Insane or psycho
4.Freemason or satanist
5 Coward
6 Liar
7. Divorced many times
8 just a fair and honest person

Schäuble for example.

There is no one because the political 'system' of DDR 2.0 is a communist shit!

If fear if a gallon air will fall on your head, then you will suffer a basal skull fracture, because of the deepest possible vacuum on earth in your head.


except AFD there is no one among united commies of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts. Wolfgang Schauble had received a black cash donation of 100,000 DEM from the dubious arms dealer Karl-Heinz Schreiber in 1994. In another case, for years, he has remained silent on the affair of a company that is 100 percent owned by the federal government and therefore 100 percent his responsibility: the Bundesdruckerei in Berlin.

I'm impressed about the "moral" of supporters of Nazis like you.
I would say you and Donald Trump are much more stupid than this lady. You are both professional liars - she is not. And besides that this lady was able to speak German - what shows on its own a weak mind - she has my full sympathy. I guess she just simple found out that her political problems are not the problems which are in the center of the interest of the public discussion in Germany.

God bless her.

Can you name one German MS 'politician' which isn't

1. Good-for-nothing
2. Corrupt
3. Insane or psycho
4.Freemason or satanist
5 Coward
6 Liar
7. Divorced many times
8 just a fair and honest person

Schäuble for example.

There is no one because the political 'system' of DDR 2.0 is a communist shit!

If fear if a gallon air will fall on your head, then you will suffer a basal skull fracture, because of the deepest possible vacuum on earth in your head.


except AFD there is no one among united commies of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts. Wolfgang Schauble had received a black cash donation of 100,000 DEM from the dubious arms dealer Karl-Heinz Schreiber in 1994. In another case, for years, he has remained silent on the affair of a company that is 100 percent owned by the federal government and therefore 100 percent his responsibility: the Bundesdruckerei in Berlin.

I'm impressed about the "moral" of supporters of Nazis like you.

I'm Bible reading church going born again conservative Freedom-seeker and Trump voter.
I don't like anything left including communism, socialism, democracy etc.
My ideal is a Free Republic, almost no state, no tax, no regulations, no big governement, no carrier politicians.
The only politician I really like is Ron Paul, the only political movement I belong to is Fundamentalist Christianity.
Why I'm a Nazi?
Because I like Freedom and despise marxism-communism-socialism-democracy-satanism-freemasonry & Co



I would say you and Donald Trump are much more stupid than this lady. You are both professional liars - she is not. And besides that this lady was able to speak German - what shows on its own a weak mind - she has my full sympathy. I guess she just simple found out that her political problems are not the problems which are in the center of the interest of the public discussion in Germany.

God bless her.

Can you name one German MS 'politician' which isn't

1. Good-for-nothing
2. Corrupt
3. Insane or psycho
4.Freemason or satanist
5 Coward
6 Liar
7. Divorced many times
8 just a fair and honest person

Schäuble for example.

There is no one because the political 'system' of DDR 2.0 is a communist shit!

If fear if a gallon air will fall on your head, then you will suffer a basal skull fracture, because of the deepest possible vacuum on earth in your head.


except AFD there is no one among united commies of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts. Wolfgang Schauble had received a black cash donation of 100,000 DEM from the dubious arms dealer Karl-Heinz Schreiber in 1994. In another case, for years, he has remained silent on the affair of a company that is 100 percent owned by the federal government and therefore 100 percent his responsibility: the Bundesdruckerei in Berlin.

I'm impressed about the "moral" of supporters of Nazis like you.

I'm Bible reading church going born again conservative Freedom-seeker and Trump voter.
I don't like anything left including communism, socialism, democracy etc.
My ideal is a Free Republic, almost no state, no tax, no regulations, no big governement, no carrier politicians.
The only politician I really like is Ron Paul, the only political movement I belong to is Fundamentalist Christianity.
Why I'm a Nazi?
Because I like Freedom and despise marxism-communism-socialism-democracy-satanism-freemasonry & Co

View attachment 511906



Baron: You have absolutelly nothing to do with Christians!
Last edited:
I would say you and Donald Trump are much more stupid than this lady. You are both professional liars - she is not. And besides that this lady was able to speak German - what shows on its own a weak mind - she has my full sympathy. I guess she just simple found out that her political problems are not the problems which are in the center of the interest of the public discussion in Germany.

God bless her.

Can you name one German MS 'politician' which isn't

1. Good-for-nothing
2. Corrupt
3. Insane or psycho
4.Freemason or satanist
5 Coward
6 Liar
7. Divorced many times
8 just a fair and honest person

Schäuble for example.

There is no one because the political 'system' of DDR 2.0 is a communist shit!

If fear if a gallon air will fall on your head, then you will suffer a basal skull fracture, because of the deepest possible vacuum on earth in your head.


except AFD there is no one among united commies of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts. Wolfgang Schauble had received a black cash donation of 100,000 DEM from the dubious arms dealer Karl-Heinz Schreiber in 1994. In another case, for years, he has remained silent on the affair of a company that is 100 percent owned by the federal government and therefore 100 percent his responsibility: the Bundesdruckerei in Berlin.

I'm impressed about the "moral" of supporters of Nazis like you.

I'm Bible reading church going born again conservative Freedom-seeker and Trump voter.
I don't like anything left including communism, socialism, democracy etc.
My ideal is a Free Republic, almost no state, no tax, no regulations, no big governement, no carrier politicians.
The only politician I really like is Ron Paul, the only political movement I belong to is Fundamentalist Christianity.
Why I'm a Nazi?
Because I like Freedom and despise marxism-communism-socialism-democracy-satanism-freemasonry & Co

View attachment 511906



Baron: You have absolutelly nothing to do with Christians!

And you with Freedom!
You hate free peoples, you want to enslave and to kill them in the name of your satanic communist utopia.
Your Fuhrers are Satan and Merkel, who demand from you to lie to gullible morons.
Where will you hide yourself when inoculated cretins will start to die?
I doubt Merkel will invite your to her bunker.
I suppose anyone around you knows you're a Merkel disciple and you will pay personally for all wrongdoings of your goddess Merkel and her united commies of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts.
In few years Germany ceases out to exist because those who got the jab of Merkel & Gates dies.
Where do you expect cops or army coming from?
No one will protect you.
I would say you and Donald Trump are much more stupid than this lady. You are both professional liars - she is not. And besides that this lady was able to speak German - what shows on its own a weak mind - she has my full sympathy. I guess she just simple found out that her political problems are not the problems which are in the center of the interest of the public discussion in Germany.

God bless her.

Can you name one German MS 'politician' which isn't

1. Good-for-nothing
2. Corrupt
3. Insane or psycho
4.Freemason or satanist
5 Coward
6 Liar
7. Divorced many times
8 just a fair and honest person

Schäuble for example.

There is no one because the political 'system' of DDR 2.0 is a communist shit!

If fear if a gallon air will fall on your head, then you will suffer a basal skull fracture, because of the deepest possible vacuum on earth in your head.


except AFD there is no one among united commies of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts. Wolfgang Schauble had received a black cash donation of 100,000 DEM from the dubious arms dealer Karl-Heinz Schreiber in 1994. In another case, for years, he has remained silent on the affair of a company that is 100 percent owned by the federal government and therefore 100 percent his responsibility: the Bundesdruckerei in Berlin.

I'm impressed about the "moral" of supporters of Nazis like you.

I'm Bible reading church going born again conservative Freedom-seeker and Trump voter.
I don't like anything left including communism, socialism, democracy etc.
My ideal is a Free Republic, almost no state, no tax, no regulations, no big governement, no carrier politicians.
The only politician I really like is Ron Paul, the only political movement I belong to is Fundamentalist Christianity.
Why I'm a Nazi?
Because I like Freedom and despise marxism-communism-socialism-democracy-satanism-freemasonry & Co

View attachment 511906



Baron: You have absolutelly nothing to do with Christians!

And you with Freedom!
You hate free peoples, you want to enslave and to kill them in the name of your satanic communist utopia.
Your Fuhrers are Satan and Merkel, who demand from you to lie to gullible morons.
Where will you hide yourself when inoculated cretins will start to die?
I doubt Merkel will invite your to her bunker.
I suppose anyone around you knows you're a Merkel disciple and you will pay personally for all wrongdoings of your goddess Merkel and her united commies of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts.
In few years Germany ceases out to exist because those who got the jab of Merkel & Gates dies.
Where do you expect cops or army coming from?
No one will protect you.

You are an extremist. who knows less than nothing about German.y It's nothing else than an absurde iditoc nosnes - desinforjaiopns - what you say abot Germany. The CDU/CSU are cons4everative Christian parties. The FDP is a liberal party - what means in Germany they are an capitalistic and atheistic political party.The see freedom onylin in sense of merkanuism. The SPD - stzhe socisl doacxtrarts of Germany - is the eldest German polotcal party - and is far from the authroitiuains strucitos of Commies. And the Greens are the most modern political party of Germany. IN Fierer tiems very progressive - but meanhwile also with. Main position: ecology. This all are parties who are respect the free dand emlonctaruic order of the federal repulic of Germany.

You support with your political nonsense the political extremist party AfD, which is under control of Nazis. So you are either a useful idiot of Nazis or a Nazi on your own. For sure you are an enemy of Germany - and you make it impossible to speak about Europe here in "Forums - Global Discussion - Europe". This forum here could also be called - "Forums - Global Discussion - Eridani IV" .
Last edited:
I would say you and Donald Trump are much more stupid than this lady. You are both professional liars - she is not. And besides that this lady was able to speak German - what shows on its own a weak mind - she has my full sympathy. I guess she just simple found out that her political problems are not the problems which are in the center of the interest of the public discussion in Germany.

God bless her.

Can you name one German MS 'politician' which isn't

1. Good-for-nothing
2. Corrupt
3. Insane or psycho
4.Freemason or satanist
5 Coward
6 Liar
7. Divorced many times
8 just a fair and honest person

Schäuble for example.

There is no one because the political 'system' of DDR 2.0 is a communist shit!

If fear if a gallon air will fall on your head, then you will suffer a basal skull fracture, because of the deepest possible vacuum on earth in your head.


except AFD there is no one among united commies of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts. Wolfgang Schauble had received a black cash donation of 100,000 DEM from the dubious arms dealer Karl-Heinz Schreiber in 1994. In another case, for years, he has remained silent on the affair of a company that is 100 percent owned by the federal government and therefore 100 percent his responsibility: the Bundesdruckerei in Berlin.

I'm impressed about the "moral" of supporters of Nazis like you.

I'm Bible reading church going born again conservative Freedom-seeker and Trump voter.
I don't like anything left including communism, socialism, democracy etc.
My ideal is a Free Republic, almost no state, no tax, no regulations, no big governement, no carrier politicians.
The only politician I really like is Ron Paul, the only political movement I belong to is Fundamentalist Christianity.
Why I'm a Nazi?
Because I like Freedom and despise marxism-communism-socialism-democracy-satanism-freemasonry & Co

View attachment 511906



Baron: You have absolutelly nothing to do with Christians!

And you with Freedom!
You hate free peoples, you want to enslave and to kill them in the name of your satanic communist utopia.
Your Fuhrers are Satan and Merkel, who demand from you to lie to gullible morons.
Where will you hide yourself when inoculated cretins will start to die?
I doubt Merkel will invite your to her bunker.
I suppose anyone around you knows you're a Merkel disciple and you will pay personally for all wrongdoings of your goddess Merkel and her united commies of CSUCDUFDPSPDGreensLefts.
In few years Germany ceases out to exist because those who got the jab of Merkel & Gates dies.
Where do you expect cops or army coming from?
No one will protect you.

You are an extremist. who knows less than nothing about German.y It's nothing else than an absurde iditoc nosnes - desinforjaiopns - what you say abot Germany. The CDU/CSU are cons4everative Christian parties. The FDP is a liberal party - what means in Germany they are an capitalistic and atheistic political party.The see freedom onylin in sense of merkanuism. The SPD - stzhe socisl doacxtrarts of Germany - is the eldest German polotcal party - and is far from the authroitiuains strucitos of Commies. And the Greens are the most modern political party of Germany. IN Fierer tiems very progressive - but meanhwile also with. Main position: ecology. This all are parties who are respect the free dand emlonctaruic order of the federal repulic of Germany.

You support with your political nonsense the political extremist party AfD, which is under control of Nazis. So you are either a useful idiot of Nazis or a Nazi on your own. For sure you are an enemy of Germany - and you make it impossible to speak about Europe here in "Forums - Global Discussion - Europe". This forum here could also be called - "Forums - Global Discussion - Eridani IV" .

You are an extremist. who knows less than nothing about German.y

- An extremist because I think for myself?

It's nothing else than an absurde iditoc nosnes - desinforjaiopns - what you say abot Germany.

- You're wrong

The CDU/CSU are cons4everative Christian parties.

-In this case I'm emperor of China

The FDP is a liberal party - what means in Germany they are an capitalistic and atheistic political party.

- A 'liberal' party which separates Germans in two parts and wants to install the 'vaccine' apartheid in the country. A funny joke, thanks

The see freedom onylin in sense of merkanuism. The SPD - stzhe socisl doacxtrarts of Germany - is the eldest German polotcal party - and is far from the authroitiuains strucitos of Commies.

Are you drunk?

And the Greens are the most modern political party of Germany. I

- Especially their female boss who's lying 24/7

N Fierer tiems very progressive - but meanhwile also with. Main position: ecology. This all are parties who are respect the free dand emlonctaruic order of the federal repulic of Germany.
- Sorry, but you shouldn't drink poor vodka

You support with your political nonsense the political extremist party AfD, which is under control of Nazis.

- Who is a 'Nazi' by AFD, just questioning?

So you are either a useful idiot of Nazis or a Nazi on your own.

- Am I a Nazi because I don't trust commies?

For sure you are an enemy of Germany - and you make it impossible to speak about Europe here in "Forums - Global Discussion - Europe". This forum here could also be called - "Forums - Global Discussion - Eridani IV" .

- I guess you would kill not only myself but anyone who isn't a far left. Like in Russia 1917-1924

- An extremist because I think for myself?

You write aggressive bullshit and nonsense which is extremely far away from the realities in Germany and what "to think" means for you seems to be top secret.

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