In by gone years on USMB how many times did the left tell us that illelgals would not be allowed to vote and in many instances hurled insults at us

about our intelligent levels. And despite our disbelief in their claims still assured how moronic we were

House Democrats are “Bringing Out the Big Guns” to Allow Illegal Aliens to Vote in 2024 Presidential Election​

This is why we need to first deport these traitors, then deport their Illegal base
The country is so gluttonous that we don't even care anymore. The exact reason biden allowed the invasion to occur was to allow them to vote. Just like ancient rome.

"Taxpayers are not only funding the border crisis, but they are also paying for numerous free services illegal foreign nationals receive, according to a new report published by the House Judiciary Committee and its Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement.

The committee blames the Biden administration in its new report, "Chauffeur at the Border, Concierge in the Interior: How the Biden Administration Rewards Illegal Aliens on the Taxpayers' Dime" for costs to U.S. taxpayers.

It also notes that Congress, including Republicans, voted to fund the programs it identified as wasting taxpayer money and facilitating the border crisis when Congress passed an omnibus appropriations bill in March that President Joe Biden signed into law."
in ancient Rome they could not vote either
about our intelligent levels. And despite our disbelief in their claims still assured how moronic we were

House Democrats are “Bringing Out the Big Guns” to Allow Illegal Aliens to Vote in 2024 Presidential Election​

The onus should be on the election officials vetting new registration it is election officials duty to vet all new applications for whether they are above the age of 18, not a felon or ex felon, not officially mentally impaired, living at the address in application, AND is a US Citizen, and is not already registered to vote etc....

Requiring this before an application to register to vote is even given out is ridiculous and shuts out all registration drives for getting citizen's to vote. (Who carries their certified birth certificate on them?). This is just another attempt of republicans trying to suppress the vote, and hurt their opponents who are good at organizing and putting feet on the ground, doing legwork...

The election officials should be the people vetting all applications for ALL that is required, age, address, not a felon, a citizen etc and so forth...

THAT is what the Congress should be making new election laws about....
Requiring this before an application to register to vote is even given out is ridiculous and shuts out all registration drives for getting citizen's to vote. ...


The election officials should be the people vetting all applications for ALL that is required, age, address, not a felon, a citizen etc and so forth...

THAT is what the Congress should be making new election laws about....

Our Constitution was written to PREVENT a tyranny of the majority, stupid leftard.

You assholes are begging for a civil war. Aintcha?
about our intelligent levels. And despite our disbelief in their claims still assured how moronic we were

House Democrats are “Bringing Out the Big Guns” to Allow Illegal Aliens to Vote in 2024 Presidential Election​

Of course this was always what the open borders are all about.

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